Verifications are a confirmation of student academic information such as enrollment status, dates of attendance, and degree conferred and directory information that is not restricted.
Official verifications are printed on security paper and include the University of Iowa seal along with our registrar’s signature.
Enrollment verifications are requested for a variety of reasons including loan deferment, health insurance, good student discount for auto insurance, international student IDs and employment. Most lenders require loan repayment to begin six months after a student's last date of enrollment. Verifications can be obtained in the following ways:
Through MyUI: Students can print their own verifications for:
- Enrollment status (loan deferment, scholarship renewal, insurance, etc.)(current and future only)
- Class schedule (current and future only)
- Semester GPA (good student discount for auto insurance)
- Grades/Tuition report (for reimbursement or any need for a particular semester grade report)
- Test scores
- Degree(s) earned
In person: Verification letters can also be obtained in person at the UI Service Center, 2700 UCC (University Capitol Centre).
National Student Clearinghouse: Both enrollment verifications and degree verifications can be obtained through the National Student Clearinghouse. Students can see what has been reported to the Clearinghouse through MyUI and link to them. Students can also print verifications from their system. Lenders and employers need to go directly to the Clearinghouse. The University of Iowa updates the Clearinghouse with the graduates file approximately one month after the end of each semester or session.
Most loan deferment is now done through the National Student Clearinghouse. The University of Iowa updates current semester enrollment with the Clearinghouse monthly. If you have a lender who does not participate in the National Student Clearinghouse, please contact us.
The information supplied to the Clearinghouse includes your anticipated date of graduation. It is very important to be certain your anticipated date of graduation reflects your current plans. If you have any type of financial aid, the University of Iowa routinely sends reports to guarantors of student loans informing the guarantor of the student's current enrollment status and the anticipated graduation date. A graduation date that is earlier than your actual graduation date may put you in a situation where you are expected to start repaying loans. For further information, please contact us.
Anticipated Date of Graduation
You need to input your anticipated graduation date when you first enroll at the University of Iowa in a degree or certificate seeking program. Since individual circumstances and plans vary, it is important for you to be certain your anticipated graduation date reflects your current plans. The University and any lending agency simply want to know your best estimate of when you plan to graduate.
There are several ways to check and update your anticipated graduation date:
-If you are a currently enrolled University of Iowa student, you can view and update your anticipated graduation date on MyUI. To do this, log on to MyUI using your ID and password. In the gold banner at the top of the page, click on "Student Information". "Graduation Date" can be found under the "Student Life Management" heading. If you need help with your password or logging on to MyUI, contact the ITS Help Desk at 319-384-HELP(4357).
-You can contact us to check this information and request that any necessary changes be made.
-You can also stop at the UI Service Center, 2700 University Capitol Centre (UCC) and verify this information and request that it be changed if necessary.
All changes to student records are made only by authorized University personnel or at the request of the student.