React Summit offers a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation.The first day will be streamed from the New York venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and the second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, will be streamed to the global audience online.

Take advantage of being a part of the React Summit US conference!", "slug": "react-summit-us-2025", "startDate": "2025-11-18T13:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2025-11-21T22:59:00.000Z", "location": "New York, US & Online", "isPromoted": false, "brand": { "tagline": "The biggest React conference in the US" } }, "currency": "$", "conferenceStart": "2025-11-17T21:00:00+00:00", "conferenceFinish": "2025-11-20T21:00:00+00:00", "QuakeJS": null, "emsEventId": 126 } })

Hands-on workshops will be run both in-person & remotely via Zoom (please, check the title of the workshop).\n

Workshops are targeted both at React newbies and hardcore fans. Take full advantage of your remote conference experience and get training from our best speakers and trainers. \n

The workshops listed below are not included in Full ticket and should be bought separately. We'll be happy to provide a 15% discount in case you buy 3 and more workshop tickets. Just email us.\n", "workshops__paidTitle": "

Workshops\n", "workshops3h__title": "3 HOUR WORKSHOPS AT REACT SUMMIT", "features__title": "Features", "event__title": "The Event", "event__subtitle": "

React Summit is a celebration of good things coming together:\n", "event__text": "

The biggest React conference – React Summit – has come to the USA!\n

Network with fellow front-end and full-stack engineers, learn from industry experts, and promote your ideas all while experiencing the exciting vistas of Manhattan!\n

React Summit offers a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation.
\nThe first day will be streamed from the New York venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and the second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, will be streamed to the global audience online.\n

Take advantage of being a part of the React Summit US conference!
\nStay tuned!\n", "event__boldtitle": "

React with the manhattan views\n", "event__techstitle": "

This year, you can expect authors and core teams of:\n", "event__tip": "

Want to know the rest? FOLLOW US\n", "hero__title": "


June 17-21, 2022\n

Save new dates - June 2-6, 2023\n", "speakers__title": "First Speakers & trainers", "mcs__title": "Our MCs", "committee__title": "Program Committee", "fullaccess__title": "Multipass and full ticket perks", "interactivesessions__title": "Interactive Sessions With Speakers", "videorooms__title": "

Discussions\n", "randomparty__title": "Attend Watching Parties", "randomparty__text": "

Join random groups of conference attendees watching/discussing the event. Make new friends!\n", "QuakeJS__title": "QuakeJS Tournament", "QuakeJS__subtitle": "

Can you take over the Quake arena? Try your luck at our remote tournament.\n", "faq__descr": "

Our team is always striving to provide the best support to help you with any questions related to conference attendance and to make information more transparent and instantly accessible, we've started gathering most frequently asked questions on the page below. \n

If you can't find an answer to your question below – contact us via [email protected].\n", "jobs__title": "

Would like to work for companies investing into tech education and local communities?\n", "jobs__desc": "

Check out these React job offers from our partners.\n", "perks__title": "

Our sponsors welcome you and provide some virtual goodie bag gifts.\n", "perks__desc": "

Check out sponsors' offers and choose those you like the most! \n", "sponsors__title": "Previous year's Sponsors", "sponsors__intro": "

We would not be here, if companies like Facebook would not invest into Open Source so heavily, as well as React would not grow that much without support of multiple great companies from across the globe.\nWe're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.\n", "sponsors__offer": "

Would like to join the community and improve your tech brand?
Check sponsorship opportunities.\n", "location__venue": "

📍 Location\n

Liberty Science Center is a 300,000-square-foot learning center located in Liberty State Park on the Jersey City bank of the Hudson near the Statue of Liberty. It has the Western Hemisphere's biggest planetarium, which is the world's fourth largest one!\n", "location__address": "

Liberty Science Center\n

222 Jersey City Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07305, United States\n", "ticket__link": "#tickets", "ticket__text": "Tickets", "schedule__title": "November 18", "schedule__altTitle": "November 21", "schedule__tip": "Times below are shown in your local browsers time zone.", "scheduleBtn__text": "Schedule", "zoombars__title": "

Remote Afterparty Bar, June 21\n", "zoombars__subtitle": "

Join and enjoy a remote drink with the community!\n", "multipass__desc": "Get access to all these confs for 17EUR/month", "multipass__title": "GitNation Multipass", "contactForm__title": "

✉️ Follow us
\nfor updates\n", "contactForm__desc": "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CONFERENCE NEWSLETTER AND GET THE LATEST UPDATES AND SPECIAL DEALS.", "contactForm__formAction": "", "footer__tip": "

Do you like our mission? Would you like to contribute and join forces? Let's talk!
\nWe're looking for partnership opportunities and are eager to hear any of your ideas.
[email protected]\n", "workshopsList__title": "Workshops Free & PRO", "workshopsList__info": "

