Links to vids should eventually appear here: by gwyneth (Star Wars)
"Got a revolution behind my eyes"
"Stand Up and Organize"
Comparison to SG vid to same song. Fits great with Star Wars. Whatever happened you keep fighting.
Surrender to a higher cause / the force.
Song choice
Powerful excitement
Great first vid to to Premieres
Have to set aside the personal in all these movies
Moved well between eras, they were treated the same. Cohesive.
Monsters of the Cosmos by CherryIce (Thor)
Beautifully edited
Cherry = Jane (knows science)
Gives Jane more of a character by leaning into her as a scientist
Knows MCU, has a view of this corner of MCU -- deep dive -- unique perspective.
Loves Jane as a character, Jane learning - becoming part of it.
Black holes are terrifying. Jane = black hole.
Thor science is ridiculous, so good match for song (which fetishizes science).
I Took a Pill in Ibiza by beerbad (Wynonna Earp)
Hard to be her
"I know a sad song"
Great musicality for movement. Lyrics in opposition, not sure if ironic intent.
Wynona - PTSD, not "trying to look cool" as said in song
Accessible to someone who doesn't know the show, couldn't hear the lyrics so not bothered by mismatch. Contrast to other vid for the show.
Amazing recruiter vid.
Spell by hollywoodgrrl (Carol)
Jarrow has no chill. Spiral motion, smoke of cigarette.
Gloves as a metaphor
Smoke clouds thoughts
Vidder made it look different / new with zooms & closeups
Eli likes the sex
Awesome imagery and metaphors. Pulled in, under their spell.
Anoel also has zero chill
The magjc of when they're together. In betwen, they aren't as connected. Finally get their happy ending.
Rare use of audio done perfectly, vidders take note.
Saying it with such reverence.
Great POV shift.
Blood on Blood by feedingonwind (Hannibal)
This vid is about A, could follow her journey.
Visual parallels with Will, repeated imagery is strong
Every Hannibal vid feels like it is about a different show, this vid had a different feel
Can't go there in general for Hannibal but this one grabbed her and kept her watching
*Will* has to keep watching her die over and over
Vid caught her before she could close her eyes
Is It Safe Now? by Kitty aka Winterevanesce (Eyewitness)
Double meaning. Learning how to be safe with each other.
Not sure if murderer knows that they saw him
Surprising to see guns after la, la, very gay.
Thanks for telling me how show ended (gave up after a few episodes)
Effective at getting her interested
Clear story telling told all. Filters to create closeness, intimacy.
Very sexy. Appreciated!
Gorgeous. Beautiful colors. Enjoyed transitions / zooms.
Really complete story. Is it a movie?
Good job with story.
Haunting by Rhea314 (Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu)
Context would have been helpful (hadn't seen anime)
It is S1 and S2 of dame source, despite variation in titles
Hand imagery throughout, push-pull
Meeting halfway, pulling away, meeting again
Good job of jumping through time, helped by snapshots from different periods
Pulled along in the current of back and forth
Pinky fingers connected, repeated with only one hand, and empty hand w/o match (loneliness)
candle imagery
song choice helped to explain a lot of context
Birdie by Lola (Mad Men)
BUILD (Yes!)
SHIFT in tone after the shotgun
(murder spree?)
(I was reminded of a recent line from Orphan Black. Who hurt you? ALL OF THEM)
Metaphor of birds, nickname is Birdie
Trying to fly free
Sick of playing house
Use of stillness. Violence feels amped up because of the contrast.
Scary. Emotions under the surface.
Betty is trapped. First time really saw her, saw the effect of HOW trapped, sympathy.
Most fantastic revenge of the Hitchcock heroines.
Loved Betty, love the feeling of tension, claustrophobia, pressure, everything.
Tension never really resolves, leaves you still feeling it.
Never let you rest, never gave you peace.
And *that's* why valium was known as mother's little helper.
Wild by tbm (Xena)
Super gay.
Callisto is super pissed!
Looks great on big screen.
Callisto is literally gay for Xena.
Oh yeah, that was really frickin' gay.
Song choice!
Good use of Callisto's madness.
Callisto's arc is all over the place.
Early 90s effects FTW, nostalgia.
FPreg craziness
Tarot imagery, AU image of Callisto
HandClap by elipie & kuwdora. Power Rangers (2017)
Pimp vid. Made our hands clap.
