Quemado Institute
March 1, 2020
Last edit March 4, 2020
Will COVID-19 Change Our Way of Life?
By Karl Pomeroy
Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, appears to be some 56 times deadlier than the flu, according to the latest reported statistics of February 29, 2020. One source claims 16,000 people have died of the flu out of 29 million cases in the US this season. That’s a death rate of 0.06%.
In contrast, according to worldwide data today, there have been 2,900 deaths from COVID-19 out of 86,000 cases, presenting a death rate of 3.4%. That’s 56 times higher than that of the flu.
This is a cautious estimate. The COVID-19 death-rate above was calculated as deaths per the number of cases. Most of these cases have not yet run their course. So the actual death-rate may be much higher.
Somewhat more accurately, the death-rate might be calculated as deaths per the number of resolved cases, or deaths per the number of deaths+recoveries. According to Wikipedia’s latest figures as of February 28, 2020, at least 2,900 coronavirus deaths have occurred, while more than 39,000 people have recovered. This method of calculation indicates a death-rate of 6.9%.
The true coronavirus death-rate would be somewhere between these figures, or about 5%, accounting for the fact that recoveries take longer, so all have not yet been recorded.
There is a lot of uncertainty in these numbers. The vast majority of cases are in China, and the Chinese government may be publishing false or misleading information.1
Death-rate statistics also vary widely from country to country (click chart at left), for reasons as yet unexplained. Is the variation due to how countries count cases? Is it a function of how many people are tested? Does it result from inaccurate data, or deliberate falsification?
Or is there a true variation, reflecting the health status of the residents, the quality of medical care and sanitation, the diet or lifestyle, or even the genetic makeup of the population? Not only are the answers not known, the questions are not even asked.
Why not?
Below are listed the death-rates per country, as of February 28, 2020, ordered by the number of cases. The Diamond Princess cruise ship is also included, based on Wikipedia data as of March 1, 2020.
Country . . . Deaths/cases . . . Deaths/deaths+recoveries
China . . . . . . . 3.6 % . . . . . . . . . 6.7 %
South Korea . . . . 0.5 % . . . . . . . . . 37.8 %
Italy . . . . . . . . . 2.4 % . . . . . . . . . 31.3 %
Iran . . . . . . . . . 7.3 % . . . . . . . . . 25.9 %
Diamond Princess .0.9 % . . . . . . . . . 6.0 %
Japan . . . . . . . . 2.1 % . . . . . . . . . 10.6 %
Singapore . . . . . . 0.0 % . . . . . . . . . 0.0 %
Hong Kong . . . . . 2.1 % . . . . . . . . . 5.7 %
France . . . . . . . . 3.5 % . . . . . . . . . 14.3 %
It doesn’t add up.
Few things add up about what we are being told. When things don’t add up, we suspect we are being lied to. This is how conspiracy theories are born. All we can ask is, who benefits? Then build theories of our own. Some unanswered questions:
If politicians and the media told us the truth, we wouldn’t have to concoct such wild “conspiracy” theories.
Will COVID-19 impact our lives?
What is it like to live day to day with infectious disease in our midst? Most of us now have no memory of such hardship. But consider the history of smallpox:
During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths. In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year. As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the global eradication of smallpox in December 1979. — Wikipedia:
Yet despite that horrific death toll, the world was able to carry on.
In those days, of course, the world economy was largely locally based. In today’s globalist world, our middle-class lifestyle is far more fragile. The immediate impact of a coronavirus pandemic would be sweeping supply shortages, especially of items made in China and products that depend on them. Unfortunately these comprise the lion’s share of consumer and industrial goods.
The result could be a temporary wave of material deprivation and poverty, with people struggling to survive as they did during the Great Depression. Recovery might take several years to a decade or even longer.
Yet recovery, once it happened, would no doubt bring great blessings. Optimistically, manufacturing would revert to the national and local level. Retail stores would revive, offering local goods and hand-made crafts. National cultures and traditions would thrive, while industrial exploitation by transnational corporations would cease to ravage the earth.
Is a pandemic likely?
In my opinion the realistic answer is yes. US President Donald Trump had optimistically suggested that summer might stop the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, a coronavirus death has now been reported among the 29 cases in Australia2, where summer is in full swing, casting doubt on that hope. Moreover, coronavirus epidemics might recur each winter. Worse still, a few patients that have recovered later suffered a relapse.
It is also clear that the spread is exponential and possibly out of control. This means nearly all of us will be exposed eventually. But most of us will survive. And those that survive will be the strongest.
Does exposure mean we contract the disease? Little information is available. Based on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, assuming all on board were exposed to some degree through the ventilation system, 705 passengers out of 3,500 contracted the virus, corresponding to an infection rate of about 20%.
How can we prepare?
My recommendations are to stock up on basic storable foods like rolled oats, powdered milk, nuts, split peas, barley flakes, and soybean flour. Fortify your immune system with 3000-4000 mg vitamin C, 400-800 IU of Vitamin D, 200-400 IU Vitamin E, 10000 units Beta Carotene, as well as recommended dosages of Calcium and Magnesium citrate, Zinc picolinate, Copper and other trace minerals.
Keep herbal remedies on hand, such as
About public services, a complete breakdown of infrastructure will probably never happen, even in the worst pandemic and resultant economic collapse. But intermittent power outages would likely be more frequent. Store an emergency water supply. Set up a propane camp stove, wood stove, fireplace or barbeque pit for cooking. Keep candles, matches and flashlights ready.
It is also advisable to stay home as much as possible. Avoid large gatherings. Do not travel.
All of the above are only my personal recommendations. Please seek professional advice or refer to official sources before making your choices.
Be a survivor and contribute to a better world.
Update (22;00 UTC March 2): Washington State, USA, now has reported 8 coronavirus deaths.
1 An example is cited by Al Jazeera: “A report from Caixin on the way China counts coronavirus infections has analysed data from the province of Heilongjiang in the northeast. Since the beginning of last month [February], the National Health Commission has required that local authorities include ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in the coronavirus data but it seems not all are doing so. Caixin says there were 104 asymptomatic cases in Heilongjiang on February 25 but they were not included in its 408 ‘confirmed cases’.” Quemado Institute comments: China has been reporting a decrease in new daily cases for some days now, raising hopes of containment. But are these reports accurate?
2 According to Al Jazeera: “Officials in Australia said a woman and a male doctor have contracted coronavirus, becoming the country’s first cases of community transmissions in the country. New South Wales state’s Minister for Health Brad Hazzard said a 31-year old doctor has tested positive for coronavirus, though it is not clear whom he contracted the virus from. State officials said a 41-year-old woman was tested after her brother returned to Australia from Iran, a country that has emerged as a coronavirus hotspot in the Middle East.”
3 Al Jazeera reports on March 4, 2020: “Iran marks the highest number of government officials sickened in the contagion, including the vice president, the deputy heath minister and 23 members of parliament.”
4. In the same report: “Scientists in China studying the coronavirus say they have found that two main strains of the virus are circulating in humans and causing infections. … The preliminary study found that a more aggressive strain of the new coronavirus associated with the outbreak in Wuhan accounted for about 70% of analysed cases, while 30% were linked to a less aggressive type.” No link to Iran was mentioned however, as research has just begun.
Conservative Treehouse / December 19, 2019 / In response to the December 18, 2019 passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of two articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following speech before the Senate Transcript – Mitch McConnell: Last night House Democrats finally did what they decided to do long ago: They voted to impeach President Trump. Over the last 12 weeks, House Democrats have conducted the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history. Now their slapdash process has concluded in the first purely partisan presidential impeachment since the wake of the Civil War. The opposition to impeachment was bipartisan. Only one part of one faction wanted this outcome. The House’s conduct risks deeply damaging the institutions of American government. This particular House of Representatives has let its partisan rage at this particular President create a toxic new precedent that will echo into the future. That’s what I want to discuss now: The historic degree to which House Democrats have failed to do their duty — and what it will mean for the Senate to do ours. Let’s start at the beginning. Let’s start with the fact that Washington Democrats made up their minds to impeach . . . READ MORE>>
/ December 8, 2019 / Commentary by Sharyl Attkisson of The Hill with Introduction and Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy / “For the moment at least, we live in a Warless World.”– Karl Pomeroy / Trump’s Foreign Policy Dilemma – Introduction By Karl Pomeroy Commander-in-Chief US President Donald Trump recently ordered American troops out of Syria, consistent with his election promises of foreign nonintervention. Deep state officials, in defiance of Trump’s command, proceeded to obstruct his order. Is that not treason? Some say Lindsey Graham played a key role in blocking the President’s agenda, pressuring Trump into leaving some 800 troops in the region. Such illegal military occupation, carried out under the pretext of guarding Syria’s oil fields from seizure by Iran or ISIS, is tantamount to international theft. It comes as a disappointment to Trump supporters, while fueling undue criticism among quasi-progressive intellectual pundits such as Ron Paul and Eric Zuesse. Anthos Helpa, Twitter journalist and Syria expert, has this to say about Trump’s dilemma: “His [Trump’s] order to withdraw was defied. He had two choices, charge those who defied him with treason (death sentence) or avoid a confrontation with his people by altering his orders. He took the latter. Note that if he went with charging people with treason, his life . . . READ MORE>>
Quemado Institute / November 10, 2019 / “[W]e need to be starting our efforts to retool the military to focus not only [on] the fights we’re in right now, but to focus on the China and the Russia fights coming up.” –Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Jonathan Hoffman, November 7, 2019 / Introduction / Below are excerpts from the November 7, 2019 Pentagon press briefing with Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Jonathan Rath Hoffman and Vice Director, Joint Staff William D. Byrne, Jr. The excerpts are followed by a full verbatim transcript of Hoffman’s Veteran’s Day speech and the Hoffman-Byrne joint press briefing. The most critical topic of the briefing is the American seizure of Syrian oil fields, with numerous questions challenging the legality, purpose and scope of continued US military occupation of the region and the contradiction it poses to President Trump’s stated goal of troop withdrawal. Also discussed is the need for Congressional budget approval in order that the Pentagon advance its technology and training for current and future conflicts, apparently including wars with Russia and China. / Excerpts: Pentagon Press Briefing / Question: About the situation in Syria, is the U.S. troop withdrawal from northeastern Syria completed? Can you explain the spate of the deployment of mechanized forces to the Deir ez-Zor Province, and has the mission of protecting the oil been fully-defined for commanders in terms of what they can or cannot do? BYRNE: First of all, our steady, deliberate withdrawal from the Kobani Landing Zone continues. I would say that most of the equipment and people have withdrawn from that area. It’s going safely and successfully, meeting the requirements of the commanders on the ground. More largely, the military mission in Syria continues. It is the defeat of ISIS, like it has been since 2014, shoulder-to-shoulder with our SDF [Syrian Democratic Forces] partners, and that continues to go well. I would be cautious with saying that “the mission [is] to secure the oil fields.” The mission is the defeat of ISIS. The securing of the oil fields is a subordinate . . . READ MORE>>
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Interview with al-Sourya and al-Ikhbarya TV / Syrian Arab News Agency / Posted Quemado Research November 7, 2019 / “As for Trump . . . he is the best American President, not because his policies are good, but because he is the most transparent president. All American presidents perpetrate all kinds of political atrocities and all crimes and yet still win the Nobel Prize and project themselves as defenders of human rights and noble and unique American values, or Western values in general. The reality is that they are a group of criminals who represent the interests of American lobbies, i.e. the large oil and arms companies, and others. Trump talks transparently, saying that what we want is oil. This is the reality of American policy, at least since WWII” — Bashar al-Assad / Interview Transcript: […] Journalist: Mr President, thank you very much for receiving us. Since the political issues are pressing at the moment we will start with politics, Mr President. The United States announced a few days ago that the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed. And it thanked Russia, Syria, Iraq, the Turks and the Kurds for helping kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Trump thanked Syria, but we have not heard any comment from Damascus. What is your take on Trump thanking Syria? Did Syria really take part in this operation? President Assad: Absolutely not, we heard about this only through the media. Maybe, the reason behind including a number of countries as participants in this operation is to give it credibility so these countries will feel not embarrassed . . . READ MORE>>
Wikileaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis! / By Federico Pieraccini / October 29, 2019 / Posted Quemado Institute November 2, 2019 / The revelations – studiously ignored by the mainstream media – shed a light on the tangled web weaved by the complicit media and the West’s shameless hypocrisy, involving the OPCW, Wikileaks and Julian Assange’s illegal detention. A whistleblower from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) delivered to Wikileaks authentic documents to do with investigations into the Douma bombing in Syria in 2018. These documents confirmed what many had been writing about for months, namely, that the OPCW’s investigations and conclusions were manufactured to reach a premeditated result that was unfavorable to the Syrian Arab Army and in line with the foreign-policy objectives of Washington, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Paris, Ankara, Doha and London. The US has previously used just this same formula, under the pretext of . . . READ MORE>>
Appearance is not reality in a fake news world / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / May 28, 2019 / Alternate media pundits who condemn President Donald Trump miss the essential criterion for peace: that it actually happen. Politicians who tout peace while condoning globalist wars are worse than lame; they distract the public with lies and further deep state objectives. What makes Trump unique is his power to get results. Despite media lies, Trump leaves peace in his wake. Results matter most in times of crisis. Yet Trump’s critics ignore results and embrace the fake news fantasy, blaming Trump for imaginary wars that never occur. Whatever Happened to Independent Thought? Fake news hypnosis is the worst danger we face today. Internet censorship has whittled away the community of alternate thinkers, who now run to AP and Reuters for their news These one-time independent journalists ignore the effect of subliminal persuasion, never seeing how the lies shape . . . READ MORE>>
The Strange Case of Chrystia Freeland and the Failure of the ‘Super Elite’ / By Matthew Ehret / Strategic Culture Foundation / May 9, 2019 / Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Now, two years into the Trump presidency, and five years into the growth of a new system shaped by the Russia-China alliance, the world has become a very different place from the one which Freeland and her controllers wish it to be. Having been set up as a counterpart to the steely Hillary Clinton who was supposed to win the 2016 election, Freeland and her ilk have demonstrated their outdated thinking in everything they have set out to achieve since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Certainly before that, everything seemed to be going smoothly enough for End of History disciples promoting a script that was supposed to culminate in a long-sought for “New World . . . READ MORE>>
The End of Truth . . . Or Is It? / Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / April 24, 2019 / In the first commentary posted below, Caitlin Johnstone makes an alarming case that an imminent truth blackout is bound to result from the US indictment and extradition of Julian Assange. Johnstone’s bedrock premise, as revealed in a separate article, equates to the fearful if not paranoid belief that President Donald Trump will betray the free press and allow Assange to suffer untold horrors at the mercy of his American accusors. Journalist Robert Bridge, in the second article below, hints at a sneak Trump-Assange alliance to derail the deep state, lending an element of hope. Yet neither asks the pointed question: Does Trump have the power to steer Assange’s fate? A repeated flaw in political thought today stems from the willful, or perhaps unwitting, blindness toward the de facto dictatorship of the global elite. Based primarily in Britain, the New World Order ruling aristocracy . . . READ MORE>>
Defending Julian Assange; Defending the Truth / By Robert J. Burrowes / Information Clearing House / Posted Quemado Institute April 20, 2019 / “Because the global elite is highly aware of the importance of the truth, it goes to enormous effort to make it difficult, if not impossible, to access the truth . . . Remember this: the global elite and many of its political, corporate, bureaucratic, military and academic agents, spend their time planning and implementing strategies to kill people (using military violence and economic exploitation) to make a profit. Do you really believe that this is something that a sane person would spend their time doing?” –Robert J. Burrowes / On 11 April 2019, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange was dragged from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London by UK police and arrested for breaching a bail condition. See ‘Arrest update – SW1’. Upon arrival at a London police station, Julian was ‘further arrested’ on behalf of the United States government to satisfy an extradition. . . . READ MORE>>
Radiation Exposure: How to Protect Yourself / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / Updated April 14, 2019 / The most urgent issue facing man today is the imminent onslaught of 5G technology.The human race and all living species are soon to be inundated with powerful high frequency RF and microwave radiation at every location on the planet. This savage attack on the very structure of our DNA and cellular physiology by the New World Order globalists and tech-giant corporations will begin in 2020 with the full roll-out of Fifth Generation satellite and earth-based telecommunications infrastructure. We as living human beings do not have to fall 100% prey to the 2020 roll-out of Fifth Generation or 5G microwave communications technology. Although the giant telcom companies have been given the legal go-ahead to fully build out 5G infrastructure—a global network designed to inundate every urban and rural corner of Earth via satellite, cell tower, and neighborhood transmitter with radiation far exceeding anything known to modern man—it is still possible to shield ourselves from . . . READ MORE>>
