Pick your plans of Recoverit

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| Reliable 100% Secure
recoverit back to work 40% off

Annual Plan

Files Recovery & Repair for 2 PCs

Automatically renew. Cancel any time.
Hard Drives & Locations Recovery

Restore 1000+ file formats

Recover 2000+ devices

Recover disk image

Deep scan & file preview

SD Card Recovery

Recover from SD Card

Recover from USB Drive

Crashed Computer Recovery

Create bootable disk/USB

Recover from crashed PC

NAS and Linux Recovery

Recover from Linux PC

Recover from NAS Server

Recover from RAID corruption

Photo & Video Restore Exclusive

Enhanced photo/video recovery

Scan & merge video fragments

Repair corrupted videos

Perpetual Plan

Files Recovery & Repair for 2 PCs

One-time payment.
Hard Drives & Locations Recovery

Restore 1000+ file formats

Recover 2000+ devices

Recover disk image

Deep scan & file preview

SD Card Recovery

Recover from SD Card

Recover from USB Drive

Crashed Computer Recovery

Create bootable disk/USB

Recover from crashed PC

NAS and Linux Recovery

Recover from Linux PC

Recover from NAS Server

Recover from RAID corruption

Photo & Video Restore Exclusive

Enhanced photo/video recovery

Scan & merge video fragments

Repair corrupted videos


We value your privacy and protect your financial/personal info with advanced encryption and advanced fraud protection.

Support service

Knowledgeable representatives available to assist you through instant live chat and email response within 24 hours.

7-Day money back guarantee

If a solution to your problem can't be found, you'll be entitled to a refund.

See What Our Users Ask Frequently

  • Yes, of course, you can. Annual subscription allows you to use this product for 1 year and renew if you're satisfied. You will receive an email notification 7 days before the end of the subscription, which will include instructions to either renew for another year or cancel the subscription. Monthly subscription allows you to use this product for 1 month and renew if you're satisfied. You will receive an email notification 7 days before the end of the subscription, including instructions to either continue the monthly subscription or cancel the subscription.

  • The three plans refer to when you can use our product and enjoy premium functions without any limits.

    When you pick the perpetual plan, you can enjoy all excellent functions, as well as free minor updates and expert support in your lifetime. However, this plan does not include upgrades to future major versions of the software such as Recoverit 10 to Recoverit 11.

    When you opt for the Annual Plan, you have the permission of premium Recoverit in 1 year.

    When you opt for the Monthly Plan, you have the permission of premium Recoverit in 1 month.

  • Yes, you can recover your deleted data regardless of the time period as long as the original lost data has not been overwritten by new data.

  • The Recoverit Free version has all the features of the Recoverit Essential version, but the total size of the recoverable files is capped at 100MB (Windows Version). There is no limit for the Recoverit Pro version.

  • You can recover lost data even when the computer operating system crashed. Recover data when Windows/Mac OS X system cannot be launched even the computer won't startup. Wondershare Recoverit with WinPE Bootable Disk/Mac Bootable Media is designed for recovering data due to any bootable problems and operating system crash. The USB boot drive uses a USB storage device to boot or start a computer's operating system. It enables the computer hardware to use a USB storage stick to get all essential system booting information and files rather than the standard/native hard disk or the CD drive.

  • Step1: Create a WinPE bootable USB or CD/DVD.
    Step2: Connect the bootable media to your crashed computer.
    Step3: Set your computer to boot from USB or CD/DVD.
    Step4: Restart your computer after changing your computer boot sequence.
    Step5: Run Recoverit Data Recovery Standard/Advanced from WinPE bootable disk and recover your lost data.