Take full advantage of your conference experience, and get training from our best speakers and instructors. We'll cover TypeScript, Testing React Apps, Advanced React, etc. while allocating enough time for practice.\n", "workshopsList__freeLink": "/#tickets", "workshopsList__proLink": "", "scheduleBtn__linkInPerson": "/schedule-offline", "schedule__tipInPerson": "The time below is shown in EST, the local time zone of New York", "schedule__switchDescription": "Switch the toggler to see what in-person or remote activities are held on November 18 & 21", "remoteSwitch__remoteLink": "/amsterdam", "preEvent__title": "Pre-Conference Events", "freeTicket__title": "Your chance to get a free Remote Full ticket", "freeTicket__desc": "

Share your personal badge on Twitter or Linkedin and get a free limited remote ticket (50% of talks, no workshops), and when 3 people register with your badge you'll get a Full remote ticket\n", "freeTicket__btnLink": "", "freeTicket__btnText": "Share badge and get a full ticket", "featuresGrid__playBtn": "\n

Conference tickets have discounted options for teams as well. Explore more below.\n

Payment with invoice is possible. Message mentioning the exact ticket type and number of tickets.\n", "checkout__title": "Choose your tickets", "checkout__bottomText": "

If the ticket widget does not load for you or you face issues with checkout, please follow this standalone tickets page\n", "videorooms__subtitle": "

Take part in video discussions focusing on specific technologies. Hang out with people who are on the same page.\n

The full program of discussion rooms will be published closer to the conference.\n", "party__sponsored-logo": ",c_scale,w_500/v1693590764/logo-light-mode_kmyp89.png?auto=format", "_prices__tip": "Price increase in:", "hero__date": "November 18 & 21, 2025 in New York", "party__title": "

🎉 REACT PARTY \n", "party__desc": "It is important for us that you have an alternative in the after-party program: fun party place or a quiet area for conversation. We have two amazing bars to cater to your every need!", "pastSpeakers__title": "Previously at React Summit US", "cfp__title": "☘️ CFP IS OPEN", "cfp__link": "", "cfp__linkText": "Submit proposal", "cfp__desc": "until July 1", "speakersPropose__link": "", "speakersPropose__linkText": "Submit", "speakersPropose__title": "💥📢 Suggest topic or speaker!" }, "ticketsLink": "#tickets", "calendarEventName": "React Summit", "calendarEventDescription": "Watch it live at", "calendarWorkshopDescription": "Please note, by adding the event to your calendar you do not register for the workshop. To register for the session please use the link sent from via email.", "hideSpeakerPopupLabel": true } })

November 18 & 21, 2025 in New York


  • 2
    Tracks: Base Camp & Summit
  • 50+
    Speakers sharing latest insights
  • 10K+
    Devs from all over the globe
  • 800
    Luckies meet in New York

The Event

React Summit is a celebration of good things coming together:

React with the manhattan views

The biggest React conference – React Summit – has come to the USA!

Network with fellow front-end and full-stack engineers, learn from industry experts, and promote your ideas all while experiencing the exciting vistas of Manhattan!

React Summit offers a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation.
The first day will be streamed from the New York venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and the second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, will be streamed to the global audience online.

Take advantage of being a part of the React Summit US conference!
Stay tuned!

This year, you can expect authors and core teams of:

First Speakers & trainers

Submit proposal
Addy Osmani
Google, USA
Engineering Leader Working on Google Chrome
Shaundai Person
Netflix, USA

Shaundai is a front end Senior Software Engineer (Netflix) based in Georgia, US. Through her work as a course instructor ( and her YouTube channel (, she aims to make programming interesting and approachable for all.

Shawn Swyx Wang
Latent.Space, Singapore

Swyx is passionate about Developer Tooling and Developer Communities. He is currently Editor of Latent.Space. Swyx is an author of the Coding Career Handbook for Junior to Senior developer careers. In his free time he teaches React, TypeScript, Storybook and Node.js CLI's at, and helps run the Svelte Society community of meetups.

Ken Wheeler
React Artist, USA

Staff Engineer @REDACTED, ReactJS Advocate, Speaker, Producer, Synthwave Artist, Google Dev Expert.

Tanner Linsley, USA

Tanner Linsley is an entrepreneur and open source creator who loves React and JavaScript. He has built and still maintain several well-known open source libraries like React Query, React Table, React Virtual, React Form, React Charts, React Static, and even Chart.js He co-founded 6 years ago and is currently helping it grow as VP of UI and UX.

When not programming, Tanner spends his free time traveling, recording music, film-making, and vacationing with his wife and children.

