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UI Policies
UI Policy on Ethics in Research
UI Policy on Anti-retaliation for Reporting of Misconduct in Research
University policy also provides that allegations of research misconduct may be made to the Vice President for Research or the Provost. The Associate Deans for Research in each of the Colleges are also helpful contacts.
Applicable federal/state law, regulations, agency guidance
Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct; Final Rule, 42 C.F.R. Parts 50 and 93
Proposed PHS Standards for the Protection of Research Misconduct Whistleblowers, 65 Fed. Reg. 70830
Federal Whistleblower Protection Act, 5 U.S.C. 1201
Training and Education
General educational programs covering research ethics can be found here.
Responsible conduct of research information is available here.
General Resources
The University of Iowa has a license for iThenticate, an anti-plagiarism tool that helps researchers proactively check their work for originality. Learn more here.
The PHS Office of Research Integrity maintains an excellent web site, which can be found here.
Mike Andrews, BS, MBA
Director, Research Integrity & Security
Research Integrity Officer (RIO)
Office of the Vice President for Research
2660 University Capitol Centre
[email protected]
Shelly Campo, PhD
Assistant Research Integrity Officer (ARIO)
Graduate College
201 Gilmore Hall
(319) 335-2136 – phone
[email protected]
Allegations of research misconduct are serious in nature and confidentiality for all parties involved must be and will be maintained.
Reports made be made to the individuals listed above, the Vice President for Research, or the Provost.