Christchurch Terrorist Attack A New World Order False Flag / Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / March 16, 2019 / On March 15, 2019, US President Donald J. Trump formally vetoed H.J. Res. 46, a joint resolution that would terminate national emergency declaration 9844 (see video below). This veto, overturning a treasonous attempt by congress to end his state of emergency and stop the wall on the Mexican frontier, was a landmark victory for Trump, a triumph for the cause of American sovereignty and a positive step toward border security. It seems notable that very close to the time of the veto, a horrific mass shooting, staged and videoed, unfolded in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving 49 dead and 40 injured. Corporate media blamed the faraway massacre on Trump’s worldwide conservative influence, calling him “racist” and “white supremacist,” a far-fetched allegation that defies common sense and contradicts all evidence. Was the timing . . . READ MORE>>
People Demand Nationalism, Exit from EU, and the Ousting of Ex-Rothschild Banker Emanual Macron / OPINION by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / December 14, 2018 / Introduction: The Global Picture / It seems heartless to rejoice when others are fighting your battle for you. Especially when they face violence and oppression. Yet it is almost inhuman to refrain from rejoicing, when the fate of the human race is at stake. I struggled during the Donbass War with my own inclination to rejoice that the proud people of Donetsk and Lugansk were fighting on the main front of the Western World—fighting a battle for freedom from the New-World-Order One-World-Government globalist financial elite, as manifest in the US-EU-instigated coup regime in Kiev led by ruthless warhawk Petro Poroshenko. Now I find myself unable to refrain from rejoicing that the French have taken to the streets of Paris to rebel against the New World Order establishment that lurks in the heart of Europe. Yet the violence . . . READ MORE>>
Does Western Aggression Make Moscow Dangerous? / OPINION by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / November 18, 2018 / The powers that be are trying to destroy every positive feature of the world—culture, religion, nation-states, the atmosphere, the climate, the food supply, insects, animals, nature, egalitarianism, prosperity, freedom of speech, civility, morality, logic and reason. Outside their circles, no one seems to know why. After all, the powers that be will not benefit from total destruction. These powers, whom I define as the New World Order globalists, comprise in part the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the US-EU deep state, the Israeli government, US and European intelligence agencies, think tanks, many transnational corporations, tech giants, the militiary industrial complex, Bilderberg attendees, and world bankers. They exploit American and European governments and militaries to their own ends. The United States is their most effective tool, and thus America is often . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction – OPINION by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / September 21, 2018 / Putin seems clearly the enemy of Syria’s elected President Bashar al-Assad — and the worst kind of enemy, having postured as an ally, then twisting 180 degrees and sabotaging Assad’s strategy for the penultimate phase of the Syrian civil war—the liberation by Syrian loyalists of Turkish-controlled and terrorist-ruled Idlib Province. This sabotage, a Putin tactic familiar from his betrayal of Novorossiya in Donbass, was plotted on September 17, 2018 during a bilateral summit in Sochi, where the Russian President and Turkish leader Recep Erdogan slashed out a pact for their own exclusive control of Syria’s northern border region. Bashar al-Assad, elected president of Syria, has been conspicuously absent from these summits, although Syrian sources claim. . . READ MORE at Quemado Institute>>
Trump Stands His Ground on Putin / By Patrick J. Buchanan / Posted Quemado Institute / July 23, 2018 / “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Under the Constitution, these are the offenses for which presidents can be impeached. And to hear our elites, Donald Trump is guilty of them all. Trump’s refusal to challenge Vladimir Putin’s claim at Helsinki — that his GRU boys did not hack Hillary Clinton’s campaign — has been called treason, a refusal to do his sworn duty to protect and defend the United States, by a former director of the CIA. Famed journalists and former high officials of the U.S. government have called Russia’s hacking of the DNC “an act of war” comparable to Pearl Harbor. The New York Times ran a story on how many are now charging Trump with treason. Others suggest Putin is blackmailing Trump, or has him on his payroll, or compromised Trump a long time ago. Wailed Congressman Steve . . . READ MORE>>
Did Russia Allow the Attack? / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / May 3, 2018 / Syria expert and reliable on-the-scene Twitter source @A_J_S_B, in tweets posted between April 29 and May 1, offers us some curious insights about Israel’s April 30, 2018 attack on Hama and Aleppo in Syria. Apparently Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-15’s, fitted with Glide Bombers, penetrated Syrian air space by flying east and curving back over the Euphrates. Using this roundabout route, they were able to by-pass Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian radar, which is mostly located in the west. The biggest question remains: Why did Russia not have defenses on Syria’s eastern flank? The IAF used F-15’s in order to avoid detection, as AJSB explains below. According to this source, based on the targets hit, the attack had nothing to do with Iran or Hezbollah, but was clearly designed to cripple Loyalist operations against ISIS. AJSB, if I understand his tweets correctly, also contends that Russia detected the attacking planes, yet did nothing to intercept them. The curious issue of why Russia did not stop the attack has been widely discussed on alternate internet sites. Contrary to suspicions reported by Veteran’s Today, AJSB confirms Israel used BunkerBuster bombs and not tactical . . . READ MORE>>
No Collusion Between President Trump and Russia: US House Committee Ends Its ‘Russiagate Probe’ / By Alex Gorka / Source: Strategic Culture Foundation / May 2, 2018 / The House Intelligence Committee has ended its year-long investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. The report states that no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia has been found. The interviews with 73 witnesses, nine hearings, and a review of more than 300,000 documents have proven that there was no connection between the presidential candidate and Russia. All those efforts have been in vain. And this changes a lot. Until now Donald Trump has had his hands tied on Russia. The media have been spreading stories about the president’s “Russia connection” and his political opponents have been exploiting that for their own political goals. The environment of anti-Moscow hysteria that has been created in the country has prevented the chief . . . READ MORE>>
Preliminary War Report: Coalition Attack Fully Neutralized by AA Defence Systems / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / April 14, 2018, 06:30 UTC / The United States, Britain and France, under orders from Presidents Trump, May and Macron, have bombed or attempted to bomb at least three sites around Damascus, Syria in a one hour, three-wave, cruise missile attack that occured tonight. The strike was allegedly launched in retaliation for Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s purported recent use of chemical weapons near Douma, an allegation for which there is little or no evidence. The attack coincided with the planned arrival in Syria of investigators from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), who were intending to verify whether chemical weapons had actually been used. Numerous loud blasts were heard over Damascus between 01:00 and 02:30 UTC April 14, according to local witnesses. Many of the explosions were due to intercepting missile launches. Reliable Twitter source AJSB reports that apparently the first wave of cruise missiles didn’t come from the Mediterranean but from Jordan or via Jordan from the Red Sea or KSA. Cruise missiles attempting to hit a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) missile base were . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / April 8, 2018 / In keeping with campaign promises, U.S. Commander-in-Chief President Donald J. Trump announced last week he wants American troops out of Syria. Alarmingly, the Israeli-backed dual American European Deep State, in the guise of Centcom commander Gen. Joseph Votel, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, and other hawks of the War Cabinet, has refused to obey this order. How can such a Constitutional crisis be resolved? Has the United States military become a war machine out of control? Jim Kavanagh at CounterPunch and Pat Buchanan hit the nail on the head when it comes to U.S. foreign aggression. I present first Buchanan’s succinct commentary, then the extensive analysis by Kavanagh. / Syrian Showdown: Trump vs. the Generals / By Patrick J. Buchanan / With ISIS on the run in Syria, President Trump this week declared that he intends to make good on his promise to bring the troops home. “I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home,” said the president. We’ve gotten “nothing out of the $7 trillion . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / December 7, 2017 / I present first the transcript, with video, of US President Donald Trump’s historic speech of December 6, 2017, in which he announces America’s formal recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. After that are a few remarks of my own in criticism of that speech, supporting the conclusion that Trump is attempting a deliberate deception of the public. At this task he fails. There follows a scholarly analysis of the impact of Trump’s decision, complete with brief history of the ancient city and its meaning to various religions, by expert commentator Alexander Mercouris of The Duran. The following transcript was reposted from PBS at Conservative Treehouse: [TRANSCRIPT] THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. When I came into office, I promised to look at the worlds challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking. We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed . . . READ MORE>>
Golden Ticket Never Ends / Opinion by USA First! / First published as reader comment; Conservative Treehouse, The Last Refuge. / Reposted at Quemado Institute / December 3, 2017 / Globalist politicians care not for how high they ride in the polls. They are paid to do one thing. And that is to do the bidding of their masters. They will be used and then discarded as the plebes begin to revolt. They then are shuffled out of place and a new globalist politician is inserted in their place with great promises of change. The globalist politician that does as they’re told moves on to a lucrative job on K street or a cushy job with some high-powered law firm. If they’ve been extremely effective at implementing globalist policies they are given a huge salary and put on staff at executive level in a bank somewhere. The globalist politician is arrogant because he knows his golden ticket doesn’t end after doing as told by the billionaire elites. The globalists take care of their own. Have Bill and Hillary lacked anything? Has . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction / LPR Power Transition: The Dark Side and the Light Side / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / November 26, 2017 / Assessing all the various reports on startling developments in the Lugansk People’s Republic, in which former LPR President Igor Plotnitsky has resigned and Leonid Pasechnik has become acting head, there is a stark contrast between positive and negative views of events. The enemy of course interprets the power shift with deep cynicism, alleging intense political infighting, total Kremlin control of events, Plotnitsky having “fled” to Russia, and so forth. None of this is true. As Eduard Popov shows in the excellent article below, the transition has been smooth, and Moscow, though influential, has no direct authority in the affairs of the Donbass Republics. It is also clear that Plotnitsky, while he has gone to Russia at least temporarily, did not “flee”, but has been assigned a role in the LPR for implementing the . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Quemado Institute / November 5, 2017 / I guess we really have to look into all this Mueller Manafort investigative nonsense, since it may well have a bearing on the future of the United States government. It goes without saying that the whole manufactured “investigation” is a Deep State ploy to disrupt American democracy, under which Donald Trump was rightfully elected, and to divide and conquer the US population—or rather to splinter it into myriad mutually hating factions—while destroying Russia, a free, democratic, anti-Western-Deep-State sovereign superpower which has shunned the Zionist banking system and is therefore enemy number one of the Deep State and its libtard mouthpieces. That said, Eric Zuesse and Philip M. Giraldi, both publishing at Strategic Culture Foundation, provide us with a definitive summary of this annoying and embarrassing episode of American corruption: / Was Trump Really This Honest? / Opinion By Eric Zuesse / Strategic Culture Foundation / November 5, 2017 / After all of the trumpeting against Donald Trump by the . . . READ MORE>>
Dilemma Not So Easily Dismissed / By Donovan Kirsten / Written for Quemado Institute / September 25, 2017 / In defense of the human mind / Analytic Historian Eric Zuesse pointed out something interesting yesterday—that we as human beings tend to ignore those facts that do not confirm what we already believe. Here is a quote from his article (People Ignore Facts That Contradict Their False Beliefs, Strategic Culture Foundation, September 23, 2017): “No matter how irrefutable the evidence is, most people reject anything which contradicts their deeply entrenched false beliefs, [a] phenomenon of ‘confirmation bias’. . . . A well-established central finding of psychological research, concerning ‘confirmation bias’ or ‘motivated reasoning’ (which are two phrases referring to people’s tendency to believe whatever they want to believe, regardless of any contrary facts), is that individuals evaluate whatever they read or hear according to their pre-existing ideas about the given subject. Specifically, psychologists have found that people tend to pay attention to whatever confirms their . . . READ MORE>>
Russian President Gives de Facto Support to Kiev Regime Military Forces / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / September 6, 2017 / Will UN Peacekeepers keep the peace? / Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed, at the recent BRICS conference in China, that United Nations peacekeepers be deployed in Ukraine, and has submitted a draft resolution on this measure to the UN Security Council. It is now crystal clear that the Russian leader, by his own admission, disdains not only independence for the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as he always has, but also peace and even survival for the ethnic Russians who live there. First of all, UN peacekeepers do not enjoy an untarnished reputation for keeping peace. One example is Haiti. According to T.J. Petrowski at Dissident Voice (October 13, 2016): “In some countries UN peacekeepers have behaved more like heavily armed, rampaging militias than ‘peacekeepers’. Since the start of the UN mission, peacekeepers have committed numerous human rights violations and massacres in Haiti. Peacekeepers were deployed in Haiti to support the brutal regime after the country’s first democratically elected government was overthrown by the U.S., France, and Canada in February, 2004. On July 6th, 2005, 350 heavily armed UN peacekeepers massacred 20 to 50 unarmed civilians in one of the . . . READ MORE>>
Apocalyptic Forewarning / Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / August 30, 2017 / The suddenness of insect population decline became shockingly clear to me a few days ago, when we took a one-mile walk near our ranch in Southern Arizona. We live at an elevation of 4,000 feet in a riparian area with heavy summer rains. Southern Arizona in August is famous for its massive displays of exotic insects. On this particular walk, we counted only seven: one velvet ant, one dragonfly, and five beetles. Environmental crises are a topic about which we rarely publish at Quemado Institute. But this personal apocalyptic forewarning has boosted the subject to the top of my concerns. Especially since, as I am now learning, this collapse of the bug population is not local to Arizona, nor simply caused by drought. During the past several years, people all over the world have documented a dramatic decrease in insects. The threat this represents seems to me more imminent than that of nuclear war provoked by the US-European deep state, or the death of the Pacific Ocean due to Japan’s negligent mishandling of the Fukushima disaster. The critical questions are not about why our ecology needs insects. That goes without saying. The critical questions are about our own survival. What is killing the insects? Will it kill us? How much time might our species have left? My three top hopotheses about what is killing the insects are 1) aerosol poisons from chemtrails, 2) agricultural pesticides, and 3) genetically modified crops. Personal experience makes me most wary of . . . . READ MORE>>
Donald Trump and the War of the Imperial West / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / August 26, 2017 / Afghanistan, a magnificent land of wild mountainous beauty, once a haven of shepherds, flutists and weavers. Their land is their faith. Their faith is their strength. Their strength will forever be deadly to invaders. / Compassion First Compassion is a taboo word in current transnational politics. But an understanding of compassion is all we need to see why wars in Afghanistan are never won. If the truth is that simple, why do we need think tanks to fabricate tomes of imperial strategy? Why do we need political analysts to untangle the lies of the warhawks? Because the liars mint the language, and the language they’ve minted forbids the word compassion. And when compassion is absent from the language, truth is obscured. That said, the folly of invading Afghanistan should be obvious to every child. The egregious immorality and arrogance of harboring imperial ambitions in Afghanistan should be clear to every church-goer on Sunday. It is certainly clear to President Donald J. Trump, who announced in a speech (transcript and video here) on August 21 an increase in US troops to the region and an indefinite continuance of American occupation. What is driving Trump’s escalation in Afghanistan? As evident in his national address, Trump’s rationale for sending more troops is not only an obvious fairy tale, it runs counter to everything Trump claimed to believe about the folly of US intervention. The conclusion is that Trump has fallen victim to deep state pressure. This will be analyzed further below. Afghanistan’s Mineral Resources This begs the question of what the United States and its allies seek to gain by further fighting in Afghanistan. Some analysists . . . READ MORE>>
Trump’s Troops and the Folly of Intervention / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / August 23, 2017 / Chaos Unleashed Since the staged event of 9/11, the United States and its European allies have, without moral, political or legal justification, destroyed the cultures, societies, secular governments and infrastructure of much of the greater Middle East, thus creating a huge terrorist cauldron. And now we don’t know what to do about it. In many cases, but not all—the tyranny of the Taliban for example, as marked by the subjugation of women, predated 9/11—it is easy for ordinary informed people to understand why these terrorists might seek revenge. And although we are forbidden to express this opinion in the public media [will censorship of Quemado Institute now go ballistic?], the reactions of mainly Muslim Middle East victims are so inevitably human, I have no doubt many intelligent Westerners discuss, in the privacy of their livingrooms where frank talk can still take place, this revenge phenomenon as a . . . READ MORE>>