David Khourshid
Stately Stately, USA

David Khourshid (known on Twitter as David K. Piano) is a software engineer for Microsoft, a tech author, and speaker. Also a fervent open-source contributor, he is passionate about statecharts and software modeling, reactive animations, innovative user interfaces, and cutting-edge front-end technologies. When not behind a computer keyboard, he’s behind a piano keyboard or traveling.

follow us

Previously at React Summit US

Michael Chan
React Podcast, USA

Michael Chan loves the web. He's the host of React Podcast and DX Engineer at Chromatic. He’s building, the friendliest coding community for creative, curious, and compassionate web developers.

Jack Herrington
Blue Collar Coder, USA

Jack Herrington is a principal full stack engineer, author and YouTuber who is trying to bring a practical approach to engineering and education to developers at all skill levels.

Kent C. Dodds
Epic React, USA
Creator of, EpicReact.Dev,
Shruti Kapoor
Slack, USA
Lead Front End Engineer @ Slack
Mark Erikson, USA

Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.

Eli White
Eli White
Meta, USA
Mofei Zhang
Meta, USA

Mofei started programming when she realized it can help her cheat in video games. She focused on operating systems in undergrad / grad school, but now finds herself happily tinkering on React. Outside of work, she enjoys debugging bouldering problems and planning her next backpacking trip(s).

Theo Browne, USA
TypeScript YouTuber who happens to run dev tools company. Known primarily for memes, hot takes, and building useful things for devs such as UploadThing and the T3 Stack.
Tom Occhino
Vercel, USA

Tom is the Chief Product Officer at Vercel leading Engineering, Product, and Design. Previously he spent over 12 years at Facebook where he led development of the company’s core JavaScript Infra, shaped its open source program, and was responsible for the creation and development of React and React Native. He enjoys traveling, dance music, fancy cocktails, and simple food.

Cat Johnson
Khan Academy, USA

I am a Senior Frontend Engineer at Khan Academy and I’ve been working in the industry for over 6 years. During my day job I work mostly on React web components and focus on Accessible Technology. On my off hours I love talking about how to create more accessible and inclusive web applications and hosting a podcast discussing new technology creating positive social impact in our world today. I firmly believe technology can be used to create a more inclusive and equitable world as long as we keep it in check.

Addy Osmani
Google, USA
Engineering Leader Working on Google Chrome
Tracy Lee
This Dot Labs, USA

Tracy has been a startup founder for the past 16 years and is an angel investor focused on developer tooling. Her passion is helping entrepreneurs with go to market / marketing, development (management), and open source strategies. She loves talking about figuring out tactical ways to go to market, expand sales and drive customer acquisiton through automation.

Tracy also is a JavaScript developer, on the RxJS core team, a Google Developer Expert, a Github Star, and a Microsoft MVP. She spends most of her time in the open source ecosystem, and building products and communities in this space.

After her last exit in 2015, she started a consultancy called This Dot Labs, which serves clients such as Stripe, Xero, Docusign, Twilio, Roblox, Google, Cloudinary, Sentry, and more, but also helps startups get off the ground from POC to implementation.

She is also a frequent keynote speaker at conferences. You can find her on Twitter @ladyleet or at

Bree Hall
HubSpot, USA

Bree is a frontend Software Engineer turned Developer Advocate at HubSpot. She has a passion for coding and making technology education accessible to everyone. Bree creates technical content to help developers create and build autonomously.

Jake Albaugh
Figma, USA

Jake is Figma's first developer advocate, and spent the prior 12 years working as a software engineer on both sides of web applications. Guided by a design education, he's held roles across creative agencies and e-commerce platforms, married design fidelity with developer experience building component libraries for design systems, and built tools for front-end developers as an early hire at CodePen. Jake loves to walk the line between design and code, bridge gaps in communication across product development, and bring as much fun and creativity to the work that he can manage to cram in along the way.

Aurora Scharff
Inmeta, Norway

Aurora Walberg Scharff is a web developer from Norway. She holds a bachelor's degree in Robotics and Intelligent Systems, with knowledge of engineering mathematics, robotics, algorithms, data structures, and computer architecture. After working for a couple of years at a financial technology startup, she continues developing as a consultant at Inmeta. Aurora is actively building with React Server Components in her current consultancy project and is eager to share her knowledge.

Monica Powell
Newsela, USA
Monica Powell is a software engineer who is passionate about making contributing to open-source more approachable, creating technology to elevate people, and building community. You can find her developing educational technology as a Senior Software Engineer at Newsela, teaching web development, and contributing to open-source projects. GitHub recognized her as an inaugural GitHub Star based on her involvement in the tech community.
Tanner Linsley, USA

Tanner Linsley is an entrepreneur and open source creator who loves React and JavaScript. He has built and still maintain several well-known open source libraries like React Query, React Table, React Virtual, React Form, React Charts, React Static, and even Chart.js He co-founded 6 years ago and is currently helping it grow as VP of UI and UX.

When not programming, Tanner spends his free time traveling, recording music, film-making, and vacationing with his wife and children.