All prices subject to applicable local taxes.
` ); } const USD_discount_country = [ "sg", // 新加坡 "sa", // 沙特阿拉伯 "ro", // 罗马尼亚 "pt", // 葡萄牙 "pr", // 波多黎各 "pl", // 波兰 "nz", // 新西兰 "no", // 挪威 "it", // 意大利 "il", // 以色列 "ie", // 爱尔兰 "hk", // 中国香港 "gr", // 希腊 "fr", // 法国 "es", // 西班牙 "de", // 德国 "us", // 美国 "cz", // 捷克共和国 "ca", // 加拿大 "at", // 奥地利 ]; function judgeUsaDiscount(country) { // 针对部分USD国家进行打折处理 if (USD_discount_country.includes(country)) { return $('[data-plan="month"]').find(".price").text("$47.99"); } // 获取价格渲染数据 const renderData = window.priceUtils.getRenderData(); if (!renderData || Object.keys(renderData).length === 0) { return; } // 检查是否支持本地化价格 const data = renderData[Object.keys(renderData)[0]]; const supportedCountries = Object.keys(data); // 如果不支持本地化价格且不在USD折扣国家列表中,更新购买链接 if (!supportedCountries.includes(country)) { const buyUrl = "https://store.wondershare.com/index.php?submod=checkout&method=index&currency=USD&language=en_us&sku_id=24226019&ver=v5&verify=9CF4C88B1595F122B0EF1EF7884D731F"; const $monthPlan = $('[data-plan="month"]'); $monthPlan.find(".buy-link").attr("href", buyUrl); $monthPlan.find(".paypal-smart-button").attr("buy-url", buyUrl); } } // 价格本地化 var priceUtils = window.priceUtils var currencySymbol = priceUtils.getCurrencySymbol() var default_currency = 'USD' var country = default_currency var priceCls = '.price' // 价格类名,新页面统一采用该类名 var delPriceCls = ".dc_buy_loc_del_price" // 划线价格类名,新页面统一采用该类名 var modalConfirmCkName = priceUtils.modalConfirmCkName // 改动1(从sdk取出cookie名称) var currentCoutry = default_currency priceUtils.setModalConfirmMode(true) // 改动2 injectLocalPriceModalDom() // 改动3(插入模态窗Dom元素) bindLocalPriceModalClick() // 改动4 bindCurrencySwitchClick() // 改动5 // 改动4(监听模态窗点击事件) function bindLocalPriceModalClick() { // 改动4(监听模态窗点击事件-选择价格本地化币种) $('#dc_lc_m_switch').on('click', function () { $('#dc_lc_m_pop').modal('hide') currentCoutry = country priceUtils.setModalConfirm(true) priceUtils.setCookie(modalConfirmCkName, country, 24 * 365) // cookie有效期1年 priceUtils.loopBuyNow(country, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) showCurrencySwitch(country) }) // 改动4(监听模态窗点击事件-选择兜底币种) $('#dc_lc_m_default').on('click', function () { $('#dc_lc_m_pop').modal('hide') priceUtils.setModalConfirm(false) priceUtils.setCookie(modalConfirmCkName, "default", 24 * 365) // cookie有效期1年 }) } // 改动5(监听切换本地化币种/兜底币种的点击事件) function bindCurrencySwitchClick() { // 改动5(监听切换兜底币种点击事件) $('.dc_lc_currency_switch .local').on('click', function () { priceUtils.loopBuyNow(country, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) currentCoutry = country $(this).find('a').addClass('active') $(this).siblings('.tab').find('a').removeClass('active') }) // 改动5(监听切换本地化币种点击事件) $('.dc_lc_currency_switch .default').on('click', function () { // 注意第1个参数是default_currency,不是country priceUtils.loopBuyNow(default_currency, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) judgeUsaDiscount(country); currentCoutry = default_currency $(this).find('a').addClass('active') $(this).siblings('.tab').find('a').removeClass('active') }) } // 改动6(展示切换本地化币种/兜底币种的入口) function showCurrencySwitch(country) { $('.dc_lc_currency_switch .default .currency').html(priceUtils.getDefaultCurrency(default_currency)) $('.dc_lc_currency_switch .local .currency').addClass('active').html(priceUtils.getCountryCurrencyByCountry(country)) $('.dc_lc_currency_split').show() $('.dc_lc_currency_switch').show() } // 改动7 function reCompareApiCountryWithCkv(isDefault) { // 有cookie值的情况,需再次请求IP接口拿到的国家与cookie值对比,如不一致,则按接口拿到的国家重新替换本地化价格 $.ajax({ type: 'get', timeout: 5000, url: priceUtils.ipCountryApiUrl, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (data && data.data && data.data.country) { var code = data.data.country country = code.toLowerCase() !isDefault && (currentCoutry = country) if (country == countryCkv) return if (!isDefault && priceUtils.isLocalPriceCountry(country)) { priceUtils.setCookie(modalConfirmCkName, country, 24 * 365) showCurrencySwitch(country) $(".dc_lc_m_local_currency").text(priceUtils.getCountryCurrencyByCountry(country)) priceUtils.loopBuyNow(country, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) } else { currentCoutry = default_currency priceUtils.setCookie(modalConfirmCkName, '') $('.dc_lc_currency_split').hide() $('.dc_lc_currency_switch').hide() priceUtils.loopBuyNow(default_currency, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) } judgeUsaDiscount(country); } }, error: function (xhr, textStatus) {} }) } // 改动8 countryCkv = priceUtils.getCookie(priceUtils.modalConfirmCkName) if (!countryCkv) { // 如果cookie值为空 judgeIP() } else if (countryCkv !== "default") { var code = countryCkv.toUpperCase() // 如果在price_list_json中能匹配到对应国家的本地化数据 if (priceUtils.isLocalPriceCountry(countryCkv)) { currentCoutry = country = countryCkv priceUtils.setModalConfirm(true) priceUtils.loopBuyNow(country, default_currency, priceCls, delPriceCls) showCurrencySwitch(country) reCompareApiCountryWithCkv() } else { // 如果在price_list_json中未能匹配到对应国家的本地化数据,说明在TMS已经把该国家本地化删除了 // 此时即使有对应cookie也不应该直接走本地化逻辑,同时需要置空对应cookie priceUtils.setCookie(modalConfirmCkName, "") $('.dc_lc_currency_split').hide() $('.dc_lc_currency_switch').hide() } } else { reCompareApiCountryWithCkv('default') } function judgeIP() { $.ajax({ type: 'get', timeout: 5000, url: priceUtils.ipCountryApiUrl, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { var code = data.data.country country = code.toLowerCase() if (priceUtils.isLocalPriceCountry(country)) { !window.sysModal && $('#dc_lc_m_pop').modal('show') $('.dc_lc_m_local_currency').text(priceUtils.getCountryCurrencyByCountry(country)) $('.dc_lc_m_default_currency').text(priceUtils.getDefaultCurrency(default_currency)) } judgeUsaDiscount(country); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus) { } }) }