After you have seen Peer Gynt Sculpture Park, visit this restaurant. Most visitors of Umai sushi AS note that good sushi, tempura and fish are served here. At this place, you can order dishes as a takeout. The hospitable staff works hard, stays positive and makes this place great. People mention that the service is nice here. Prices at this spot claim to be democratic. From the guests' viewpoint, the atmosphere is pretty. Google users like this restaurant: it was granted 4.5 stars.
SundaySun | 1PM-9PM |
MondayMon | 1PM-9PM |
TuesdayTue | 1PM-9PM |
WednesdayWed | 1PM-9PM |
ThursdayThu | 1PM-9PM |
FridayFri | 1PM-9PM |
SaturdaySat | 1PM-9PM |