Do you make paper airplanes?
This is different from origami, it is the type that you assemble and fly.
You can find them at the back of the candy shop corner of the museum, so why don't you buy one and give them to your children, or why don't you and your parents assemble one and fly it together? ......
★営業時間 10時〜17時
休業日 元日
☆給食時間 11時〜15時
#飛騨高山レトロミュージアム #レトロミュージアム #飛騨高山 #岐阜県 #昭和レトロ #レトロ #エモい #給食 #旅行 #旅' #japantrip #travel #hidatakayama #retro#retrogaming #retrotoys