Color picker, lighten or darken colors, generating random colors, find the complements of a given color
Lighten color
Lightens a color
Darken color
Darkens a color
Change color saturation
Change the saturation of a color
Greyscale/desaturate a color
Completely desaturates a color
Invert a color
Invert a color
Random color generator
Generate a random color
Blend colors
Blend two colors
Gradient generator
Generate the gradient using two colors
Shift hue of a color
Modify the hue of a color
Triad color scheme
Get the colors of the triad scheme
Tetrad color scheme
Get the colors of the tetrad scheme
Complementary color
Get the complementary color
Split complementary colors
Get the split complementary colors
Analogous color scheme
Get the colors of the analogous scheme
Monochromatic colors generator
Get monochromatic colors
Square color scheme
Get the colors of the square scheme
Image color picker
Pick color from image
Get colors from image
Extract the color palette from an image
Bulk get colors from image
Bulk/batch tool, extract the color palette from an image