Research Projects With Open Source Impact

From unikernels to privacy-preserving AI to usable security, Red Hat Research projects help open source communities innovate.

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Research Days bring together researchers and technology providers to exchange ideas. The result: Research that is grounded in solving real industry problems.

Red Hat Research Quarterly

Insights into people and projects that bring universities, government organizations, and industry partners together to share outcomes with open source communities.

Mass Open Cloud (MOC): An open, distributed platform enabling AI/ML workloads

With the rising importance of AI, the Mass Open Cloud Alliance (MOC-A) provides Red Hat and our partners/collaborators a platform to improve open source AI products, increase mindshare for open source AI technologies, and form catalyzing partnerships around AI solutions and services.

Research Areas

Our engineers partner with researchers and students at universities worldwide to collaborate on research projects from AI to privacy to heterogenous hardware.

Featured articles

Power surge: the push for sustainability in high-performance computing and AI workloads


An interview with John Goodhue, the director of the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), who talks to Han Dong and Parul Singh, engineers working on open source projects related to energy efficiency.



Upcoming events

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Red Hat Research Quarterly

Every quarter, we detail the latest projects we are working on,  interview a leader in open source code and cutting edge research, and more.

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