SEALWeb is a member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)

SEALWeb is a member of the PKI Consortium

SEALWeb is a consulting company dedicated to trust services projects.

Our mission

SEALWeb is grounded on an team of experts, able to assist our clients both on the technical and organizational sides of their projects.

Established in 2007 by its two partners, SEALWeb rapidly integrated more resources, directors of missions, head of projects, consultants, in order to adapt experts level to the precise needs of its clients.

Jérôme Bordier

'Security architectures' Partner

For over 15 years, Jerome has defined and implemented security projects architectures.

Jérôme is:

  • ISS and electronic trust expert
  • LSTI Certification Committee Member
  • Expert member at ETSI and ENISA
  • Auditor for a number of certified French TSP (Trust Service Provider)
  • Computer Engineer with a Master’s Degree from Paris Dauphine
Jérôme Bordier is 'Security architectures' Partner at SEALWeb
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