Learn to Code Retro Games with RetroGameCoders
Retro Game Coders is your home for learning retro game development, from retro game programming tutorials, analyzing classic retro code, through to retro programming for modern systems. If you are a game coder, have nostalgia for retro coding, or always wanted to be a retro game developer, this is the place for you!
C64 Text Adventure Game Programming Tutorial
In this C64 BASIC programming tutorial we look at writing a true text adventure for the Commodore 64 including rooms, objects and parser.
Interacting with and Scraping the Web Using C64 & WiFi
Get your C64 onto the web and do interesting stuff! In this tutorial we look at how your Commodore 64 can get and use information via HTTP
C64 BASIC Tutorial: Using String Manipulation to Write a Text Adventure
C64 BASIC String Manipulation Tutorial – Write a Commodore 64 Text Adventure!
Programming the C64 with Visual Studio Code
Program the Commodore 64 in BASIC, Assembly or C using Microsoft Visual Studio Code on Mac, Windows and Linux!
How to Setup Your Raspberry Pi 5, 4 or Pi400 with PiMiga Amiga Emulator + Games Bundle
PiMiga 4 – The ultimate Amiga emulation on the Pi. How to set up your Raspberry Pi 5, Pi4 or Pi400 with the “PiMiga” disk image …
Programming Neo6502 in C/C++ Using CC65
You can use CC65 to code games for the Neo6502 using C/C++! In this tutorial I show you how I converted my Dungeon crawler to the computer.