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Article Workplace Adoption of Generative AI

Workplace Adoption of Generative AI


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has recently emerged as a potentially transformative workplace technology. The ultimate impact of generative AI on the economy will depend on how many workers adopt the technology, how intensively they use it, and for which tasks. In The Rapid Adoption of Generative AI (NBER Working Paper 32966), researchers Alexander Bick, Adam Blandin, and David J. Deming report on a nationally representative US survey of generative AI adoption at work ...

From the NBER Reporter: Research, program, and conference summaries

 Climate Finance figure

Climate Finance


Climate change poses a critical global challenge, impacting not only the social and geopolitical spheres but also economic activity, asset values, and financial stability. Addressing this complex issue requires a multisector approach, with financial markets playing a crucial role in advancing a sustainable transition. Financial markets can mitigate climate risks by channeling resources into sustainable activities and green innovation while also facilitating adaptation through the sharing of climate risks. The emerging field of “climate finance” studies these and other contributions of the financial sector to climate solutions. This article reviews key findings from our recent work...

From the NBER Bulletin on Health

How Health Disparities Develop over the Lifecycle

How Health Disparities Develop over the Lifecycle


In the Netherlands, there are striking socioeconomic differences in mortality among older adults, with a 4.4 percentage point (67 percent) higher five-year mortality rate for 70-year-old individuals with below-median income than for those with above-median income. To better understand the role of chronic disease in these health disparities, Kaveh Danesh, Jonathan T. Kolstad, William D. Parker, and Johannes Spinnewijn develop an index of chronic disease burden in The Chronic Disease Index: Analyzing Health Inequalities over the Lifecycle (NBER Working Paper 32577). This index is a measure...

From the NBER Bulletin on Retirement and Disability

Inflation’s Impact on Social Security Disability Program Beneficiaries figure

Inflation’s Impact on Social Security Disability Program Beneficiaries


Social Security Disability (SSD) program beneficiaries, like other consumers, have been negatively affected by inflation over the past several years. In a survey from June of 2023, more than half (59 percent) of SSD program beneficiaries reported higher prices for the disability-related goods and services they need to purchase, and more than one-quarter reported reducing food spending to cover disability-related costs, Zachary Morris and Stephanie Rennane found in Examining the Impact of Inflation on the Economic Security of Disability Program Beneficiaries (NBER RDRC Paper NB23-08).

Using new survey data, the researchers found that 82 percent of beneficiaries reported out-of-pocket expenses related to their disability, with average annual spending of $4,412 and median spending...

From the NBER Bulletin on Entrepreneurship

“Third Places” Boost Local Economic Activity figure

“Third Places” Boost Local Economic Activity


Sociologists have argued that “third places” like cafés, which provide opportunities for individuals to socialize and exchange ideas outside of home and work, improve neighborhood life. But what about the relationship between such places and economic activity? In Third Places and Neighborhood Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Starbucks Cafés (NBER Working Paper 32604), researchers Jinkyong ChoiJorge Guzman, and Mario L. Small use data on US business registrations between 1990 and 2022 from the Startup Cartography Project to examine whether the opening of a Starbucks in a neighborhood with no previous cafés affects local entrepreneurship...

Featured Working Papers

Substantial Medicare price reductions in the medical device industry led to a 25 percent decline in new product introductions and a 75 percent decrease in patent filings, according to Yunan Ji and Parker Rogers. This suggests a substantial degree of lost innovation in response to price cuts.

Using 2021 Canadian census data linked to tax records, Christopher S. CarpenterDonn L. FeirKrishna Pendakur, and Casey Warman find that people who do not exclusively identify with traditionally male or female genders tend to be more educated than their peers but have significantly lower earnings.

Labor market payoffs to workers with associate degrees in healthcare and STEM occupations in Massachusetts are both high, but they appear to increase the proportion of students in STEM but not healthcare programs, Richard J. MurnaneJohn B. WillettAubrey McDonoughJohn P. Papay, and Ann Mantil find. 

Estimating the impact of employer-imposed vaccine mandates at 581 nursing homes, Ashvin GandhiIan LarkinBrian McGarryKatherine WenHuizi YuSarah BerryVincent MorMaggie Syme, and Elizabeth White find mandates resulted in a staff reduction of less than two minutes per patient-day and directly led to less COVID transmission and lower patient mortality. 

Using UK offshore oil exploration data, Charles Hodgson finds that removing free-riding incentives and strengthening property rights over exploration-well data would increase the rate of exploration. 

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Books & Chapters

Through a partnership with the University of Chicago Press, the NBER publishes the proceedings of four annual conferences as well as other research studies associated with NBER-based research projects.


Recordings of presentations, keynote addresses, and panel discussions at NBER conferences are available on the Videos page.

Supported by the US Department of Transportation through an interagency agreement with the National Science Foundation grant #2315269
SlidesSupported by the Social Security Administration grant #RDR2300006
SlidesSupported by the Social Security Administration grant #RDR2300006
Supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant #G-2023-19618, Microsoft , and TD Management and Data Analytics Lab
Supported by the Social Security Administration grants #RRC08098400, #DRC12000002, #RDR18000003, and #RDR2300006
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