
Get Notified of New Comments through Boxcar and Wordpress

David Rauch has just released a plugin for Wordpress that uses the Boxcar API to send push notifications directly to your iOS device every time someone comments on your blog. And setting it up is really simple. Note: This is for self-hosted Wordpress blogs. To get started you need to download the plugin and extract the contents of the archive to wp-content/plugins. Then log into your Wordpress dashboard, activate the plugin and input your Boxcar details on the settings page.

If you haven't already, now's the time to install Boxcar. Now you need to enable the Growl/API option in Boxcar. This can be done in the app, or on the Boxcar website. Once you have enable the API, simply post a comment on one of your posts, and within a few seconds you should receive a notification informing you of a new comment.

Now, instead of emails, you get a simple push notification right to your phone. Also, don't forget to turn off email notifications under settings → discussion. Emailnotify.

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