US pushes Russia to abandon the Donbass in ultimatum / By Eduard Popov / Fort Russ / August 21, 2017 / With Conclusion by Quemado Institute / The meeting of the US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker with the representative of Russia will be held on Monday, August 21 in Minsk, in a format closed for the press. This information was provided to journalists by the press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Mironchik. On the agenda of the meeting, the US State Department said very laconically: it is planned to discuss Russian-Ukrainian relations. The State Department’s statement, in my opinion, is evidence of a gradually changing approach to Ukrainian affairs. Earlier, I already wrote that the meeting between Putin and Trump in Hamburg and the events that followed (including the appointment of Kurt Volker to the post of the US Special Representative for Ukraine) would lead to a noticeable toughening of the White House’s position towards the Kremlin in Ukrainian affairs. Previously, the US publicly distanced itself from open participation in the Donbass conflict, although this participation is a . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / August 19, 2017 / Acclaimed journalist Claire Connelly, in the detailed article posted below, reports the unsettling truth about the latest Google crackdown and its impact on internet freedom. Is Google censorship an obstacle for people seeking truth in the news? Yes, in fact, it’s a show stopper. Google, a private Bilderberg-endorsed entity, has a stranglehold on internet searches. The issue is not that they censor—private companies have a right to publish whatever they want—but that Google is a de facto monopoly, and anti-trust laws need to be enforced. … Google itself has now become nearly useless, producing only corporate- and CIA-approved content. The very content we consider fake. … One antidote to this creeping suffocating press censorship is for alternate websites to post linked lists to other websites. This keeps readers connected to the truth. We will soon add this feature to Quemado Institute. And here is Connelly: / The truth will not be Googled / By Claire Connelly Google has come under scrutiny by free-speech organisations for shutting down neo-Nazi website, Daily Stormer, seemingly too distracted to notice the tech giant has been waging a censorship campaign against progressive . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / August 18, 2017 / Political analyst Eduard Popov describes the dangers posed by the new naval base the United States has begun constructing in Ochakov on Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. The author frames this act of aggression in the context of the history of that port, of US legal and illegal arms supply to the post-coup regime in Kiev, and of the expansion of NATO toward Russia’s borders. Vladimir Putin must respond. But how? One of the most disheartening aspects of this development is that President Donald Trump, contrary to my hopes and expectations, is proving to be more aggressive toward Russia than his predecessor Barack Obama, although I have no doubt Hillary Clinton would have driven us into a hot war by now. Still, it is hard to imagine the American President sending Russia a more hostile message, nullifying his campaign promises of “friendship” between the two superpowers. Has Donald Trump lost his mind under pressure from the Deep State? Following Popov’s commentary are three short background articles. / US building naval base in Ochakov, Ukraine: Will Russia respond? / By Eduard Popov / Fort Russ / In Ochakov, Ukraine, in direct proximity to Crimea, the construction . . . READ MORE>>
The State of Malorossiya is What the Ukrainians Believe / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / July 19, 2017 / Donetsk People’s Republic President Alexander Zakharchenko declared on July 18, 2017 the creation of a new state, to be called Malorossiya, or “Little Russia”. This new state comprises all of the Oblasts (regions) of the former Ukraine, with Donetsk, rather than Kiev, its capital. Representatives of every Ukrainian Oblast, from Lvov in the far west, to Sumy in the north, to Lugansk in the east, signed the document endorsing the creation of Malorossiya at Tuesday’s ministerial summit in Donetsk. With the declaration of Malorossiya, the State of Ukraine ceases to exist. Malorossiya takes its place. However, a declaration is only as valid as the recognition it gets. So far, the Declaration of Malorossiya has been noted by key foreign players, including . . . READ MORE>>
Will Trump Surrender to the Deep State? / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / July 17, 2017 / I have my theories on President Donald J. Trump and how he operates in the real world. His actions invariably defy analysis. There is a good reason for this. He is up against huge opposition. The globalist elite and their media that dictate U.S. deep state anti-Russian policies want to see Trump impeached—removed from office for seeking world peace through cooperation with Russia. This Russophobic elite comprises not the just the American aristocracy, but also the banking and financial clan of Europe, which has more to lose than anyone from a US-Russian alliance. Never more than now has the potential of this alliance been apparent. The successful talk between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 in Hamburg on July 7—which emerged as the main event while the G20 itself was a side meeting—has become a showcase for the limitless possibilities of these two . . . READ MORE>>
The US Deep State: Sabotaging Putin-Trump Ceasefire Agreement in Syria / By Federico Pieraccini / Strategic Culture Foundation / July 16, 2017 / Posted with Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / The meeting between Trump and Putin at the G20 in Hamburg injects new hope into the complicated relationship between the United States and Russia. Only time can confirm whether there is any basis for this hope. The most eagerly anticipated meeting of the year, that between Putin and Trump, lasted far more than the scheduled 20 minutes, extending past two hours. This is not too much of a surprise given the points of friction that needed to be discussed, the many outstanding issues in international relations, and the fact that this was the first official meeting between the two world leaders. The results achieved exceeded initial ambitions, and the personal chemistry between Putin and Trump seems to have been sufficient to reach an important agreement in Syria as well as to conduct discussions surrounding cyber security. Trump even asked Putin about the alleged Russian hacking in the US presidential . . . READ MORE>>
When will CIA Stop Misleading Trump and Disclose ‘Solid Evidence’ of CW Usage by Assad? / By Sophie Mangal / Quemado Institute / Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy / July 13, 2017 / CIA Director Mike Pompeo said on July 11 at INSA Leadership Dinner that there is allegedly solid evidence that the Syrian authorities had been using chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun. As M. Pompeo clarified, President Donald Trump ordered to conduct an investigation on the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. In their work, the intelligence community allegedly managed to establish the links of Damascus with the incident, but Pompeo did not present any concrete facts. The CIA director noticed that the results of their valuation underlined the decision to strike at the Shayrat Airbase were collected in less than a day by a team of experts in cooperation with some ‘outstanding’ partners from across the Intelligence Community. It is worth noting that an air strike on the territory of another state is akin to declaring war. Does everyone understand the degree of responsibility for such a decision, or are Pompeo’s ‘partners’ so outstanding? Probably, the second looks more credible. It seems that in their reports, the CIA relies on its new much discredited agents, White Helmets. The Intelligence Community probably thinks these . . . READ MORE>>
They Spoke / By Israel Shamir / Unz Review / July 10, 2017 / Posted with concluding comment by Quemado Institute / July 11, 2017 / The highly anticipated encounter of the two presidents went better, much better than anybody predicted. There was a lot of anxiety, and expectations were low as heavy rain clouds, especially after Trump’s visit to Warsaw where he obediently repeated the Cold War platitudes dictated by his minders. Trump had been sent off to Hamburg by Washington establishment with warnings a convent novice gets before an unfortunate but unavoidable meeting with a Don Juan. They didn’t trust the inexperienced youngster, and insisted he should speak with Vlad only in presence of grown ups, like Auntie Fiona (Hill) or Uncle HR (McMaster), well known for their aversion to Russians. They warned him that, short of a nuclear strike, every other reaction will be considered betrayal of the Shining City upon a Hill. Every neocon and Cold Warrior in the West gave his advice to the President, how should he humiliate Putin and put him on his place, below the salt. They actually didn’t allow Trump to have a proper meeting with Putin, with full agenda, advisers and ministers, preferably a few days long, in a Camp David format or similar. But they failed profoundly. The meeting on the margins of G-20 had become the central event, while . . . READ MORE>>
Successful Talk Meets Expectations / Introduction and conclusion by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / July 9, 2017 / “Mr Trump’s television image is very different from the real person; he is a very down to earth and direct person, and he has an absolutely adequate attitude towards the person he is talking with; he analyses things pretty fast and answers the questions he is asked or new ones that arise in the course of the discussion.” –Vladimir Putin, July 8, 2017 / Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump conducted a long-awaited intensive discussion at the sidelines of the G20 Meeting in Hamburg, Germany on July 7, 2017. The bilateral talk was highly successful, a meeting of intelligent minds. Official accounts by Lavrov and Putin evidence no discord between the two superpower leaders, as we long ago predicted at Quemado Institute. Below is a full transcript of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s press release about the historic event. After that, excerpts from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview on the G20 meeting are presented, with a focus on his talk with President Trump, the Ukraine crisis, and roads to peace in Syria. Finally, I post an article from Blacklisted News on US-Russian cooperation in Syria, as discussed by Trump and Putin. / Lavrov Discusses Interaction of Presidents Trump and Putin / Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to Russian media questions following . . . READ MORE>>
Press Briefing on the President’s Meetings at the G20 / July 7, 2017 / Whitehouse.gov / PRESS BRIEFING BY SECRETARY OF STATE TILLERSON AND SECRETARY OF TREASURY MNUCHIN ON THE PRESIDENT’S MEETINGS AT THE G20 / Hamburg Messe / Hamburg, Germany / 7:18 P.M. CET / SECRETARY MNUCHIN: Hi, everybody. I just want to highlight very briefly, and then Secretary Tillerson will go on, and then afterwards we’ll both answer a few questions. But President Trump has had a very, very significant few days. I think, as you know, we went to Poland on Wednesday. In Poland, he met with 12 different leaders. We had bilats with Croatia and with Poland, as well as 10 other leaders at the Three Seas Conference where we talked about energy — the importance of the energy markets, the importance of supplying independent energy, infrastructure and opportunities there. I think, as you know, the speech which was just incredibly well-received, is part of our “America First But America Not Alone.” Then coming here, the President has had very significant meetings at the G20 already. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to meet with Chancellor Merkel and her team. It was a very, very productive and friendly meeting. There were lots of areas for us to collaborate on that were very clear. We talked about economic issues, we talked about trade. We had a very . . . READ MORE>>
The US-Russian Hearings: Caught Again in Their Trap / By Christopher Black /News Front / June 26, 2017 / “[O]ne shouldn’t put one’s trust in speeches like that from the gentlemen, for on such occasions the gentlemen liked to say agreeable things, but they had little or no significance and, once uttered, they were forgotten for all time, but admittedly, on the very next occasion one got caught again in their trap.” With these words Kafka described the modern condition, each one of us trapped in the sticky web of technology and deceit designed to manipulate us to act and think against our selves, to accept the role of monkeys offered bananas in a cage, surrendering the struggling to escape it. The most dangerous element of that technology is the constant and increasing flood of images of war, of “terror,” of cities destroyed, cultures erased, entire progressive socio-economic systems torn apart, or threatened with destruction, not by the “terrorists” but by the states that declared their “war on terror,” by the states that in reality created the terror in all its forms; the worst being the constant threat of instant and universal annihilation in a nuclear war. That threat, the threat of nuclear war is more dangerous with every passing day as we see the NATO build-up along Russia’s . . . READ MORE>>
Has Trump Drifted Into a Victim’s Slumber? Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / June 23, 2017 / Two of President Donald Trump’s most prominent one-time supporters are sounding the alarm to the slumbering White House Twitter enthusiast. As the world careens toward catastrophe, our President tweets but fails to act. So say Paul Craig Roberts and David Stockman. I present their articles below. Are these respected commentators painting too fatalistic a picture? I see them as ultimately supportive of Trump, urging him to stand by his commitments. They are rightly alarmed that Trump has failed to take action in the foreign policy arena. But they also note that Vladimir Putin has similarly fallen victim, apparently to the same “deep state” indimidation forces. Both leaders, though astute and pragmatic, have passively allowed the neocon elite to dictate much of their foreign affairs. What hidden entity is scaring Trump and Putin? Apparently the “deep state” operates not just in Washington, but also transnationally, its power reaching from its European base to encompass the United States and Russia. The obviously fabricated conflict between the two super-powers brings up the critical question: Who exactly is fomenting Russophobia? If the U.S. and Russia were allies, they could eat the world for lunch, so to speak. The European elite fears this scenario, having the most to lose. Remember, it’s the . . . READ MORE>>
Pro-Russian Media Vilify Trump’s War on ISIS (Updated: See Conclusion) / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / June 14, 2017 / Updated June 20, 2017: US Navy Shootdown of Syrian Su-22 changes picture (see end of post.) / “Let me make one point clear. The US and Russia are not enemies and pose no threat to one another. Analysts on both sides erect false threats, then salute their respective countries when they quash these imagined threats.” –Karl Pomeroy / Surovikin accuses US / One source of the foreign media’s pervasive anti-US rhetoric regarding America’s training base at Syria’s al-Tanf border crossing may in part be recent allegations made by Sergey Surovikin, commander of Russia’s force grouping in Syria. According to a June 9 TASS report, Surovikin claims: “Instead of eliminating terrorists guilty of killing hundreds and thousands of Syrian civilians, the US-led coalition together with the Democratic Forces Union controlled by it enters into collusion with ringleaders of the ISIL, who give up the settlements they had seized without fighting and head to the provinces where the Syrian government forces are active.” Surovikin continues, issuing the inflammatory slur: “The Americans advanced absolutely groundlessly ultimatum demands to the Syrian army not to approach the positions of the so-called New Syrian Army. They are motivating . . . READ MORE>>
Face the Nation Talks to US Secretary of Defense: “Diplomats Will Work Their Magic” / Introduction and Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / May 29, 2017 / On Sunday May 28, James Dickerson of Face the Nation interviewed Secretary of Defense James Mattis, asking frank questions that get to the heart of American policy abroad. Mattis rose to the challenge. The video and full transcript are presented below. Some noteworthy high points include Mattis’s assessment of the Russian threat to the U.S. and its allies—nonexistent. He did not say this in so many words, but left the indelible impression. What Mattis did say is that NATO is no threat to Russia. When asked “What does Russia want?” the Secretary of Defence shrugged. “Beats me. Right now, Russia’s future should be wedded to Europe. Why they see NATO as a threat is beyond me. Clearly, NATO is not a threat. But right now, Russia is choosing to be a strategic competitor for any number of reasons. But the bottom line is NATO is not a threat and they know it. They have no doubt about it.” While his ensuing comments may be political noises to cover . . . READ MORE>>
Leaked Documents: Ukrainian Air Force Shot Down MH17 Conspiracy and Guilt Confirmed / By Janus Putkonin / DONi News / May 24, 2017 / Edited with conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / May 24, 2017 / Updated May 26, 2017: New report on leaked documents at end of post / A truly sensational new document leak confirms Kiev’s direct responsibility for shooting down the Malesian Airlines flight MH17 in Donbass on July 17, 2014. Ukrainian top secret official documents show us that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) was ordered to hide all evidence of Ukrainian responsibility and especially everything which could prove Ukrainian air force involvement in the executed secret state terrorism operation. The documents were leaked by a Ukrainian official to the Sovershenno Sekretno newspaper. Russian and English translations from the orginal articles are available with copies of the leaked documents, which show written orders given by Ukrainian top officials concerning concealing of the operation of shooting down the flight MH17. Conclusions from the revealed Ukrainian SBU documents are as follows: To carry out special measures to destroy the facts of a special operation; To carry out effective preventive measures among . . . READ MORE>>
Air Strike on SAA Convoy Near al-Tanf: Are Alternate Media Overplaying U.S. Role? / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / May 21, 2017 / Alternate media platforms, including Moon of Alabama, Sputnik and Rt.com, seem to have gone hyperbolic in vilifying the United States over an alleged conspiracy agenda related to the U.S.-led Coalition air strike against the Syrian Army convoy near al-Tanf, Syria on May 18, 2017, which killed 6 Syrian Arab Army troops and injured three more. Moon of Alabama (See: U.S. Attacks Syrian Government Forces – It Now Has To Make Its Choice, May 19, 2017) claims, for example, that more than one U.S. jet conducted the air strike: “Yesterday a small battalion size force (~2-300 men) of the regular Syrian army, Syrian National Defense Organization volunteers and Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF/PMU of the Kata’ib al-Imam Ali) marched on the road from the west towards al-Tanf. They were about 23 kilometers away from the border station when they were attack [sic] by U.S. aircraft coming in low from Jordan. The U.S. jets directly fired at the convoy, allegedly after earlier giving some ‘warning shots’. This . . . READ MORE>>
On The State of the Internet and Elite Manipulation / Introductory Remarks by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / May 18, 2017 / While the globalist elite escalate their assault on the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump continues to work toward global peace through diplomacy with foreign leaders. A positive thinker par excellence, he is not just pragmatic, but believes in the power of the word. He is using his words to create world peace through cooperative relations with leaders across the globe, from Palestine to China, Russia to Japan, Israel to Saudi Arabia, and possibly even North Korea. Trump offers real hope the world can come to order, with nations enjoying secure borders while wars and terrorism gradually fade. “What? No wars?” scream the powers that be. “No fear with which to manipulate the little people? This cannot be! We must stop this dangerous positive trend!” And so they use their media—Rothschild-owned Reuters and Associated Press and all the rest of the mainstream platforms—to generate hysteria through persuasion and hypnosis. Indeed, many people have become so mired in . . . READ MORE>>
