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Setting a column based on another one and multiple conditions in pandas
This notebook shows a way to set the value of one column in a CSV file, that satisfies multiple conditions, by extracting information from another column using the pandas library and the standard library re module.
Runtime comparison of pandas crosstab, groupby and pivot_table
In this notebook we'll compare the runtime of three different ways to group and summarize data using the pandas crosstab, groupby and pivot_table functions.
CoderStats Revamp, d3-geomap v3 Release, Python Data Science Handbook Review
I worked on some projects recently that were asleep for a while, including a revamp of CoderStats, the release of d3-geomap version 3 and I published a review on the Python Data Science Handbook.
Word Cloud From Reddit Comments Gilded 10 Or More Times
In this notebook we create a word cloud from reddit comments that were gilded 10 or more times from the start of reddit to February 2019.
Introducing A Website About Programming Languages is an informational website dedicated to computer programming languages, that aggregates and shows data from sources such as Wikidata and several GitHub repositories.
Stack Overflow Survey 2018: Respondents World Map
In this notebook I create a choropleth map that shows how many people responded to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018 in relation to their countries' populations.
Featured Projects
Ukulele Scales Explorer
An online tool to explore musical scales, like major, minor and pentatonic scales and visualize them on an ukulele fretboard diagram.
Technologies: D3.js, tonal, SVG
Hacker News Search
A tool that lets you search Hacker News submissions including stories, polls, the current Front Page and Ask HN and Show HN threads.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue.js
Programming Languages
An informational website dedicated to computer programming languages with data, code examples and visualizations for over a 1000 languages.
Technologies: D3.js, Python, SPARQL
Country Shape Quiz
An educational geography game, that you can play in the browser, where you are supposed to name countries presented by their geographical shapes.
Technologies: JavaScript, Python
Shirt Color Helper
A tool to help artists who sell products on Redbubble and Zazzle make good choices, by letting them pick colors and previewing the contrast on the available fabric colors.
Technologies: JavaScript, Bootstrap Colorpicker
Best Reddit Post Times
Explore hundreds of subreddits to see when posts went viral on reddit broken down by hour and weekday based on more than 215 million submissions.
Technologies: BigQuery, Pandas, D3.js
Hacker News Linked Books
A visualization that shows the top 29 books on Amazon based on the count of unique users linking them in over 8 million Hacker News comments posted from 2006 to 2015.
Technologies: BigQuery, BeautifulSoup, D3.js
A free service for accessing statistical information about programmers who have released code on GitHub, including rankings based on programming languages and repository forks and favorites.
Technologies: GitHub API, Vue.js, Logya
Circle of Fifths
The Interactive Circle of Fifths is a tool for guitar and ukulele players to visualize and help with choosing chords that go together well when making music.
Technologies: D3.js, SVG