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ratcreature: RatCreature's toon avatar (default (uncorrupted))

RatCreature's Journal

Premium Paid Account

Created on 2009-04-17 22:22:53 (#88428), last updated 2024-11-13 (4 weeks ago)

18,060 comments received, 21,867 comments posted

2,995 Journal Entries, 387 Tags, 6 Memories, 139 Icons Uploaded

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DW is my primary journal, and I've stopped crossposting on LJ and IJ.

Generally all fandom related posts are public, but my RL posts are often locked. The journal is also set up to be included in search engines. I'm thrilled when people friend me (or subscribe to me on DW), but I don't friend back automatically. You can go to this post for a more detailed description of how I lock, and a poll you can click to ask to be added.

You can find more detailed info about me and what I post in my journal in this entry, and a bunch of trivia about me in the 100 things meme entry (somewhat outdated by now).

I used to have two multifandom rec pages, one for AUs and one for crossovers, but haven't updated these in a while. I also used to maintain six SGA thematic lists: alien cultures and new non-human aliens, Wraith/Iratus bug transformations, John Sheppard as Ancient, Ori or Ascended, Atlantis is cut off from Earth or secedes, Werewolves and other wereanimals, and Wingfic, as well as one Star Trek thematic list for Ancient/Non-Reform Vulcan stories.

For a long time I used a account as an online reading log, to bookmark and extensively tag most fanfic that I finish reading, but have since switched mostly to just boookmarking on AO3. Sometimes I post Wednesday Reading Meme to log my book reading, and I also have Goodreads account, but rarely write reviews there.

I also have an art blog. While all my art is posted in this journal, you might find it easier to browse my art there, because it is just for the art posts and everything is sorted into art-specific categories. I don't crosspost all quick doodles there though, so it can seem defunct. You can also find my art on AO3. I have a deviantArt account as well, but that is even less well maintained. Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes "reblogging" the images themselves on services such as Tumblr by uploading them to your account. I am trying out a tumblr myself and obviously you can reblog things I uploaded there. DeviantArt also provides an embed code for sharing. I am also fine with anyone linking my public posts.

If you want to see the artwork I make my icons from (rather than just the icons) you can find my original creature doodles collected and linked to their respective icons on my icon website. (My personal icons of my RatCreature cartoon are not shareable.)

I'm also admin for two communities: [community profile] slothsdraw for supporting drawing practice (sadly it's rather inactive) and [community profile] fanart_recs, a Crack Van-style multifandom recs community for fanart, which is still active.
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