Assessing Lavrov’s visit to Washington / By Alexander Mercouris / The Duran / May 11, 2017 / Posted with End Note by Quemado Institute / May 12, 2017 / Sergey Lavrov’s trip to Washington confirms progress in reconstructing relations between the US and Russia after the damage done by the Obama administration. / Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov over the course of his two day visit to Washington gave a lengthy news conference in which he provided some information concerning his talks with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and US President Donald Trump. Lavrov’s mood at the news conference was upbeat, and this reflects the Russian media’s overall view of the talks. There is no euphoria and Lavrov himself said that the task of repairing US-Russian relations is a huge one. However he placed the blame for their present wretched state firmly on the previous Obama administration. Lavrov: “We discussed the state of our bilateral relations, which is not encouraging. We are well aware why relations are where they are now. Unfortunately, previous US administration did everything to undermine the foundations of our relations. Now, we have to work almost from the ground up. We perfectly understand that Russian and US citizens want to live in peace and be able to . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Donovan Kiersten / Quemado Institute / May 5, 2017; Updated May 12, 2017 / On April 23, 2017, an American OSCE observer was killed when his vehicle hit a recently planted landmine on a little used dirt road near the village of Prishib in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The explosion took place within video distance of the contact line. That the road had been traveled only two hours before without incident indicates the mine was not an old one planted by the Ukrainian Army in 2015, when such devices were placed along the contact line to prevent civilians from avoiding Ukrainian checkpoints. DPR and LPR officials have stated the mine was set by Ukrainian saboteurs who answer to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). The Ukrainian government is of course the prime suspect, since they would have a motive in creating a false flag event. It is hard to imagine the LPR militia having any motive, in that such an event would only increase Western hostility and further endanger Donbass. One might argue a crazed militiaman angry at the OSCE might have planted the mine unwisely. But the video and analysis below suggest the Ukrainians knew about the terrorist incident before it happened. US President Donald Trump has . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / April 30, 2017 / The four top world leaders, US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, are weaving a complex web of confrontation and diplomacy to rein in volatile North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, who has threatened America and its allies with first-strike nuclear attack. Kim is no slouch when it comes to pinpointing the origins of global conflict. He rebutted Israeli regime leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent insult, in which Kim was called a “madman”, by pointing out correctly that Israel illegally possesses nuclear weapons and is the major source of violence in the Middle East. Unfortunately, one has to admit that Kim, although a dangerous and perhaps obsessive young man, is absolutely correct in his assessment of the crimes of the Jewish State, Israeli aggression being one of the few foreign policy issues on which Trump has been dead wrong from the outset.How should the United States deal with a self-proclaimed adversary like Kim? President Trump sets the pace in his remarkable 100th-day television interview, which aired yesterday on CBS. Astutely, the US President offered a high assessment of Kim Jong-Un’s talent, calling him “a pretty smart cookie”. This innate respect assures me Trump will. . . READ MORE>>
Trump First 100 Days: Takeaways on Foreign Policy / By Andrey Akulov / Strategic Culture Foundation / Posted with End Note by Quemado Institute / April 26, 2017 / President Trump’s flip flops and zig zags on foreign policy issues make one believe the US has no coherent strategy. There is each and every reason to say so. Many world leaders and experts seem to be perplexed at least. But a deeper look into the events shows quite a different picture. It’s important to review the administration’s activities to get a clue to its foreign policy. The president has proposed to cut US expenditure on the UN, he has talked disparagingly about NATO and never given due to the role international institutions play in the contemporary world – something ex-President Obama set great store by. Instead, Donald Trump relies on interstate relations to protect the interests of «America first». He needs allies and partners. The priority is given to personal contacts with key foreign leaders. The list includes: the UK, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Israel, Germany, Egypt, China and Italy. So, according to the adopted gradation, allies come first, partners (Egypt) second with others to follow. There is method to his madness here. He is not rushing to meet everyone to increase US clout everywhere, but sticks to a well thought out pattern. He does have a strategy with traditional . . . READ MORE>>
Ukraine, Korea, Syria, Iran … Falsifying History Is Uncle Sam’s Way to War / By Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture Foundation / With Endnote by Quemado Institute / April 24, 2017 / Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the International Arctic Forum this week [March 30, 2017] on the real and present dangers from falsifying history. He said such deliberate distortion of history erodes international law and order, creating chaos and leading to further conflict. The Russian leader deplored the use of history as an «ideological weapon» to demonize others, and he said that without proper understanding of history we are bound to repeat mistakes of the past. That also reminds one of the maxim Karl Marx once wrote: «History repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce». As if on cue, while Putin was enumerating the dangers of false history, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko was being hosted in London by British premier Theresa May during a two-day visit. The Kiev-based regime that Poroshenko leads came to power through an illegal, violent coup against an elected government in February 2014, with clandestine support from Washington and the European Union. The Ukrainian state military ever since have been waging a war on the eastern region of the country, resulting in a death . . . READ MORE>>
Tillerson Laid Basis in Moscow Talks for Better US-Russia Cooperation on Syria / Sputnik News / April 23, 2017 / Analysts claim that the talks Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid the basis for improved US-Russian cooperation on Syria. / WASHINGTON / The talks Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid the basis for improved US-Russian cooperation on Syria, analysts told Sputnik. “This meeting seems to have put things on a more peaceful track. We can all applaud that,” professor of neuroscience and political commentator John Walsh said. “Definitely the outcome of the talks with Tillerson, Lavrov and Putin was much better than expected.” The talks established the ground work for cautious but improved collaboration between Moscow and Washington in seeking to resolve the six-year-long civil war in Syria that cost more than half a million lives and crated more than four million refugees, Walsh said. “The cooperation could range from joint military action to the much simpler one whereby the US pressures its allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar and perhaps Israel whose role is unclear to cease support of ISIS [the Islamic State, also known as Daesh],” he said. Walsh also believed that Tillerson’s visit paved the way for a visit by President Donald Trump to the Russian capital in the near future. “I think the prospects . . . READ MORE>>
President Trump and the Creative Process / By Donovan Kiersten / Quemado Institute / April 23, 2017 / Many political analysts are confused by contradictory impressions of US President Donald Trump’s foreign policy. They interpret his actions at a level beneath his intelligence, accusing him of inexperience, inconsistency, incompetence, insincerity or even malicious intent. Such analysts make themselves look foolish. Trump is guilty of none of these things. Then what is the secret of his method? Why does it look so erratic? Viewed at a deeper level, it appears Trump is using an approach similar to what software developers call incremental prototyping. This is an effective creative technique, and may be the core of the creative process natural to artists and scientists, and possibly even to businessmen. But what does incremental prototyping mean? Many technical problems encountered in the field of computer software are so complex that no human being, no matter how brilliant, can solve them using preconceived methods. Yet corporate managers, in their ignorance, often demand up-front design documents. Since engineers may have no idea what techniques will be ultimately effective, as often the problems to be solved have never been solved before, they sometimes write obfuscational design documents that have nothing to do with the final product. Then, when it comes to . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / April 17, 2017 / I am impressed yet again with the brilliance and humanity of Alexander Zakharchenko, distinguished leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Setting an example of diplomacy, Zakharchenko kindly answers questions from enemy as well as friend. We thank the publication Novorossia Today for making available this question-answer session with the DPR President. / What do I think of America? It seems to me that this country, which started very well, is now lost. And this is a matter of ideology: tolerance, the dictatorship of minorities, sexual revolutions and the absence of restraining moral principles, the destruction of the bond between generations … And also deception and pharisaism. An illusion. As a result, we see a split between the people and the elites. So, America is facing a serious shock. I do not understand how it can serve as a model for anyone. –Alexander Zakharchenko / EXCLUSIVE: Donetsk People’s Republic President Alexander Zakharchenko Answers Questions From All Over the World, from Ukraine To New York / Novorossia Today / Vadim, Mariupol city: Question: Inadequate “pod-heads” from among our now-former fellow citizens like to ridicule absolutely everything in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, from the prices for tomatoes to the largest funeral of our heroes and reservists’ gatherings. They say people are driven there. It’s clear that it’s from their own defectiveness. After all, they themselves drive the schoolchildren to funerals of their “camrades”, forcing them to bow before the murderers and accomplices of the murderers of children like . . . READ MORE>>
By Federico Pieraccini
Strategic Culture Foundation / Concluding Comment by Karl Pomeroy / April 13, 2017 / “Trump has already lost his most loyal supporters, who had voted for him to stop US military adventures abroad.” / On April 4 2017 in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun, a city controlled by western-backed terrorists, chemical weapons killed more than eighty civilians. Immediately, local and foreign sources (the White Helmets and Syrian Observatory, respectively, dubiously linked to Al Qaeda groups) blamed the Syrian Arab Army, accusing them of employing chemical agents. In the following forty-eight hours, the mainstream media flooded print media and the airwaves with information that alleged that Assad used chemical weapons. As is known, it is not the first time that the legitimate government of Syria has been accused of attacking its own people with weapons of mass destruction. In all similar events in the past, it has been later discovered that the chemical agents in question were used by the Al Nusra Front and Al Qaeda terrorists. In 2013, Obama tacitly rejected the . . . READ MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / April 12, 2017 / Donald Trump has led us on a wild ride, blaming Assad for a chemical weapons attack most certainly caused by terrorists, rudely interrupting his Mar A Lago dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping to conduct a Tomahawk missile strike on Syria, tweeting an ultimatum to China, even as a North Korean submarine was sighted off the coast of California: “North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.” So how will the U.S.A. solve the problem? By bombing North Korea so Kim Jong-un nukes Los Angeles? Trump has gone off the deep end, totally brainwashed by the war criminal mob around him. And today, belligerent and irresponsible U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. What can come of this ill-timed conference? More threats and insults? The Duran will be covering the story. Below that is Paul Craig Roberts analysis of events: / BREAKING: Putin and Tillerson meet in Moscow / By Vladimir Rodzianko / The Duran / April 12, 2017 16:00 UTC / Despite speculations that a meeting would never take place, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in fact . . . READ MORE>>
By Sophie Mangal / Quemado Institute / April 9, 2017 / According to trusted military sources of Inside Syria Media Center source in Syria, after the U.S. Tomahawk strikes on the Shayrat air base on April 7, Russia has taken measures to guarantee more security for its military in case the attack is repeated. Sources also claimed that two Russian all-purpose jets capable of spotting and intercepting cruise missiles are barraging in the Eastern Mediterranean. If any attacks on the objects, where the Russian military are located (including the Hmeimim and Tartus bases), take place, the Russians are likely to carry out retaliatory strikes on the ships that launch cruise missiles. As our source states, Russian military advisors have been stationed at the positions of all of the Syrian antiaircraft defense systems to assist in intercepting cruise missiles. / Related article: H. R. McMaster Manipulating Intelligence Reports to Trump, Wants 150,000 Ground Soldiers in Syria / By Mike Cernovich / Medium.com / April 8, 2017 / Current National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump, Cernovich Media can now report. McMaster is plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help . . . READ MORE>>
US Syria Strike Could Hit Donbass and Europe Too / By Eduard Popov / Translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski / Posted Quemado Institute April 8, 2017 / The missile strike on a Syrian airbase on April 7th by US ships in the Mediterranean Sea buried hopes for a warming of relations between the US and Russia with the ascent of Donald Trump’s White House. The prevailing opinion among Russian experts is that Trump was forced to pursue the previous administration’s foreign policy program in the Middle East. Others argue that Trump’s hardened actions and rhetoric towards Russia are the new US President’s bargaining for giving him a free hand in implementing his domestic program. Yet perhaps these explanations are marked by a degree of confusion and self-deception on our part. People in Russia see Trump like they want to see him. But Trump the Republican is merely trying to regain America’s role as the main cowboy which it lost after two terms of a Democratic President. Therefore, the clash of US and Russian interests in Syria (and not only Syria) was probably predetermined. And our attempts to explain this as the insidious influence of the Democrats is another self-deception. The US really did behave in the spirit of a cowboy in bombarding . . . READ MORE>>
By Sophie Mangal / Quemado Institute / April 7, 2017 / On April 7, between 3.42am and 3.56am, a massive rocket attack was carried out from an area near Crete Island in the Mediterranean Sea. Two destroyers of the US Navy (USS Ross and USS Porter) launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian Al-Shayrat airbase in Homs Province. According to various mass media, only 23 of them reached the Syrian airbase. The strike on the Al-Shayrat airbase in Syria’s Homs Province destroyed a material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen, six Mig-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station. The runway, taxiways and the Syrian aircraft remain undamaged. According to the command of the Syrian airbase, two Syrian military personnel were missing, four were killed and six were burned in the firefighting. The remaining 36 cruise missiles hit the surrounding peaceful settlements. As a result five civilians including three children were killed in the village of Al-Shayrat located 1.5 km east of the airbase. Seven citizens were wounded in Al-Manzul (1 km north of the airfield). Four people including one child were killed in Al-Hamrat (4.5 km south . . . READ MORE>>
By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / March 8, 2017 / Click here for big print version of this article. / Political analysts Paul Craig Roberts and Alexander Mercouris offer pessimistic vs. optimistic views respectively of President Donald Trump’s chances of delivery on his campaign promise of friendship with Russia. Is it time to abandon hope? Or will Trump and Putin overcome the wrath of malicious powers in the United States government and the Western media? I first present Roberts’ incisive commentary. My own editorial follows, critiquing Roberts’ negative stance, and after that an article on US-Russia cooperation in Syria by Alexander Mercouris, Chief Editor of The Duran. / Washington’s Benevolent Mask Is Disintegrating / By Paul Craig Roberts /March 7, 2017 / The few weeks of Trump’s presidency suffice to make clear that there will be no change this time either. Normal relations with Russia are on the back burner, if not off the stove. The material needs of the military/security complex for an enemy in order to justify its budget and police state powers, and the ideological needs of the neoconservatives for US world hegemony, are deemed to be more important than trust between thermo-nuclear powers. As for the liberal/progressive/left, they regard working to preserve life on . . . READ MORE>>
Let’s Zero In on the Real Culprits Who Threaten World Peace / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / March 3, 2017 / Full Movie: House of Rothschild at end of post / It’s all too easy to blame the Americans for neoconservative foreign wars. Analysts cite the Deep State is as the instigator of U.S. aggression, while many accuse the Democrats of the treasonous drive against President Trump. And in a weird twist of politics, demonization of Russia has not abated since the election of our Russia-friendly President. Instead, left-wing mania has escalated, until a chat with a Russian ambassador is claimed grounds for impeachment. Senators such as insane John McCain and flaky Jeff Flake, both from Arizona, decry the aggression of the Russian Federation. And as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford said at the Brookings Institution on February 23, 2017, “Russia is an existential threat to the United States.” Yet the only incident these Russophobes can cite is Russia’s adoption of Crimea. What they fail to mention is the following self-evident principle: After a violent government overthrow—such as the US-backed Maidan coup that ousted Ukraine’s President Yanukovich—there exists no . . . READ MORE>>
President Trump Speech To Congress – Transcript: “Believe In Yourself, Believe In America” / Conservative Treehouse / February 28, 2017 / President Donald Trump: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and Citizens of America: Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our nation’s path toward civil rights and the work that still remains. Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week’s shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms. Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice – in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands, and we will use it to light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. A new chapter of American Greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our nation. And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within . . . READ MORE>>
