Applying our values

Knowledge Sharing

IIEP shares knowledge, innovations, and best practices to sharpen the skills and expertise of educational planners and decision-makers at the national, regional, and global level.

As a knowledge generator and a facilitator of dialogue, IIEP contributes to evidence-informed policy-making. Global public goods are on offer –publications, web platforms offering access to tools, and thematic portals– to enrich public debate. Virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face events on issues relevant to the education agenda also promote policy dialogue and exchange between officials and researchers from across the globe. In addition, IIEP is a custodian of educational planning and management knowledge produced at the Institute and beyond, and hosts and curates this information in specialized databases and libraries.

IIEP’s knowledge sharing includes:

Communities of practice for peer-to-peer learning

Professional and academic networks

Curated information on seven thematic platforms

Tools available for planning practitioners

Open access publications in diverse formats