The NBER seeks to provide a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters the exchange of scientific ideas, provides equal opportunities and treatment for all participants, and is free of harassment and discrimination. Free and open discussion and debate are essential elements of scholarly interaction and this policy does not discourage them, but paper presenters, discussants, and other conference participants are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, to follow venue rules, and to alert staff or security of any dangerous situations or if anyone is in distress. All participants are also expected to abide by standards of scientific integrity and professional ethics, in particular by disclosing any financial interests or other ties that might be viewed as creating conflicts of interest as described in the NBER Research Dissemination Disclosure Policy.
The NBER does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any of its activities whether in person or virtual. Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability status, or any other attribute. Harassment includes speech or any behavior, such as but not limited to remarks, both spoken and in other media, bullying, physical contact, stalking, sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, and unwelcome attention, that creates an intimidating, harmful, hostile, offensive, or threatening environment. Please remember that behavior that is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another, and that harassment that is intended or delivered in a joking manner is unacceptable.
Anyone who experiences or observes discrimination or harassment should report this behavior to the NBER staff member supporting the conference, or to Angela Garger, the Director of the NBER Conference Department ([email protected] or 617 588 0380). If a matter is time sensitive and the NBER conference staff cannot be reached, please contact the NBER's Director of Research and Grant Administration, Alterra Milone ([email protected] or 617 588 0306) or the security staff at the meeting venue.
Reports of discrimination or harassment will be maintained in confidence to the extent that doing so does not compromise the NBER's ability to investigate the reported conduct or the rights of others. Discrimination or harassment by NBER staff members can be reported to Ms. Milone, to NBER President James Poterba ([email protected]), or, if they involve the President, to the Chair of the NBER Board of Directors, Peter Blair Henry ([email protected]).
Individuals violating this policy or making allegations in bad faith may be subject to disciplinary action. The NBER reserves the right to take actions including, but not limited to, removing an individual from a meeting without warning, prohibiting an individual from attending future NBER meetings, terminating an individual's affiliation with the NBER, and notifying an individual's employer. Retaliation against any person who files a complaint in good faith, or assists in the investigation of such a complaint, is also a violation of this policy and may also be subject to disciplinary action.
The NBER has retained an ombudsperson, Robyn Klinger ([email protected]) who can help conference participants and employees to express concerns, manage conflicts, and resolve disputes. Further details may be found at NBER_Ombudsperson.pdf.
Sections of this policy draw heavily on the American Association for the Advancement of Science's policy. Please direct comments or concerns regarding this policy to James Poterba ([email protected]).