We Need to Spread the Word – Part II / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / February 26, 2017 / Help us to help save Donbass /
Our number one goal since founding this website in November 2014 has been to help the cause of Novorossiya by raising the awareness of people in the West. We take no donations and do not advertise. Our time is donated freely. All we need from you, our readers and followers, is to help the cause by spreading the word. The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics are in serious trouble right now. Enemy ukrainian battalions are attacking relentlessly along the contact line, expanding their occupied territory with the tacit approval of the OSCE, the very body assigned the task of impartial observation of Minsk ceasefire compliance. The OSCE turns a blind eye to Kiev’s shelling and bombing of Donetsk and Lugansk residential areas and critical infrastructure. Azov Battalion Invades Donetsk Filtration Plant: Two nights ago, under the cover of darkness, the Kiev-aligned Azov battalion invaded and seized the Donetsk Water Filtering Station, placing civilians in grave danger of water shortage and . . . READ MORE>>
Only a Surprise Move Can Restore Detente with Russia / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / February 16, 2017 / As many Russia watchers agree, the purging of President Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn spells the end of any real clout the administration might have had in establishing friendly relations with Russia. Flynn was an advocate of detente. Immediately following his resignation, Trump, with unprecedented hostility, tweeted, “Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during Obama’s administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?” Too soft? To imagine a nation being harder on Russia than the U.S. was during the ex-President’s term is to imagine World War III, which we might now be facing had Hillary Clinton won. So on the positive side, we achieved some respite by electing the Manhattan billionaire. Just not as much as we hoped. (See revision at end of post.) One grave danger, as always foremost on our minds at Quemado Institute, lies in a possible U.S. supported military buildup in Ukraine, further imperiling the Republics of Novorossiya. This is especially critical now, at a time when Kiev regime leader Petro Poroshenko has planned a meeting in the U.S. with President Trump. Now that Flynn is gone, who will bolster in Trump a reasonable stance toward Russia and Donbass? But other dangers . . . READ MORE>>
Bad Signs of New World Order Takeover: Why Didn’t Donald Trump Defend Michael Flynn? / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / February 14, 2017 / Retired General Michael Thomas Flynn was one of President Trump’s best appointments, reassuring us that Trump was sincere about mending relations with Russia. Now, fake media and fake political subterfuge have eliminated Flynn from his role as National Security Advisor. Why did the the fake contingent have the power to remove Flynn? Because Trump, in his newly acquired status as figurehead, in which he ostentatiously entertains allied heads of state much as would the Queen of England, is powerless because he has not seized power. We expected Trump would seize power immediately upon taking office. What we did not anticipate was that he would be criticized to death. Everyone has a limit on the unfair vilification they can take and maintain their personal authority and confidence. But few have ever been vilified as severely as Trump. He has not “sold-out”; he remains sincere. Trump has simply been vilified to death by traitors to America and freedom. And not just by subversive political elements like John McCain, nor by snowflake libtards, nor by the Rothschild-owned media outlets like Reuters and Associated Press, upon which all the other mainstream news sources depend, but also, sadly, by the alternate media, who have done their share in tearing him down. One egregious example is “respected” author Finian Cunningham who, in his latest article slamming Trump on the “esteemed” platform Strategic Culture Foundation . . . READ MORE>>
Date Not Set for Future Presidential Summit / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / February 10, 2017 / Russia and Donbass watchers have anxiously awaited a face-to-face meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two most prominent leaders of the free world. Putin has extended the first gesture, accepting Slovenian President Borut Pahor’s offer to host such a meeting in Ljubljana. Putin met today at the Kremlin with Pahor, who is in Russia on an official visit. The two presidents also discussed prospects for developing Russian-Slovenian relations. Optimistically, a Trump-Putin summit offers hope for a beginning of resolutions on the Ukraine civil war. as well as for the Syrian crisis. Donetsk People’s Republic leader Alexander Zakharchenko has expressed cautious optimism about President Trump, saying earlier this week that he “trusts Trump more than he trusts Poroshenko or Tymoshenko, [whose] words have little to do with reality.” It is doubtful Zakharchenko would have expressed such trust in Obama. So far, Trump has not given a clear signal as to how he will handle Ukraine, nor what to expect from his likely upcoming talks with Ukraine’s post-coup President Petro Poroshenko. However some Russian analysts, such as Eduard Popov, believe the US President and his team know exactly what is going on in Donbass, and are not . . . READ MORE>>
Post-Coup Ukraine President Arranges Talks / By Kennedy Applebaum / With Special Tribute to Commander Givi – Symbol of Donbass – RIP / Quemado Institute / February 4, 2017 / Addendum February 5, 2017: Nikki Haley’s UN Full Statement/ Unconfirmed fake news sources such as UNIAN and Radio Free Europe report today that U.S. President Donald Trump and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko are scheduled to hold a telephone conversation on the night of February 4 to 5, citing the White House press office. The UNIAN source continues: “The conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is scheduled to begin at 16:45 EST (01:45 Kyiv time on Sunday). As UNIAN reported earlier, the date of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s visit to the United States for a possible meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump is being discussed, according to the Ukrainian president’s administration.” President Trump himself says nothing about a planned phone call on Twitter, and so far I’ve seen no other reports to confirm it. In any case, such talks are premature. Trump has not had time to study the complex issue of Donbass. This and other events may be cause for alarm. The biggest longterm transnational threat to Donbass I see was summed up by . . . READ MORE>>
Alternate Media Goes Beserk / By Karl Pomeroy/ Quemado Institute / February 2, 2017 / Never have I seen so much confusion in the alternate media. The mainstream press used to the provenance of fake news. Now these damaging fairy tales are fabricated, conjured, manufactured and sensationalized by even the surliest non-mainstream platforms. It’s like a shattering blast from a tidal wave of mass psychotic dementia Global Research, Strategic Culture Foundation, Moon of Alabama, Information Clearing House—none publish the truth anymore. With apologies to Adam Garrie below, The Duran seems to publish more truth than any site I’m aware of. Paul Craig Roberts is usually good, but occasionally starkly disappointing. If there are better sources than these, please enlighten me, lest I abandon blogging and take up the bagpipes full time. Witness the following: Alex Jones at Infowars now “reveals” that Vladimir Putin has secretly organized all of the anti-Trump protests—and Jones has a “documentary” to prove it. Jonathan Marshall at Robert Parry’s Consortium News alleges the “jury is out” on who started the latest war provocations in Donbass, as if maybe it wasn’t Kiev, but could just as easily have been the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics! Adam Garrie of The Duran sagatiously “informs” us Novorossiya is losing the war because it lacks weapons and training—as if the DPR/LPR could not . . . READ MORE>>
By Alexander Mercouris / The Duran / January 29, 2017 / Posted Quemado Institute January 31, 2017 / The single most important fact known for certain about US President Trump’s and Russian President Putin’s first telephone conversation, with took place yesterday Saturday 28th January 2017, is that it lasted for a whole hour. That is an unusually long time for two busy leaders such Trump and Putin to spend talking to each other. It shows that they not only took the call seriously but that they used it to discuss the full range of US-Russia relations, and – perhaps most important of all – to become acquainted with each other. The last is important because both Trump and Putin are known to be individuals to whom trust and personal contact matter highly. The importance of trust to both Trump and Putin was discussed in an interesting article by the British journalist Piers Morgan, who is a personal friend of Trump’s, who however has also obtained some unusual (for a British journalist) insight into Putin’s personality as a result of information given him to him about Putin by former US President Bill Clinton: “Never break your word to him (Donald Trump -AM). Trump’s a very loyal guy, as I can personally attest. I’d bet very good money that if you keep your word to him, he will keep his to you. Remember, you don’t have to like him to do good business with him. Bill Clinton once told me that when he met with Vladimir Putin, they would eventually throw everyone else out of the room and go hard at each other until they reached points of agreement. Pertinently, Clinton said Putin never reneged on any of those personal agreements. His handshake . . . READ MORE>>
Syria’s New Draft Constitution As Presented at Astana Peace Talks / Source: Inside Syria Media Center / Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / January 31, 2017 / Inside Syria Media Center has published the new draft constitution for Syria in English. This draft was presented by Russian diplomats to the Syrian opposition’s delegation during the recent peace talks in Astana. The draft consists of proposals which are covered by Arab Mass Media. The preliminary version of the suggested constitution promotes the Kurdish Cultural Autonomy. It would also set limits on presidential terms, and would decentralize Syrian state authority. Pages 2 – 10 of the English version of Syria’s new draft constitution are presented below, with a link provided to the remainder of the text. A concluding commentary by Quemado Insitute’s Kennedy Applebaum, evaluating the risks and hopes regarding Russia’s role in Syrian constitutional reform, follows the text of the constitution. . . . READ MORE>>
Three days in and Trump has already kept one pledge / By Paul Craig Roberts / Posted Quemado Institute / January 25, 2016 / On Trump’s third day Trump is one up on the Establishment. Can this last? I am not a Trump booster. I am a scorekeeper. On the third day of his presidency Donald Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacificic Partnership (TPP). Based on this we must assume he will also deep-six the Trans-Atlantic Partnership. Trump and his advisors regard the Pacific and Atlantic partnerships as trade deals like NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement that sent American jobs to Mexico at the expense of Americans. However, the most strategic part of these agreements is that they make global corporations immune from the laws of the countries in which they do business if those laws adversely impact the profits of the global corporations. Who decides the question? Not the courts of the countries or a world court. The question is decided by a corporate tribunal staffed only by corporations. In other words, the sovereign laws of sovereign countries, such as France’s laws against GMOs, are subject to damage suits decided by corporate tribunals, which means the end of the legal sovereignty of countries. The so-called trade partnerships are weapons of American economic imperialism. Whether Trump and his advisors are aware of this or not, Trump has on his third day dealt a lethal blow to a power lusted after by US global corporations. How will this formidable force respond to . . . READ MORE>>
By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / January 20, 2017 / We have three internet machines here at the ranch—two running Microsoft Windows, one running Linux—but no cable TV. Our experience from the Presidential debates has been that without cable, we can’t get livestream coverage of the event, except on Infowars.com. So we planned to watch Trump’s historical inauguration on Infowars. No such luck. Shall I say we missed his swearing in? We did. I felt cheated. On the Linux machine afterwards, we found a photo—beautiful I must say—of Trump’s hand on a bible held by Melania, dressed in gorgeous blue. But the livestream event was not there for us. How could this have happened? Here’s how. First, Alex Jones of Infowars had promised to cover the Inauguration ceremony. But what he did instead, after holding an interesting discussion with top-hatted Roger Stone, was to have two of his flunky reporters talk over almost the entire event while a silent image moved on a wall screen behind them. We did not get to hear any of the introductory speeches: we just saw mouths moving in faces on the screen, while Alex Jones’ reporters talked and talked. These two reporters—good heavens should I remember their names—had nothing to say except what I’ve heard a hundred times and known for months or years. It was an endless rehash of . . . READ MORE>>
What should we expect from the talks on Syria in Astana? / By Sophie Mangal / Edited by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / January 12, 2017 / As of March 2017, it will be exactly six years since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Some journalists have made unfavorable forecasts, wondering about the very possibility of reconciliation. Complicated by foreign intervention on the part of Israel, the war in Lebanon, for example, continued for about 15 years. But even a six-year term is much too long. That is why we must maintain hope that the meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, scheduled for January 23, 2017, will eventually lead to a positive result. Following that, there will be an occasion to consolidate the success of the negotiations in Geneva under the auspices of the UN. So what might the upcoming negotiations in Astana lead to? Latest Statements of the Main Actors: Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev backs the initiative to conduct the negotiations, and has announced his readiness to provide a platform and to support unconditional assistance to the peace process. Syrian President Bashar al Assad considers the possibility of reaching an agreement on the Syrian crisis settlement and is ready to discuss with the anti-government forces any questions about ending the conflict, including a referendum on a new constitution of Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes that it is possible to give birth to the idea of Syrian-Syrian talks in Astana, and that a nationwide ceasefire will be signed as a result. Then practical negotiations on a political reconciliation could be launched. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu expresses concerns . . . READ MORE>>
Journalists Held, All Materials Seized / Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / January 9, 2017 / Two Dutch investigative journalists, Michel Spekkers and Stefan Beck, traveled to the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics this past week to investigate the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 7777 Flight MH17. The passenger plane, having been directed over the war zone by Kiev air traffic controllers, was downed on July 17, 2014 near the border between the Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts. Spekkers and Beck were accredited by the DPR and LPR and traveled freely in the area, talking to the local people. They were accompanied during the first few days of their visit by well-known British video journalist Graham Phillips. Upon returning to Amsterdam after a week in Donbass, the two journalists were detained by Dutch officials and all of their notes and materials were seized. When they asked which law they were breaking, the officials refused to comment. This adds to the already massive evidence of the Dutch coverup of the cause of the MH17 crash. It is particularly noteworthy that Spekkers and Beck, who speak Russian, were free to talk with the local people, many of whom, as we know from videos and news reports, were eyewitnesses to one or more fighter jets . . . READ MORE>>
The nuance of Donald Trump’s rhetoric on China and Iran / By Adam Garrie / The Duran / December 31, 2016 / Donald Trump’s views on Iran and China may be misunderstood. He is complimenting both countries for making America look stupid, not declaring his intention to destabilise either. Many anti-war pundits have been worried at some of the more bellicose rhetoric that Donald Trump and some of his new cabinet picks have been uttering against Iran and China. Whilst this rhetoric certainly bears scrutiny, like much of Trump’s language, there is far more than meets the eye. Trump strikes me as something of a pre-ideological politician in an age where rabid ideologies, especially neo-liberalism are ravaging much of the earth. Neo-liberalism’s greatest foreign policy flaw is addressing non-existent threats by weakening other nations, rather than focusing on strengthening the home-front. To understand this, one ought to look at the comparative state of the military strength and sophistication of France vis-à-vis Prussia at the beginning and end of the 18th century. In 1700 France was not only the largest, but also the most sophisticated army in Europe. Prussian leaders noticed this and began a military build-up that resulted in one of the most sophisticated armies in Europe, whose method of operations was developed in a rapid period of time during the 18th century. The rivalry in Europe between . . . READ MORE>>
What is Henry Kissinger Up To? / By Paul Craig Roberts / Paul Craig Roberts website / December 28, 2016 / With Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.” If we take this report at face value, it tells us that Kissinger, an old cold warrior, is working to use Trump’s commitment to better relations with Russia in order to separate Russia from its strategic alliance with China. China’s military buildup is a response to US provocations against China and US claims to the South China Sea as an area of US national interests. China does not intend to attack the US and certainly not Russia. Kissinger, who was my colleague at the Center for Strategic and International studies for a dozen years, is aware of the pro-American elites inside Russia, and he is at work creating for them a “China threat” that they can use in their effort to lead Russia into the arms of the West. If this effort is successful, Russia’s sovereignty will be eroded exactly as has the sovereignty of every other country allied with the US. At President Putin’s last press conference, journalist Marat Sagadatov asked if Russia wasn’t already subject to forms of foreign semi-domination: “Our economy, industry, ministries and agencies often follow the rules laid . . . MORE>>
Groundwork Laid for Countering Russian News / Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / December 26, 2016 / Zero Hedge and Investment Watch Blog, in two articles posted below, inform us today that the current acting American President has quietly signed into law Bill H.R. 5181 (full text posted below). This bill establishes funding and organizational structure for the U.S. government to carry out the task of identifying and evaluating information sources that publish foreign “disinformation and propaganda”, especially originating from Russia, with a goal of countering that propaganda using “pro-active fact-based narratives”. From the wording of the bill, it seems to authorize research on identifying foreign “disinformation” sources, analyzing why they have influence, and determining procedures for “protecting” America and its allies. Zero Hedge implies the bill is intended to shut down alternate news outlets, while Investment Watch warns of criminal penalties. H.R. 5181 however does not explicitly mention any actions against American news sites. Nor does it suggest blocking any sites or imposing any penalties. If the latter were true, the Quemado Institute website would have to close down immediately. Many of our articles, particularly on the News from Novorossiya page, originate from the . . . MORE>>
