
I know, I know – I’ve been gone for ages. All sorts of things have been happening.

Including lots of stitching. I’ve identified a few projects that I want to try to focus on. Try being the operative word. And this is one of them – Nocturne from Millefiori Quilts 3. I had started it ages ago but then it sat. So when that project box came out, I figured out what I needed to finish it and got all the shapes printed that I’ll need. A little fussy cutting/printing was done – of course. And now I’ll have hours and hours of fun putting this quilt together.

As can be seen in this box. But that’s not all! Each centre has to be surrounded by colourful little diamonds. Colourful little diamonds that would have gotten all mixed up in the box.

So an old ice cube tray was pressed into service as a diamond holder.

I have a few of the centres done – including this trio which I can’t help but think of as the baseball blocks.

What else has been happening? Well, I got my hips replaced. It’s wonderful! I no longer sound like a Rice Krispies ad when I move. And no more pain! I just got home for five weeks after rehab from the hip surgery before I decided to trip over my own two feet and fall. And break an ankle. In. Three. Places. So back to rehab I went, but it’s all fine now and I’ve had w0nderful care from the surgeons, the staff at the rehab hospital and the physiotherapists with whom I’m still working. It’s all good.

Mr. Q.O. has had some health challenges as well, but he’s also on the mend.

Baxter, on the other hand, has been well and truly spoiled and is his same delightful self.

I’m making no promises, but hope to blog a lot more frequently now that I’ve started again!

11 thoughts on “Nocturne

  1. Cathi!  It is great to hear from you!  I am sorry about your ankle but I am glad you are on the mend!   HugsTeresa


  2. So sorry to hear about your health issues but glad you are back and on the mend. I’m sure Baxter is glad everyone is back and well! Your blocks are beautiful as always and I know you have plenty of projects to keep you busy! Stay well!


  3. We have missed you Cathi! So sorry for all that you have been through but so glad that you are now feeling good as a result of all the medical issues being taken care of. I’m sure that your furry friends are also glad to have you home and well. Looking forward to seeing beautiful works of art from you soon. Take good care, Betsy


  4. Cathi, wonderful to know you are home, and I did hear from Bob he had not been well. Maybe the tide has turned and you both will be getting better now. Love those pieces, and a novel way to keep the tiny bits in order.


  5. You have been missed, thought of and wondered about. Good to hear all your parts are on the mend. I just came home from a dr appt that may start me on the same trail.

    Sew glad to find you in the email.



  6. I’m so glad to see your post again. I’ve been wondering about you. Glad you are still stitching away. Sorry to hear about the health issues but glad to hear you’re on the mend. Life has a tendency to throw us for loops here and there. Take care and stitch on!


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