She Keeps Me by kiki_miserychic (Inside Out)
Cheerful one / Grumpy one ship vid.
Song choice A+
A lot of feelings
Vid makes her super happy.
Intertwinedness, how much they need each other.
Someone has a friend who cosplays these characters together.
1st time no sobbing. Very sweet vid.
Clean Light by skygiants (Steven Universe)
made for the source, wouldn't be surprised if it showed up in the show.
pure joy.
focused on warmth of family and friendship.
architecture - background --> expansiveness & joy.
mini character arcs
remarkably cohesive for so short.
each time the same lyrics felt different.
did a lot with a large ensemble cast.
super cute.
Stray Italian Greyhound by Butterfly (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Super cute. Awesome.
Many vids are cute but "baby's 1st vid." This one is cute and sweet but a much more thoughtful take on the Relationship.
Not sure I wanted this, but oh shit I've fallen in love with this person.
Great song choice -- did some heavy lifting.
Punch to feels, still sense of anxiety that gets resolved at the end.
Assumption that Victor would be the stray italian greyhound but not the first time! Layers.
Loved editing. Huge kudos. Doesn't usually like boyslash.
Yuri claiming desire, sex, gold, being a great skater.
Tentative approach: can I admit to myself that I want it.
Repetitive. Coming together/away relates to Yuri's anxiety.
White Flag by Trelkez (Timeless)
Not!Dido song
Family feels
get up & get moving
pimp vid. already OT3-ing it
Confidence and strength in each other
Vid didn't forget that the black man going back in time would have different experience
Most effective recruiter vid of the night. I am so here for all of these people.
Teamwork and resistance to power (topical!)
Very big vid, featured multiple characters
Vid Review Part 2
Incredible Thoughts by pipsqueaky (Multi)
Cat baby universe?
Ballerina - poodle - irony
his vid is purrfect
Haven't laughed so hard at his face
Great job combining disparate sources
Like an extended Bill & Ted's Adventure
This vid is transcendentally beautiful
Then cat -> exceeded expectations
The two Keanus are one and the same
This is a Trent Reznor Song by rhoboat (Star Trek)
Stunning vidshow curation, placing it after Incredible Thoughts
Our love of formulaic things
We see that they are formulaic but love them anyway (because of it)
Guitar riff = swoopy
Entire song/vid as metaphor
TITLE CARD helped clue audience
Sickest JJ Abrams burn since AO3 fic jerking off to lens flares
Comment on vidders range (Lateralis) (But also Castiel vid!)
Vidders are smart
The movies don't feel like Star Trek, but they are fun. Can enjoy and still critique.
She Said by here's luck (Supergirl)
I miss S1. Hard same!
Nicely balanced aspects of life w/o getting bogged down in romance -- she is more
Expected chorus to be all Supergirl but it was also Kara. Kick-ass as Kara as well, both aspects of her life are awesome.
Optimism, awesome women.
Great thematically for this year.
Moment that hit hard: stronger than Superman showing message of Clark supporting her, gives her confidence
Great use of literalism but vid didn't rely on it. Icing on top of a great vid.
Focused on women: sister, boss, president
Kara brings with her awesome woman power into the world.
Wake Me Up Before You Go by sisabet (New Girl)
Vid caught me up on what I missed
He tries super hard
The jar. He's always going to be *exactly* this terrible, but still worth loving.
Eli kept hearing "douche jar" in the song.
Effective at bringing me into a fandom I'm not in. Sold them as a couple, the charms of the show.
Overture to Folly by Franzeska (Rivers of London)
Jarrow is not sure if he's supposed to read the text bubbles or not. Got more from the vid by blocking them out. Eli found it harder to read them as they sped up.
B. wanted more internal movement, cue where the eye is supposed to go (if not to comics).
In MMVs (manga music videos) they block out the speech bubbles unless they are needed.
J. liked the song choice - instrumental - liked the feel of it.
Y. - Still source but vid still felt like it had motion and flow.
Everything Stops For Tea by Valoise (Multi)
This person has strong feelings about Tea Fandom.
Stabbing each other -- oh, let's stop for tea.
Withnail and I clip.
Brits will love it.
"I am possibly in Tea Fandom!"
Simple but vital. Now my life is more fulfilled!
Jarrow: You're going to watch this every day at 4pm!