Putin Slams US Democratic Party As “Shameless Losers”, Says Russia Alone Believed In Trump’s Victory / By Tyler Durden / Zero Hedge / December 23, 2016 / With Concluding Commentary on Donbass by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / December 23, 2016 / Covering numerous topics, from foreign politics to the Russian budget, the price of oil, sports doping allegations as well as the US election during his annual end-of-year news conference, Russian president Vladimir Putin slammed the US Democratic party saying “the party that is called the Democrats has clearly forgotten the original meaning of that name” and added that “the use of administrative resources (by the Democrats) is absolutely shameless.” He continued the rout saying “outstanding figures in American history from the ranks of the Democratic Party would likely be turning in their graves. Roosevelt certainly would be. They (the Democrats) are losing on all fronts and looking elsewhere for things to blame. In my view this, how shall I say it, degrades their own dignity. You have to know how to lose with dignity.” Continuing his barrage against the Democratic Party, Putin said it is “losing on all fronts” and that it is wrongly trying to blame President-elect Donald Trump’s victory on external factors. “You need to learn how to lose gracefully,” he said. He added that “losers always look for someone to blame, but they should first of all look at themselves. Putin then said that “the most important . . . MORE>>
EU Racism: Refusal of Human Rights to 3.5 Million Donbass People in Europe / By Janus Putkonen / DONi News / Edited by Karl Pomeroy /Quemado Institute / December 7, 2016 / The European Union advocates the values of “liberal democracy” and condemns racism. The EU demands safety, equality, freedom of trade and movement across Europe for everyone…. But what about the 3.5 million Donbass citizens in the former Ukraine, who are living their lives in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics [DPR/LPR]? Suddenly none of the mentioned “westen values” matter, and the whole ethnic Russian population in Donbass has been hunted by the West: the EU, USA and NATO. Do you know that here in the DPR, all basic human rights have been denied by the West to about 2 million citizens, and in the LPR the situation is the same. For example, if you have a business, a factory in Donbass, you don’t have any right to export products to European markets. Yes, there are also great difficulties with Russian customs, but maybe with huge effort, some sales opportunities can be opened up there. Not a single western financial institution will give you even a basic way to transfer money, I mean, not for your private or business needs. You are blocked, and the Russian liberal banking system won’t help you either, and basically your life is dependent on one thing—the flow of cash. When you live in Donbass, you are placed under full-scale western economic blockade. It does not matter who you are, nor what you have done in the . . . MORE>>
The Criterion of Power / By Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / November 28, 2016 / The mainstream media, none moreso than The New York Times, are hellbent on making it look like President-elect Donald Trump’s transition is in chaos. This illusion serves the nefarious purposes of the Western ruling elite, who seek to disrupt Trump’s inauguration to office in any possible way, from slanderous press, to bogus vote recounts, to massive planned demonstrations on inauguration day. Let us hope there is nothing worse in store. On the subject of chaos, MSNBC now reports that Trump is “furious” with his winning campaign manager Kellyann Conway for her objection to his potential appointment of Mitt Romney as Secretary of State. No doubt this is pure fabrication on the part of MSNBC and other mainstream outlets. Conway said in an interview Sunday that she thought the consideration of Romney was a betrayal of Trump supporters. And maybe it is, if judged on the surface. Deeper analysis, however, may shed light on Trump’s underlying strategy. Regarding Conway’s public statement, it seems unlikely Trump would be angry over such a minor disagreement, especially after her magnificant performance as campaign manager. Trump says he likes to work with people who disagree with him. Conway would be no exception. It is worth recalling that Vice President-elect Mike Pence made a public statement about his support for the Iraq War, yet Trump took this in stride, dismissing the episode in the second presidential debate with a mere . . . MORE>>
The New Rising Threat: EU Information Blockade / By Janus Putkonen / DONi News / Conclusion by Quemado Institute / November 26, 2016 / We are edging towards a full scale information and media war. Yes, you can still read this article in the territory of European Union, but for how long? Concerned international discussion has arisen during the past week on the EU draft resolution which was passed in the European parliament Wednesday. Russia’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, warned that “if the EU begins censoring Russian media, then we will of course take measures in response”. Her warning is based on the EU report, which was voted in favor on Wednesday: the EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties. The European Parliament voted on a non-legislative resolution which urges the EU to “respond to information warfare by Russia,” with RT and Sputnik news agencies branded the most dangerous “tools” of “hostile propaganda.” Zakharova branded the document as “paranoia” and part of “the ongoing demonization of Russia,” adding that it is filled with “made-up messages, myths,” and reflects “the ideology which has been cultivated towards Russia recently.” “It is irresponsible to equate Russian media organizations with terrorist groups such as Islamic State. It is irresponsible to mix up . . . MORE>>
MSM Wrong Again: Donald Trump’s Transition Is Going Smoothly / By Alexander Mercouris / The Duran / Conclusion by Quemado Institute / November 23, 2016 / Less than 2 weeks since his unexpected election victory, it is already becoming clear that one of the major problems Donald Trump is going to face is the established media’s hostility to everything he does. A case in point is the way the media is misreporting his discussions aimed at setting up his new administration. There has been much talk about how this process has supposedly be chaotic, with much talk of a backlash against Trump for some of his appointments. On the contrary my opinion is that the process has been going quite smoothly. Trump acted decisively and quickly to replace Christie with Pence as head of the transition team, rather than remove Christie too late when it was already obvious that he was not up to the job, whilst the appointments of Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff and Stephen Bannon as chief strategist seem to be carefully judged to balance the appointment of a seasoned political insider and professional manager (Priebus) against a loyal publicist and ideologue (Bannon), whilst his appointments of Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Mike Pompeo as CIA chief bring in seasoned professionals who in the cases of Sessions and Pompeo should not have difficulty getting Senate confirmation. The latter is important because the way Trump . . . MORE>> Click here.
Graham Phillips in Donbass: What Lugansk Residents Think of Donald Trump / Video by Graham Phillips / November 10, 2016 / Lugansk, LPR / Well-known British video journalist Graham Phillips interviews passersby in the city of Lugansk, Lugansk People’s Republic, Novorossiya, asking what they think about Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections. Spontaneous smiles and hopeful responses suggest most of the people there admire Trump for his positive outlook, his policies on world peace, and his promise of better relations with Russia. Most see Hillary Clinton as more warlike. One woman even said the old lady was too sick to govern. Surprisingly, these articulate and charming people thousands of miles across the globe seem more educated about the U.S. elections than Americans themselves. Click here.
The Real Reasons Why FBI Director James Comey Reopened the Hillary Email Investigation / By Joachim Hagopian / Global Research / October 31, 2016 / This last Friday it became public record that FBI Director James Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email server investigation after repeatedly testifying before Congress and the world up to last July that he’d closed the case, after in his words not finding sufficient evidence of “any criminal wrongdoing” to indict her in spite of her four years as Secretary of State egregiously breaching our national security: committing obstruction of justice and willful tampering with evidence; deleting 30,000 emails after receiving a court subpoena constituting destruction of evidence; not to mention repeatedly engaging in perjury before Congress and the FBI. But obviously a federal investigation still in process in late June never stopped Bill Clinton’s illegal ambush at the Phoenix airport of Comey’s boss US Attorney General Loretta Lynch (image below) “clearing” the way for Hillary to proceed without consequence to be anointed as the next US figurehead puppet president by the . . . MORE>>
One World Government Not in the Cards / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / October 29, 2016 / World takeover by military force: The military phase of global takeover by the New World Order cartel has been in full swing since 9/11. Prior to that coordinated attack, the One World Government gang, sometimes known as the Western Aristocracy, Ruling Elite or Corporate Establishment, worked primarily in the spheres of financial manipulation, covert operations, and persuasive indoctrination. Since entering the overt military phase, the Elite has orchestrated pervasive coups and wars in South America, North Africa, Ukraine and the Middle East. They now speak openly of “regime change” in Russia, as reported by analysts Diana Johnstone (Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell: Regime Change in Russia, Putin an Obstacle) and Robert Parry (Key Neocon Calls on US to Oust Putin). The goal is full world takeover and the establishment of a One World Government. Destruction as a tool: Why do they use wars and coups? Take a simple analogy. To build a skyscraper on occupied land, it is first necessary to demolish the buildings that are there. The Elite is now conducting global demolition. They are destroying nations, borders, infrastructure, governments, social institutions, cultures and societies. Through this demolition . . . MORE>>
Election Potpourri / By Paul Craig Roberts / Paul Craig Roberts Website / October 24, 2016 / Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / October 26, 2016 / Over the course of its history, the New York Times has reported on many American elections that have been rigged or stolen or are suspected of having been being rigged or stolen. For example, as a supporter of the black civil rights movement, the NY Times has many stories in its archives of elections rigged by disenfranchisement of black voters. But this was when the NY Times was an independent voice before it became a whore for the Oligarchs who rule America. When the NY Times reported that black Americans could have no confidence in the integrity of American elections, the NY Times did not denounce itself for delegitimizing American democracy. The NY Times forgot all of this when it published Max Fisher’s article yesterday. Fisher fished up “scholars” among the Hillary advocates, and they obligingly told him that Trump’s questioning of the integrity of American elections were the tactics of a would-be dictator who is at work delegitimizing democracy so that he can take over. What Fisher and his “scholars” overlook is that the US government is already delegitimized in the eyes of the American population, as well as foreign populations. If the US government was not already delegitimized, Donald Trump would not have been successful in what, despite Trump’s damnation by the presstitutes, was an easy sweep-aside of the Establishment’s candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. The US government is delegitimized, not only in the eyes of Americans, but also in the eyes of most of the world. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their careers, their hopes, because corrupt bought-and-paid-for-Washington enabled Globalism . . . MORE>>
Uncensored: An Inside Look at a Donald Trump Rally / By Peter Kizenko / The Duran / Posted Quemado Institute / October 24, 2016 / Given the current political landscape, I felt compelled to attend a Donald Trump rally to see what it’s all about. It’s been since 1980 since I last attended a political event and this the story of that trip. I received a phone call from my good friend Steve (an ardent Trump supporter) Thursday morning exclaiming that Trump will be in Pennsylvania on Saturday [October 22, 2016] and do I want to go. I quickly looked at the map to see where Johnstown, PA is and said I’m in. Trump was scheduled to speak at 4:00 pm at the Cambria County War Memorial, home of the immortal ice hockey comedy Slapshot! We quickly downloaded our tickets and were advised to arrive early even though doors were opening at 1:00 pm. I woke up at 4:30 am Saturday morning to begin my trek West. As Steve said, “The Colonialists had it tougher..” We decided on the Mohegan Sun Pocono as our meeting point and hit the road around 8:00 am. Weather forecasts called for heavy rain all day with 25 mph winds but we would not allow that to deny us. Although we hit a couple pockets of rain the storm never really materialized. (We hypothesized that the DNC had hacked the National Weather Bureau in an effort to deter attendees.) Rolling into Johnstown around noon we knew we were close when we saw a line snaking over the bridge and beyond. Having no idea on what kind of crowd or attended mood to expect we were overwhelmed by the positive and electric . . . MORE>>
Is Washington “False Flagging” The New Russia-Iran-Syria-China “Axis of Evil”, Into Nuclear War? / By Peter Koenig / Global Research / October 21, 2016 / False flagging has hundreds of years of history; successful history that is. Otherwise the method of lying and bullying people into false believes would not have survived the times. But false flags took on a new dimension since 9/11. The subsequent terror acts, including the Arab Spring and ‘Color Revolutions’; downing of a Russian plane over Egypt; shooting down of a Malaysian plane over the Ukraine; Paris murderous shootings at ‘Charlie Hebdo’ and ‘Bataclan’; Brussels; Nice; Munich; Orlando, Florida; San Bernardino, California – to name just a few over the last years – were perpetrated by the very actors claiming to fight terror, namely predominantly the secret services of the US, UK and Israel, the European vassals and NATO. The purpose of such acts of terror is to create fear, to justify a police crackdown on the populations and doing away with every time more of the democratic civil rights still left in western society. The penultimate goal is total militarization of the western world, to prevent and suppress protests and revolts if and when the population eventually wakes up to the flagrant lies that it has been force-fed by the presstitute media for years on end. And that in itself is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of Full Spectrum Dominance of the world, or world hegemony, by a small corporate and financial elite. Alas, militarization of the west and ongoing wars and chaos throughout the world, causing millions of . . . MORE>>
Death of Symbol of Donbass’s Resistance Will Not Shake Its Faith in Victory / By Kristina Melnikova / Eadaily.com / October 18, 2016 /Assassination of the hero of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Commander of the Sparta Battalion Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) has become one of the worst news for Donbass so far. Motorola enjoyed respect of both the people and the comrades-in-arms. He was not only a fearless and charismatic fighter (there are lots of such fighters in Novorossiya) but also the face of the whole resistance. And now that Donbass is mourning for him, it is mourning for all defenders dying in this endless war every day. Well-known leader of self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov’s comrade Yevgeny “Prapor” Skripnik has told EADaily about Motorola and has explained why he is one of the symbols of Donbass. “I knew Motorola before we came here (Donbass – EADaily). He was an ordinary fighter. In Slavyansk, he was just like all the others. But there was something striking about him… He showed his worth when we were fighting a group of the Right Sector (banned in Russia – EADaily) in Semyonovka. There he organized a group and managed to throw the enemy back. He was very brave. One of the reasons he became so popular is that he was very active and was not afraid of mass media. He became most popular after the fights for Ilovaysk and the airport. He was . . . MORE>>
Trump’s Historic Speech Denouncing International Finance, Globalism and the Media / National Public Radio / October 13, 2016 /
Donald Trump: Wow. What a group. What a group. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, folks. Thank you, folks. It’s great to be right here in Florida, which we love. In 26 days, we are going to win this great, great state and we are going to win the White House. Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt — now, when I say “corrupt,” I’m talking about totally corrupt — political establishment, with a new government controlled by you, the American people. There is nothing the political establishment will not do — no lie that they won’t tell, to hold their prestige and power at your expense. And that’s what’s been happening. The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass involves trillions of dollars, controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don’t have your good in mind. Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven’t seen before. This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim . . . MORE>>
West is Gunning for Russian Media Ban / By Finian Cunningham / Strategic Culture Foundation / October 13, 2016 / It would be monumental, but Western states seem to be moving, ineluctably, towards banning Russian news media channels from satellite platforms and the internet. That outcome – albeit with enormous ethical and political implications – seems to be a logical conclusion of the increasingly frenzied transatlantic campaign to demonize Russia. Washington, London and Paris appear to be coordinating an unprecedented media onslaught that is vilifying Russia for almost every conceivable malfeasance, from alleged war crimes in Syria to threatening the security of Europe, to shooting down civilian airliners, to subverting American presidential elections. And that’s only a sample. British foreign secretary Boris Johnson declared this week that Russia is in danger of becoming a «pariah state». Ironically, that fate has less to do with Russia’s actual conduct and more to do with the desired objective driving Western policy towards Moscow – to isolate and portray Russia as an international reprobate. If Russia can be sufficiently demonized in the eyes of the Western public by their governments, then the political context is created for drastic measures, which would otherwise be seen as unacceptable infringements of democratic rights. Measures that go way beyond economic sanctions and into the realm of media censorship. How weird is that? The «free world» which deplores «Russian authoritarianism» moving towards media censorship and policing what it deems as «thought-crime». European parliamentarians this week voted for a resolution . . . MORE>>
Engage In Sex, Not War / By Paul Craig Roberts / October 11, 2016 / During the sexual scandals of Bill Clinton — the “bimbo eruptions” as Hillary called them — the Democrats and progressive opinion ruled out a person’s sex life as a political factor. Now suddenly nothing more than juvenile locker room banter without the actual sex has become the determinant of political unfitness. Where did the 11-year old recording of locker room talk between Donald Trump and Billy Bush come from? Who recorded it and kept it for 11 years for what purpose? Why was it released the day prior to the second debate between Trump and Hillary? Was the recording an illegal violation of privacy? What became of the woman who recorded Monica Lewinsky’s confession to her of sex with Bill Clinton? Wasn’t she prosecuted for wiretaping or some such offense? Why was Billy Bush, the relative of two US presidents, suspended from his TV show because of a private conversation with Trump? You have to take men’s sexual banter with a grain of salt, just as you do their fish stories. President or candidate Bill Clinton himself publicly engaged . . . MORE>>
