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Electro​-​Acoustic Dubcology I - IV

by Norman W. Long

  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $4 USD  or more


  • Full Digital Discography

    Get all 54 Reserve Matinee releases available on Bandcamp and save 80%.

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Little Funky Son, slosht mitigation, untitled flora, Moments After Hiroshima, Strawberry Mist, Long Suffering, Ink, Liminal Space, and 46 more. , and , .

    Purchasable with gift card

      $43 USD or more (80% OFF)


  • Limited Edition Cassette
    Cassette + Digital Album

    Pro-dubbed, pro-packaged c110 cassette with full-color j-card insert. Photos by Olubukola Yetunde.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Electro-Acoustic Dubcology I - IV via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out

I 41:10
II 24:00
III 23:48
IV 18:04



"Listen to a sound until you no longer recognize it."
-Pauline Oliveros

The legend of sound artist and field recordist Norman W. Long (b. 1973) existed long before the Reserve Matinee crew was even around. Born and raised in South Side Chicago, Norman has patiently and quietly built a reputation for himself in his inner circles over the past few decades, free of music scene rhetoric, displaying some of the most compelling and mind-shattering works in contemporary sound art today.

During the conception of Reserve Matinee, we stumbled upon Mr. Long's work on Soundcloud. A coffee meeting between Michael and Norman at MCA Chicago began the start of a deep friendship that has not only fueled the life of our label, but our own work as artists. We were appalled to find that despite this vast and deep collection of work, Norman had yet to see a physical release from a label.

'Electro-Acoustic Dubcology I- IV' composed between 2007 - 2012, is now packaged together in a limited cassette edition by Reserve Matinee. The title refers to a recording style made popular in Jamaica in the early 1970's called dub and ecology: German Ökologie : Greek oikos, house + German -logie, study (from Greek -logi?, -logy). 1. The science of the relationships between organisms and their environments. Also called bionomics. 2. The relationship between organisms and their environment. The recording and composition processes are a combination of acoustic- ecology, electro-acoustic and dub sound practice. These compositions are “versions” of his experiences in these spaces and communities.

Aleatoric symphonies as composed by Chicagoan ecology; for the end of the natural as we know it.


released September 2, 2018

Photography by Norman W. Long
Mastered by John Daniel

Thanks to:
Cornell's Electro-Acoustic Music Center, Hungryman Gallery, Experimental Sound Studio, Re-Invent Gallery, Kevin Ernste, Lou Mallozzi, Regin Igloria, Andrea Hammer, Jamie Vanucchi, Stacy Day, Robin Juan, Alex Inglizian, Mia Capodilupo, Angel Elmore, Reserve Matinee, 3Arts and everyone who has supported the work.


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Reserve Matinee Chicago, Illinois

est. 2018 in Uptown

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