Rain bounce demo for Nuke

April 25, 2022- Comment(s): 0

How to quickly created rain interaction within Nuke



December 23, 2021- Comment(s): 0

A tool for creating fake volumetric smoke in Nuke.


FadeLoop and QuickEdit

July 19, 2017- Comment(s): 0

Here are a couple of tools I made to allow basic editing within Nuke.



January 24, 2016- Comment(s): 2

A way to automatically blend a large number of frames, but using an operation other than just “over” – a way of combining a FrameBlend with a Merge.


CameraSmooth for Nuke

January 17, 2016- Comment(s): 5

A Nuke tool to smooth out wobble in camera moves.


Colour Smear for Nuke (UPDATE v2.0)

November 15, 2015- Comment(s): 17

Smear out the colour of your A plate to create better edges.


Auto Cleanplate for Nuke (update v1.1)

October 03, 2015- Comment(s): 3

Automatically clean foreground from background like the Mocha “Remove” tool.


Rebuilding bad frames using OFlow

April 14, 2015- Comment(s): 5

Tool for fixing arbitrary ‘bad’ frames by rebuilding them using OFlow in Nuke.


VFX ScreenFiller

April 14, 2015- Comment(s): 1

I crashed together this little app that should cover most screen insert needs on set. Greenscreen and bluescreen with various tracking markers, a checkerboard, Macbeth chart and simulated website.


Keyframe Reduction script for Nuke

February 02, 2015- Comment(s): 5

Python script that reduces the number of keyframes on a baked animation curve.


Fractal Blur For Nuke (updated 28/01/2015)

January 28, 2015- Comment(s): 12

Create more natural looking soft edge masks by applying fractal noise. Now wrapped up in a single, handy Nuke node.


Custom motion vector blur using trackers

July 06, 2014- Comment(s): 1

Using trackers to creating a motion vector pass, to add motion blur to stock footage.


Import “Mocha-AE” tracks to Nuke via Python

July 27, 2012- Comment(s): 4

My project to re-create my Mocha-AE import script in Python, so that it runs natively within Nuke.


(sl)Edge-hammer to reduce light wrap

June 03, 2012- Comment(s): 1

Clamp your edges where light wrap is causing a problem.


Convert “Mocha for AE” tracking data to Shake / Nuke nodes via PHP

February 19, 2012- Comment(s): 8

A PHP script that takes a “Mocha for AE” planar track and exports a Shake “Stabilize” node and Nuke “Tracker” node.