NGO’s and Terrorists Play Good Cop-Bad Cop Role in Western Imperialist Agenda / By Vanessa Beeley / AlternateView.co.uk / Introduction and Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / October 8, 2016 /We live in a world governed by propaganda. / Vanessa Beeley explains, in this 1 hour 12 minute VIDEO, the role of so-called humanitarian NGO’s as spearheads of violent US-EU-NATO intervention in sovereign countries such as Libya, Syria, and Yemen, and the devastation that results from the misuse by the deep state of our natural human compassion. / Preliminary Remarks By Vanessa Beeley: The NGO Soft Power Complex: Humanitarians or “Executioners”? We live in a world governed by propaganda where the majority of media mouthpieces are gagged by those who own them and only permitted to release information that serves the narrative of the ruling elite or Imperialist powers. We know that our governments lie. We know that our media channels lie. We search for integrity and truth among the rubble of propaganda. We want to pin our hopes on a power for “good”. So what does the machine create? It creates a power for good in its own image. It creates the Non Government Organisations, the Not for Profit Industrial Compex [NPIC] to give us the illusion, not only of this power for good, but of our own empowerment, our own stakeholding in reducing the misery being inflicted upon Humanity. The problem reveals itself when we consider who does actually fund & create these flagships of philanthropy. The problem lies with the foundations and government think tanks who have their hands firmly on the helm and direct the ship where they want it to go. Do we really . . . MORE>>
Washington Leads The World To War / By Paul Craig Roberts / Global Research / October 6, 2016 / What must the world think watching the US presidential campaign? Over time US political campaigns have become more unreal and less related to voters’ concerns, but the current one is so unreal as to be absurd. The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the US financial system have resulted in American economic failure. One might think that this would be an issue in a presidential campaign. The neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony is driving the US and its vassals into conflict with Russia and China. The risks of nuclear war are higher than at any previous time in history. One might think that this also would be an issue in a presidential campaign. Instead, the issues are Trump’s legal use of tax laws and his non-hostile attitude toward President Putin of Russia. One might think that the issue would be Hillary’s extremely hostile attitude toward Putin (“the new Hitler”), which promises conflict with a major nuclear power. As for benefitting from tax laws, Pat Buchanan pointed out that Hillary used to her benefit a loss almost as large as Trump’s and during the Arkansas years Hillary even took a tax deduction for itemized . . . MORE>>
New Information from Defense Ministry on MH17 Increases Confusion / By Nikolai Litovkin / Russia Beyond the Headlines / Posted with Conclusion by Quemado Institute / October 1, 2016 / Russian military officials have offered new information about the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over the breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine in July 2014, but the data does little to clarify the situation ahead of the release of a Joint Investigation Team report. The Russian military says it did not observe the flight of a missile from a Buk-M1 air defense missile system (ADMS) from the rebel-held regions of eastern Ukraine in the direction of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in July 2014, according to statements made by Andrei Koban, the commander of Russia’s Aerospace Forces’ Radio Engineering Troops, on Sept. 26. According to newly released data, which was taken from Russian radar stations on the border with Ukraine, as well as information received by Russia’s armed forces from the leadership of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (the DNR and LNR), the objects observed by Russian radar in the sky that night in addition to the Malaysian aircraft were two civilian airliners and an Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle, which was made of composite materials and was about 6 feet long. “In comparison, the missile of the Buk air defense system has a length of more than 5.5 meters [18 feet], a diameter of 0.4 meters [1.3 feet] and a wingspan of about 1 meter [3 feet]. The missile is made of metal, has . . . MORE>>
American Political Historian Eric Zuesse Reports on MH17 Story and Coverup / By Karl Pomeroy /Quemado Institute / September 29, 2016 / Well-known geopolitical historian Eric Zuesse has sent, at my request, a number of links to his past articles on the downing of Flight MH17, the Boeing 777 passenger airliner that crashed near Torez in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) on July 17, 2014. Zuesse’s research on the cause of the downing of the 777 is especially important now that the Dutch Safety Board has released, on September 28, 2106, the preliminary “findings” of Phase II criminal inquiry of the MH17 official crash investigation. Articles by Eric Zuesse exposing the reality of the MH17 shootdown . . . MORE>>
Posted with Conclusion by Quemado Institute / September 25, 2016 / The Russian government deceived itself with its fantasy belief that Russia and Washington had a common cause in fighting ISIS. The Russian government even went along with the pretense that the various ISIS groups operating under various pen names were “moderate rebels” who could be separated from the extremists, all the while agreeing to cease fighting on successive verges of victory so that Washington could resupply ISIS and prepare to introduce US and NATO forces into the conflict. The Russian government apparently also thought that as a result of the coup against Erdogan, which was said to implicate Washington, Turkey was going to cease supporting ISIS and cooperate with Russia. Alas, the Russians so fervently, or perhaps I should say feverishly, desired an agreement with Washington that they deceived themselves. If Finian Cunningham’s report is correct, Washington has taken advantage of Russia’s urging that Washington and Turkey join in the attack on ISIS by invading . . . MORE>>
Third World War Has Never Been So Close – VIDEO / By Alexander Dugin, Top Russian Geopolitical Analyst Katehon.com / September 20, 2016 / Posted Quemado Institute
September 22, 2015 / As we have already said many times, the main aspect of this political season is not elections, but war. But if elections do have importance somewhere, then this is in the US where, once again, they are closely connected to war. Two days ago, on Saturday, September 17th, the likelihood of this war was breathtakingly high. As we know, American troops, who no one ever invited to Syria, bombed the positions of the Syrian army at Deir ez-Zor. As a result of the bombing, 60 Syrian soldiers were killed. This strike was extremely important for ISIS militants, whom the US is informally advising and arming while supposedly fighting them. This crossed the line. Bombing Syrian soldiers is one thing, but this means declaring war not only against Syria, but also Russia, which is fighting in Syria on Assad’s side. And this means that we have reached a climax. Sure, the US leadership immediately reported that the airstrike was a mistake and warned the Russian leadership not to express . . . MORE>>
American Bombing No Mistake / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / September 19, 2016 / Evidence continues to accumulate that the United States is supporting terrorism overseas. The American air strikes in Syria’s eastern province of Deir el-Zour on Saturday, September 17, 2016, which killed some 80 Syrian troops and allowed ISIS to expand in the area, constitute de facto proof of deliberate Pentagon military aid to terrorists and in particular ISIS. The US government claims the bombing was a mistake. This is impossible to believe. The air strikes violated the new US-Russian ceasefire, constituting a crime on that basis alone. But that’s not the most important evidence. No sane person could conceivably accept the claim that the Pentagon is so ignorant it did not know what it was doing. Place the Criminals in Isolation: It is time Obama be impeached, and his terrorist cohorts infiltrating the American government be put on public trial. The people of this country, along with officials . . . MORE>>
Americans Have the Power to Vote for Peace / By Karl Pomeroy Quemado Institute Opinion Page / September 13, 2016 /
There should be no confusion about who to vote for in the 2016 US elections. Donald Trump is the peace candidate, Hillary Clinton the war candidate. This is the logical conclusion. On US Foreign Aggression: First of all, Trump has never deviated from his noninterventionist stance. Whether or not he can fully overcome status quo opposition to his foreign policy, his America First principle has been unwavering. Martin Sieff describes it this way (War or Peace: For Whom Do We Vote on November 8th?): “There can be no guarantee that Trump will succeed in achieving his expressed goals in foreign policy. He will certainly not be a dovish or disarming president. But he has been totally consistent in his expressed determination to be a more cautious and responsible one. By contrast, a vote for Hillary Clinton will ensure, at the very best, more of the existing . . . MORE>>
By Eric Zuesse / Strategic Culture Foundation / Posted Quemado Institute / September 8, 2016 / The biggest difference between the two major-Party U.S. Presidential candidates is that Hillary Clinton wants to continue the Obama-Administration’s policy of regime-change in nations that aren’t hostile towards Russia (such as Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and now Syria), and that Donald Trump doesn’t. Trump wants to focus U.S. national-security policies instead upon eliminating jihadists (a problem that the U.S. and Saudi governments actually gave birth to in Pakistan and Afghanistan starting in 1979, in order to cripple the Soviet Union — which ended in 1991). Trump says that the Cold War is over, but Hillary says «Russia must pay a price». However, neither candidate has provided any fleshed-out position on the matter. Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to do so, because she has already shown by her actions in public office, that she has consistently favored overthrowing heads-of-state who were either . . . MORE>>
If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It’s Hard To Know What Will / By Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge / August 28, 2016 / Even the traditionally ‘establishment’ Wall Street Journal is waking up to the utter incredulity of an American media (and citizenry) which appears capable of cognitive dissonance on an epic scale when it comes to Hillary Clinton. As Kimberly Strassel explains the latest emails show that State and the foundation were one seamless entity. This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton’s server turned into a waterfall. This is the week that we finally learned why Mrs. Clinton used a private communications setup, and what it hid. This is the week, in short, that we found out that the infamous server was designed to hide that Mrs. Clinton for three years served as the U.S. Secretary of the Clinton Foundation. In March this column argued that while Mrs. Clinton’s mishandling of classified information was important, it missed the bigger point. The Democratic nominee obviously didn’t set up her server with . . . MORE>>
The Foreign Invasion of American Politics / by Justin Raimondo / Antiwar.com / Posted David Stockman’s Contra Corner / August 25, 2016 / Foreign free riders hate Trump and love Hillary—with good reason. /
As one of my Twitter followers put it so succinctly: “Globalization: Where leaders from any country get to pick US Presidents.” As the Clinton campaign’s Robby Mook tears a page out of Joe McCarthy’s book and smears Donald Trump as being “Putin’s puppet,” the irony is that this election has seen foreign interference in American politics to an unprecedented degree – on Hillary’s behalf. In the past, foreign actors tried to hide such activities, rightly thinking that they might encounter resentment – or even legal consequences – for trying to meddle in affairs that are none of their damned business. Not anymore. Now that we’re a global empire, with our leaders proclaiming the supreme importance of exercising “US leadership” and sticking our noses in every petty squabble on earth, our client states . . . MORE>>
Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Invades Syria, And Warns Russia / By Eric Zuesse Global Research / August 23, 2016 / Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute /
On Monday, August 22nd, the United States government—which demands the overthrow of the internationally-recognized-as-legal government of Syria—officially announced that America’s military forces in Syria will continue to occupy Syrian land, no matter what the Syrian government says, and will shoot down any Syrian planes that fly over U.S. forces there. As reported on Monday by Al-Masdar News: The Pentagon has announced that the USA is ready to down Syrian and Russian planes that they claim threaten American advisers who by international law are illegally operating in northern Syria. On Friday, Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis claimed that US jets attempted to intercept Syrian planes to protect the American advisers operating illegally with Kurdish forces in Syria after Syrian government jets bombed areas of Hasakah when Kurdish police began an aggression against the National Defense Force. On . . . MORE>>
Introduction: Why Does America Massacre Foreign People? / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / August 19, 2016 / Yesterday the Ron Paul Institute posted the following quote: “Bin Laden Speaks…Should We Listen? Osama bin Laden’s youngest son, Hamza, purportedly released an audio recording earlier this week in which he called for young Saudis to get involved with al-Qaeda in Yemen and in which he called for retaliation against ongoing US military operations in several countries in the greater Middle East. Said the younger bin Laden: ‘We will continue striking you and targeting you in your country and abroad in response to your oppression of the people of Palestine, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and the rest of the Muslim lands that did not survive your oppression.’ Should we listen to him and start thinking about removing his recruiting tools, or do we keep doing . . . MORE>>
Hillary, Trump, and War With Russia / By Fred Reed / Information Clearing House / Posted by Quemado Institute / August 18, 2016 / The Goddamdest Stupid Idea I Have Ever Heard, and I Have Lived in Washington. Don’t look for a walk-over. The T14 Armata, Russia’s latest tank. You don’t want to fight this monster if you can think of a better idea, such as not fighting it. Russia once made large numbers of second-rate tanks. That worm has turned. This thing is way advanced and outguns the American M1A2, having a 125mm smoothbore firing APFSDS long-rods to the Abrams 120mm. (As Hillary would know, that’s Armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding-sabot. You did know, didn’t you, Hill?) This isn’t the place for a disquisition on armor, but the above beast is a very advanced design with unmanned turret and, well, a T34 it isn’t. (I was once an aficionado of tanks. If interested, here and here.) A good reason to vote for Trump, a very good reason whatever his other intentions, is that he does not want a war with Russia. Hillary and her . . . MORE>>
Two Speech Transcripts with Concluding Comments by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / August 17, 2016 / Full Transcript – Donald Trump’s ISIS and Foreign Policy Speech / Heavy.com / August 15, 2016 / Here is the full transcript of Donald Trump’s August 15th speech, via the campaign’s website: / Thank you. It is great to be with you this afternoon. Today we begin a conversation about how to Make America Safe Again. In the 20th Century, the United States defeated Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. Now, a different threat challenges our world: Radical Islamic Terrorism. This summer, there has been an ISIS attack launched outside the war zones of the Middle East every 84 hours. Here, in America, we have seen one brutal attack after another. 13 were murdered, and 38 wounded, in the assault on Ft. Hood. The Boston Marathon Bombing wounded and maimed 264 people, and ultimately left five dead – including 2 police officers. In Chattanooga, Tennessee . . . MORE>>
Momentum Builds For Donald Trump As Authors Expose Media Deception / Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / August 12, 2016 / Attempts by the neoconservative American establishment to derail the campaign of Donald Trump are backfiring, as prominent geopolitical analysts cut through the media hyperole and expose the rigged system for what it is: a political machine designed to perpetuate the power and perks of the global elite while destroying the foundations of American democracy. James Petras, Stephen Lendman, and Patrick Buchanan argue in the following commentaries for a rapid turnaround of political trends in favor of Donald Trump: / Obama Versus Trump, Putin and Erdogan: Can Coups Defeat Elected Governments? / By James Petras / Information Clearing House / Never in the history of the United States, has a President and Supreme Court Judge openly advocated the overthrow of a Presidential candidate. Never has the entire mass media engaged in a round-the-clock one-sided, propaganda war to discredit a Presidential candidate by systematically ignoring or distorting the central socio-economic issues of their opposition. “Many of our interlocutors have been purged or arrested”. — James Clapper, US Director of Intelligence . . . MORE>>
Political Assassination – The American Way / By Finian Cunningham / Sputnik News / Reposted at Quemado Institute / August 11, 2016 / Donald Trump has entered a political kill zone. And the American establishment is lining up to take him out. We are talking here in virtual terms – at least thus far. Nowadays, political assassination by US powers-that-be does not necessarily involve physical liquidation of the individual deemed to be an enemy of the state. Who needs all that blood and controversy? Especially when character assassination achieves the same desired end result — that is, elimination of target from the public domain. The fierce media crossfire that the Republican presidential contender is being subjected to leaves little doubt that this is a concerted effort to destroy this politician. In the past week, we have seen a fusillade of vilification fired at the New York property. . . MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / The Campaign Circus / Quemado Institute / August 8, 2016 / Former director of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael J Morell vilifies Republican candidate Donald Trump for minor personality traits while hailing Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for her drive to wage illegal wars, an irony elucidated in the first article below by geopolitical analyst Finian Cunningham. Starkly contrasting Morell’s hawkish viewpoint, former Georgia Senator and Assistant Secretary General for Defense Support at NATO Mack Mattingly argues that Trump’s support for normalized relations with Russia is really the most reasonable stance, especially in view of the fact that NATO’s mandate evaporated at the end of the Cold War. If the US 2016 elections appear to be a media circus, this is not the fault of Donald Trump, who advocates reason in world affairs. The neocon warmongers and their corporate-owned news agencies have . . . MORE>>