Everything stop for tea, always.
Noted that vid was placed at "tea time" in the vidshow.
These Days Are Dark (But We Won't Fall) by bessyboo and queelez (US Politics)
Need a break from politics but important to see hope.
Long but it took a long time to get through history of all the protests. It took time -- that's part of the point.
Well made but not ready to laugh about Voldemort parallels.
Made her cry. Vid had to begin There but it made her nauseous.
"It ripped me apart. Thank you."
Appreciated the energetic quality. Neither "everything is terrible!" not self-congratulatory but "You can do it, so go do it!"
Ending with fans felt personal, hand held, people we know are out doing stuff.
Learning from actual history but (dyo??) the stories we *tell* each other
(Punched in the feels and I hate you but I love it -- could be for next vid)
Bad Blood (Never Ever) by fiercynn and scribe (Multi)
They make great multi vids
People who love each other punching each other
Wicked! broadway
Such angst!
You suck, and we're done! Finality. N_E_V_E_R getting back together.
The song itself was fighting each other, mash-up worked well.
90% queer, inverse of "usual"
Shape of You by Butterfly (Multi)
This is So. Gay.
I like the sex (again)
Diversity! Femslash!
Making its point and keeping you there. (despite some source issues)
A lot of nostalgia for queer movies that haven't seen a lot of recently (Velvet Goldmine)
It was a recruiter vid for the gay.
Wolves Without Teeth by Dar (Sense8)
Blew me away!
Taken in by group shots and sense of togetherness and them all working together.
So protective of each other.
I care so much!
Not a traditional recruiter vid but good representation of experience watching the show.
Condensed beautiful emotional. Not very plot driven.
Encapsulates experience of the show.
Hit me in the feels with no source knowledge. SO beautifully edited.
Song choice!
Never before understood what the show was about or why people love it so much.
Good job balancing the different relationships / pairings.
Ensemble vids can be hard, tech of equal airtime. Vidder skills deftly done.
Wolfgang feels hit hard - bittersweet.
Show choreography of the 8 - vid elevates it. Modern dance.
Gold Dust Woman by AurumCalendula (Xena)
The show is So Gay, not just Xena & Gabrielle.
50 Shades of Gold.
This one had more modern effects, made the show feel current and not so 90s.
Effective use of lyrics - silver spoon, put your kingdom up for sale
What do you do with this extra layer of orientalism? Do you just make the vid? Can't change the source (See Xena panel)
Farewell Ride by Destina (Tombstone)
Songchoice totally fit. Can tell vidder cares about source.
Movie tried to make these actors look the same (thank god I'm not face blind)
So happy because I love the movie -> most magnetic Val Kilmer has ever been even sweaty and dying of consumption)
Why "I'm your huckleberry?"
Key line Val Kilmer says when he's going to kill someone. Very gay.
It's more gay, that's what I needed to know.
When Sorrows Encompass Me 'Round by AurumCalendula (Wynonna Earp)
Almost made me care about Willa
"What a hard life, I wish she sucked less"
Synchronicity. Earp follow Earp in vidshow order.
Sold on fandom now.
I care about her now! Got really drawn into this character.
Resident Willa apologist claims she's the best!
Not the main character and her story is obscured both TV and her life. Vid took us into *her* perspective on things.
Desire by Kitty aka Winterevanesce (Heartless)
Taken on a JOURNEY y'all
Kinda rapey, then she SET him on FIRE. She lit him on fire with her MOUTH.
Emotionally exhausted by the end. On journey with you.
Great song choice.
This isn't what I remember Lost Girl looking like!
Avril Lavigne ... starred in Lost Girl?
Winter by scribe (Killjoys)
(I talked about this in vid review and apparently didn't take any notes. Sorry! Loved it!)
Overcome by sweetestdrain (Rogue One)
New Hope shots - visually completing the journey. Deeply satisfying.
Sacrifice has weight, meaning, purpose that will be fulfilled (especially following on the Killjoys vid)
Carry That Weight by Anoel (Star Wars vids)
Build super strong, a lot of feelings
Winter -> Overcome -> Weight. Arc of vids. Had to start dark.
Hopeful chills.
Can be jarring but transition to RL footage done very smoothly.
*Carrie* that weight
Expectation of Beatles but this cover choice perfect for the vid
Real World icons
Han killed - crossfade into Lea's heart