Program Committee

Matheus Albuquerque

Matheus is a Staff Front-End Engineer at Medallia, building their surveys platform and helping them shape the customer experience market with React, and a Google Developer Expert in Web Performance.

His areas of interest include React and its ecosystem, JS and compile-to-JS languages, DX, and perceived performance optimization. Aside from public speaking about these, he also volunteers at TechLabs, teaching front-end development.

Kathryn Grayson Nanz
Progress Software

In 2013, I graduated with a BFA and took my first job as a Junior Graphic Designer at a small, boutique ad agency. While there, my Creative Director warned me to never let anyone find out I could code, because if I did I'd be stuck doing it forever. I ignored his warning; it turns out he was completely right, but I've never been happier. I currently work as a developer advocate on a wonderful team where I help people build web applications in React, design and maintain their UI component libraries, and desperately attempt to stop back-end devs from writing any more CSS.

Daniel Afonso

Daniel Afonso is a Senior Developer Advocate at PagerDuty, SolidJS DX team member, Instructor at, and Author of State Management with React Query. Daniel has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. He is passionate about learning and teaching and has spoken at multiple conferences around the world about topics he loves. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.

Rita Castro
Volkswagen Digital Solutions | SDC Lisbon

Software Engineer that used to build stand alone applications for data processing and mission planning systems turned into a Full-Stack Developer working with Test Driven Development, XP and Pair Programming. Also a Mom now.

Konstantin Klimashevich

Engineer at Uber, building the platform that powers its systems. Enjoys creating spaces where developers connect and share ideas.

✉️ Follow us
for updates


GitNation Multipass

Get access to all these confs for 17EUR/month
more details


React Summit US, Early Bird

Nov 18 (in-person), Nov 21 (remote)

$ 700

  • In-person participation on November 18, remote on November 21
  • Access to venue & catering
  • In-person & remote networking
  • Speakers' meet & greets
  • Free remote workshops
  • Early access to talk recordings
  • The biggest JS party in the US
  • Remote tech discussion rooms
  • Certificates on conference / workshop participation
  • Physical swag package
  • In-person participation on November 18, remote on November 21
  • Access to venue & catering
  • In-person & remote networking
  • Speakers' meet & greets
  • Free remote workshops
  • Early access to talk recordings
  • The biggest JS party in the US
  • Remote tech discussion rooms
  • Certificates on conference / workshop participation
  • Physical swag package

React Summit + JSNation, Early Bird

Nov 17-18 (in-person), Nov 20-21 (remote)

$ 1070

  • In-person participation on Nov 17-18, remote on Nov 20-21
  • All information about JSNation US
  • Access to venue & catering
  • In-person & remote networking
  • Speakers' meet & greets
  • Free remote workshops
  • Early access to talk recordings
  • The biggest React party in the US
  • Remote tech discussion rooms
  • Certificates on conference / workshop participation
  • Physical swag package
  • In-person participation on Nov 17-18, remote on Nov 20-21
  • All information about JSNation US
  • Access to venue & catering
  • In-person & remote networking
  • Speakers' meet & greets
  • Free remote workshops
  • Early access to talk recordings
  • The biggest React party in the US
  • Remote tech discussion rooms
  • Certificates on conference / workshop participation
  • Physical swag package

Looking for discounts and free tickets?

Subscribe to get secret deals from us

Multipass and full ticket perks

Free workshops

Live participation + workshop recordings will be shared after the conference

Get recordings right after the conference

Others will get it in a month

2x more content

Enjoy 2 days of talks from world renowned speakers

Enjoy HD streaming quality

Get the full experience & get prepared for a big screen

Your chance to get a free Remote Full ticket

Share your personal badge on Twitter or Linkedin and get a free limited remote ticket (50% of talks, no workshops), and when 3 people register with your badge you'll get a Full remote ticket

Share badge and get a full ticket

📍 Location

Liberty Science Center is a 300,000-square-foot learning center located in Liberty State Park on the Jersey City bank of the Hudson near the Statue of Liberty. It has the Western Hemisphere's biggest planetarium, which is the world's fourth largest one!


Previous year's Sponsors

We would not be here, if companies like Facebook would not invest into Open Source so heavily, as well as React would not grow that much without support of multiple great companies from across the globe. We're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.

Would like to join the community and improve your tech brand?
Check sponsorship opportunities.

Tech Partners
  • FocusReactive
    Next.js, Headless CMS and eCommerce expert agency

    FocusReactive will help you architect, build, and lead technically advanced websites focusing on performance and scalability. Partners and experts in Next.js/Vercel, Storyblok, Sanity, Contentful, Shopify Hydrogen, and other Headless eCommerce platforms.

    Whether you seek expert Headless CMS agency services or an expert agency with deep experience with platforms like Headless React CMS & NextJS CMS, FocusReactive is the one to help you scale.

  • Hygraph