/ Assassination Attempt on East Ukrainian Leader Raises Tensions and Provokes Questions / By Alexander Mercouris / NewColdWar.org / Posted Quemado Institute Aug 7, 2016 / Attempted assassination of Igor Plotnitsky, leader of the breakaway Lugansk People’s Republic, provokes fears of infighting and of a possible Ukrainian summer offensive. News of the assassination attempt on Igor Plotnitsky, the head of the breakaway Lugansk People’s Republic, will come as no surprise to close observers of the Ukrainian conflict. Whilst there is a strong possibility that the assassination attempt was the work of the Ukrainian secret service the SBU, it is by no means impossible that it is the result of factional infighting within the Lugansk People’s Republic. Whereas the political situation in the neighbouring Donetsk People’s Republic has stabilised with its leader Alexander Zakharchenko apparently both effective and popular, the same has not been true of the Lugansk People’s Republic where Igor . . . MORE>>
The Democrats: Party of Joe McCarthy and Lyndon Johnson / By Wayne Madsen / Strategic Culture Foundation / August 3, 2016 / Posted at Quemado Institute / August 3, 2016 / The rhetoric emanating from the podium of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia sounded eerily familiar. Democrat after Democrat waxed on about the «dangers» posed by Russia and the inability of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to deal with them. Chief among these neo-Cold Warriors was former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the second-worst Secretary of State in American history. Meanwhile, the Democrats’ spin machine was turning out propaganda memes calling Trump «Kremlin Don», «Don the Red», and even dredging up references to the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin. Of course, this rhetoric was directly borrowed from the chief «Red baiting» politician of the dark days of Communist «witch hunting» in the United States, the infamous Republican senator from Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy. Like McCarthy, the Democrats, once again under . . . MORE>>
/ The Power of “Nyet” / By Dmitry Orlov / Club Orlov / Posted Quemado Institute / July 29, 2016 / The way things are supposed to work on this planet is like this: in the United States, the power structures (public and private) decide what they want the rest of the world to do. They communicate their wishes through official and unofficial channels, expecting automatic cooperation. If cooperation is not immediately forthcoming, they apply political, financial and economic pressure. If that still doesn’t produce the intended effect, they attempt regime change through a color revolution or a military coup, or organize and finance an insurgency leading to terrorist attacks and civil war in the recalcitrant nation. If that still doesn’t work, they bomb the country back to the stone age. This is the way it worked in the 1990s and the 2000s, but as of late a new dynamic has emerged. In the beginning it was centered on Russia, but the phenomenon has since spread around the world and is about to engulf the United States itself. It works like this: the . . . MORE>>
Though Hysteria Mounts, the Future is Peace / By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / July 26, 2016 / Geopolitical analysts are right to be alarmed about Bush-Obama-Clinton neoconservative policy. This arrogant agenda of reckless aggression has pushed NATO troops to the doorway of Russia, destabilized the Islamic belt of the Middle East and North Africa, created a fertile breeding ground for human revenge by terrorists like ISIS, and nudged Russian President Vladimir Putin to warn of retaliation. Yet as hysteria mounts in the anti-establishment media about nuclear world war, the answer escapes many analysts. This curious phenomenon seems suspect. If these authors are sincere about preventing nuclear war, why don’t they acknowledge our best hope for peace? Why Vilify Peace? Recent articles abound on the threat of nuclear war. Paul Craig Roberts is one of the leading . . . MORE>>
The US Establishment Plans War to Stop Trump / By Alexander Dugin, Russia’s number one geopolitical thinker / Information Clearing House / Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy, Quemado Institute / July 11, 2016 / VIDEO transcript: Greetings, you’re watching Dugin’s Guideline. The situation around Russia at the international level is gradually worsening. Even the most attentive international analysts have observed this. Recently, the Stratfor Think Tank published an article with an expressive title: The U.S. and Russia Plan for Conflict. Why are they drawing attention to this conflict now? The opposition between the Land (Russia) and the Sea (the USA and NATO members) is something constant and unchangeable. If one loses something, the other gains something, and vice versa. Only naïve people and the direct agents of influence can believe in the “reset” of the “friendship” with the West. But why has the duel between these civilizations become more intensive only recently? There are many explanations for it. But let’s regard the internal . . . MORE>>
Sott.net / Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / July 2, 2016 / Insatiable thirst for violence: Israeli warplanes launch several airstrikes on Gaza Strip / Israeli warplanes have launched several airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in yet another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian coastal territory. No casualties have yet been reported in the Saturday morning attacks that followed reports of an alleged rocket launch from Gaza on a vacant kindergarten in the town of Sderot in the occupied Palestinian territories. The Israeli warplanes reportedly hit the Zeitoun district of Gaza City and a site belonging to the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas. The Israeli bombardment of Gaza came hours after Tel Aviv imposed a closure on the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron) and its surrounding areas following the killing of an Israeli man in a drive-by . . . MORE>>
Introduction by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / June 29, 2016 / One of the oddest things about media reports of the Orlando shooting is that they continue to announce, more than two weeks after the incident, that 49 to 50 people were killed. This is the same number stated on June 12, 2016, the morning of the tragedy. Yet the Orlando Regional Medical Center reported via Twitter on June 16 that nine additional people had died in the hospital, while six were still in critical condition. This means 58 or more have perished as a result of the shooting. Why is this figure not reported? Another strange fact we’ve discussed at Quemado Institute, and which political analyst Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out, is that not one single eye-witness on-site photo or video of the event or victims has appeared on Twitter or the Internet, a seemingly impossible omission. Roberts concludes the event might never have happened . . . MORE>>
/ Is the US Pursuing a Rogue Policy by Waging Undeclared War Against Russia? (VIDEO) / By Stephen F. Cohen / The Nation / June 22, 2016 / Quemado Institute repost / June 26, 2016 / Washington’s NATO buildup on Russia’s borders, its refusal to cooperate with Moscow in Syria and Ukraine, and its anti-Putin propaganda form an ominous pattern. Nation contributing editor Stephen F. Cohen and John Batchelor continue their weekly discussions of the new US-Russian Cold War. (Previous installments are at TheNation.com.) Cohen raises three “hypothetical” and heretical questions for discussion. Does the recent escalation of anti-Russian behavior by Washington, from its growing NATO military buildup on Russia’s western borders and refusal to cooperate with Moscow against the Islamic State in Syria to the Obama administration’s refusal to compel its government in Kiev to implement . . . MORE>>
By Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / June 24, 2016 / Vladimir Putin, Paul Craig Roberts, Donald Trump and other world observers continue to warn about the growing threat of major nuclear war. NATO’s escalation at Russia’s borders has created a volatile arms imbalance, contrived by Western leaders under the pretext of defending Europe against Russian or Iranian aggression. Let’s be clear. Putin’s Russia poses no threat to Europe, nor has there been any recent Russian aggression. Ukraine was destabilized by an American-sponsored coup. After Crimea voted to join Russia, Putin . . . MORE>>
In Praise Of Ignorant Politicians … Unschooled In Beltway Delusions / by David Stockman / June 21, 2016 / Quemado Institute repost June 22, 2015 / The Imperial City deserves to be sacked by insurgent politicians of the very ignorant kind. That is, outsiders unschooled in its specious groupthink and destructive delusions of grandeur. That’s why Donald Trump’s challenge to the beltway’s permanent bipartisan ruling class is so welcome. He is largely ignorant of the neocon and war hawk catechisms and sophistries propounded by joints like the Council on Foreign Relations. But owing to his overweening self-confidence, he doesn’t hesitate to lob foreign policy audibles, as it were, from the Presidential campaign’s line of scrimmage. It is these unpredictable outbursts of truth and common sense, not his bombast, bad manners and bigotry, that has the Acela Corridor in high dudgeon. The Donald’s establishment bettors are deathly afraid that he might confirm to the unwashed . . . MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / June 20, 2016 / Paul Craig Roberts, political analyst, blogger and former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, proposes in the article below that the Orlando mass shooting, which allegedly left some 50 victims dead, may not have actually happened—or at least, there is reason to doubt its occurrence due to a suspicious lack of evidence. Where were all the videos and photos taken by eye-witness observers? …. / Orlando Wrap-up / By Paul Craig Roberts / A few of my readers are still trying to help me to prove the official Orlando shooting story line. Unable to find videos of the massive presence of ambulances and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) that the presence of 50 dead people and 53 wounded people would require, readers are reduced to supplying me . . . MORE>>
Interventionism Is a Rotten Tree with Rotten Fruit / By Jacob G. Hornberger / Hornberger’s Blog / Ron Paul Institute / June 17, 2016 / Fifty-one State Department officials are calling on President Obama to expand U.S. interventionism in Syria by initiating a bombing campaign against the Syrian government. Apparently they’re not satisfied with the great “success” that their philosophy of interventionism has brought to Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and the rest of the Middle East. They want the U.S. national-security state’s death machine to bring even more death and destruction than it has already brought to that part of the world for the past 25 years. It would be difficult to find anything more incredible and audacious than that. The Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, and the rest of the military-industrial complex . . . MORE>>
Ron Paul Institute / June 17, 2016 / Conclusion by Karl Pomeroy: Sanders vs. Trump / Quemado Institute / State Department ‘Diplomats’ Demand War on Assad (and Russia) / By Daniel McAdams / In a move that the New York Times reports is nearly unprecedented, some 51 mid-level State Department employees have signed a letter calling for the Obama Administration to begin bombing the Assad government in Syria immediately. Demonstrating the reality that the “soft power” of diplomacy is in fact just a front for the “hard power” of bombs, these “diplomats” demanded the administration immediately initiate: “[A] judicious use of stand-off and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed US-led diplomatic process.” Yes, to these supposed trained “diplomats,” the “diplomatic process” consists of making final demands after the military has bombed . . . MORE>>
Clinton Discussed Top Secret CIA Drone Info, Approved Drone Strikes, Via Her Blackberry / By Peter Van Buren / Ron Paul Institute / Quemado Institute / June 16, 2016 / A new report in the Wall Street Journal reveals emails in which then-Secretary of State Clinton approved CIA drone assassinations in Pakistan from her unsecured Blackberry. Top Secret/SAP Messages: The timing and location of these strikes are considered Top Secret/SAP [special access program], in that revealing such data could allow the targeted humans to escape, and embarrass U.S. ally Pakistan, whom many believe is tacitly allowing the United States to conduct such military operations inside its sovereign territory. At specific issue are 22 emails that were on Clinton’s private server. These messages were not publicly released, withheld entirely. However, the broad contents were leaked to the Journal by anonymous. . . MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / June 6, 2016 / Political analyst Diana Johnstone, in the article posted below, warns of the dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency and constrasts her hawkish Korean policy with Donald Trump’s more reasonable stance. The commentary is brilliant, with the exception of two statements. The author contends: “Trump is groping clumsily, at times idiotically, toward a major shift in US foreign policy. He is ill-prepared for the task. If ever elected, he would have to fire the neocons and take on a whole new team of experts to educate and guide him. That would be something of a miracle.” Trump may seem clumsy to those who overlook the opposition he faces among corrupt globalists and entrenched transnational powers. To have any impact on that morass of self-serving oligarchs, the billionaire. . . . MORE>>
Hillary Rejects ‘America First’ / By Patrick J. Buchanan / Patrick Buchanan website / June 2, 2016 / Quemado Institute / June 6, 2016 / “Clinton to Paint Trump as a Risk to World Order.” Thus did page one of Thursday’s New York Times tee up Hillary Clinton’s big San Diego speech on foreign policy. Inside the Times, the headline was edited to underline the point: “Clinton to Portray Trump as Risk to the World.” The Times promoted the speech as “scorching,” a “sweeping and fearsome portrayal of Mr. Trump, one that the Clinton campaign will deliver like a drumbeat to voters in the coming months.” What is happening here? As Donald Trump is splitting off blue-collar Democrats on issues like America’s broken borders and Bill Clinton’s trade debacles like NAFTA, Hillary Clinton is trying to peel off independents and Republicans by painting Trump as “temperamentally unfit” to be commander . . . MORE>>
Hillary Clinton’s New Anti-Trump Ad Misses the Mark / By Matt Taibbi / Rolling Stone / May 25, 2016 / Conclusion by Kennedy Applebaum / Quemado Institute / Clinton accuses Trump of “rooting” for a crash caused by her own donors. / A new attack ad put out by the Hillary Clinton campaign this week achieves the near-impossible, making Donald Trump look wronged and (almost) like a victim. More believably, it makes the Democrats look sleazy and disingenuous in comparison. The ad begins with a picture of a grinning Trump and the words, “In 2006, Donald Trump was hoping for a real estate crash.” It proceeds to a series of grim scenes from the financial crisis. Against a Roger and Me-esque montage of blighted neighborhoods, it reads off stats: “9 million Americans lost their jobs. 5 million people lost their homes.” . . . MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / April 17, 2016 / Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration insider and member of a “secret presidential committee” to investigate the CIA in connection with its perpetuation of the Cold War, is one of the world’s top experts on strategic threats to the United States. Top among these, Roberts notes, is the ever-growing Russian-Chinese alliance. In the following perceptive analysis, Roberts urges Americans to vote out the neocon puppets. Quemado Institute’s foremost . . . MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / March 31, 2016
That the Western mainstream media is a factory for lies, propaganda and fabrication has never been more evident than in the current presidential elections. The lies pile up by the day: Hillary hasn’t committed any crime (despite sending classified data over an unclassified network, a federal offense); Trump’s four bankruptcies make him unfit to lead (even though his other 96 businesses were successful); Cruz is eligible for President despite being born in Canada (although Obama had to “prove” he was born in the US) … the list is endless. In three revealing editorials below, political analysts Paul Craig Roberts, Arjun Walia of Global Research, and James F. Tracy also of Global Research, expose shocking facts about CIA and government direct manipulation . . . MORE>>
Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Views Reflect Sentiments of People / By Andrei Akulov for SCF / Strategic Culture Foundation / Posted at Quemado Institute / March 30, 2016
On March 22, Donald Trump carried delegate-rich Arizona by a wide margin. He easily defeated his opponent (Ted Cruz), taking all 58 of its Republican delegates and adding to his delegate lead despite Mr Cruz’s easy victory in Utah. Those Republicans who hoped to stop Mr Trump suffered another blow. If not defeated in Wisconsin in two weeks, he is unlikely to be stopped from clinching the Republican nomination in June. Fully three-quarters of Republican primary voters expect Mr Trump to be their party’s nominee. Having won in eighteen states, the candidate is close to nearly forty-eight percent of the delegates. It brings into focus Mr. Trump’s stance on key foreign policy issues. In his interview with CNN ahead of March 22 Western Tuesday vote (Arizona, Idaho and Utah), Donald Trump said the US should rethink . . . MORE>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / March 24, 2016
David Stockman, in the article presented below, praises Republican US Presidential candidate Donald Trump for his sound noninterventionist policies. As Trump stated in a recent interview with the Washington Post, the US should end its involvement with NATO and stop interfering in the defense of other countries, a policy endorsed whole-heartedly by Quemado Institute. Indeed, Trump as President could put our website out of business. What would we have to complain about? Considering the horrendous cost in human terms of US interference in the Middle East and Ukraine, which has resulted in thousands of civilian deaths, nonintervention is certainly a start. The moral implications of these astrocities . . . MORE>>
Trump Questions Need for NATO, Outlines Noninterventionist Foreign Policy / By Philip Rucker and Robert Costa / Washington Post / Posted at Quemado Institute / March 21, 2016
Donald Trump outlined an unabashedly noninterventionist approach to world affairs Monday, telling The Washington Post’s editorial board that he questions the need for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has formed the backbone of Western security policies since the Cold War. The meeting at The Post covered a range of issues, including media libel laws, violence at his rallies, climate change, NATO and the U.S. presence in Asia. Speaking ahead of a major address on foreign policy later Monday in front of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Trump said he advocates a light footprint in the world. In spite of unrest . . . MORE>>>
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy / Quemado Institute / March 16, 2016
Russia and China present two vastly different pictures in the US foreign relations arena. While geopolitical analysts, such as Brian Cloughley in the article below, lump them together as identical nonexistent threats, claiming tensions with the US stem entirely from errant Washington policy, the two countries could not be more different with regard to their potential as ally or foe. For those who followed events at the time, rather than projecting back a revisionist agenda, China in the 1950’s seized by force two vast adjacent territories: sovereign Tibet and Xinjiang. These brutal invasions, in which hundreds of thousands of foreign citizens were massacred, increased China’s land area by some 40%, adding . . . MORE>>
Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald? / By John V. Walsh for Counterpunch / Information Clearing House / Posted at Quemado Institute / March 10, 2016
Who is the arch racist, Hillary or Trump? To answer that, let us ask another question, a simple one. Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? With that in mind, who is the arch racist, Hillary or The Donald? Do the liberals who criticize Trump, but not Hillary, as racist forget the slogan of the anti-Vietnam War movement, “Stop the Racist Bombing.” And which causes more blowback, more revenge attacks by the victims – the denigration with words or the killing with bombs and sanctions? . . . MORE>>
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