As agreed in T188730#7461581 and T188730#7525888, we want to remove the wmgWikibaseDisabledUsageAspects setting for Cebuano Wikipedia, and set $wgWBClientSettings['entityUsageModifierLimits']['C'] to 10 (instead of the default 33). This is expected to increase the number of rows in the wbc_entity_usage to no more than 60 million, most likely much less (currently 14.6 million). We should keep track of the size of the table after making the change, as well as the size of the recentchanges table and the ratio of Wikidata edits there, and check on-wiki Lua modules for obvious mistakes if it grows too large.
Acceptance criteria:
- cebwiki is removed from the wmgWikibaseDisabledUsageAspects setting
- a new setting for limiting usage tracking for claims is added to initialliseSettings.php
- the setting value for cebwiki is set to 10
- $wgWBClientSettings['entityUsageModifierLimits']['C'] is set to the new setting in Wikibase.php