Evolution of the number of commits over the last year" + "" ); var data = { csrf_token: "ImQyZDQyMmE2MjljOWI0MmM3M2FlM2UzMDcxNGJjZGNjYjFiMDdkNDci.GmZFVw.4gNHwnYTP2oID9wQhYXjee7Z0EE", repo: "aalib", username: "", namespace: "yifengyou", } process_async(_stats_url, data, show_commits_history); } else { var _b = $("#commiter_list"); var html = '

Commits stats' html += '
This project\'s repo is empty. No stats available.'; _b.html(html); _b.show(); } }; $(document).ready(function() { $('.stats_btn').click(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); $('.stats_btn').removeClass('active'); if ($(this).attr('name') == 'issues') { issues_history_stats_plot_call(); $(this).addClass('active'); window.location.hash = 'issues' } else if ($(this).attr('name') == 'authors') { commits_authors_call(); $(this).addClass('active'); window.location.hash = 'authors' } else if ($(this).attr('name') == 'commits') { commits_history_call(); $(this).addClass('active'); window.location.hash = 'commits' } }); window.onhashchange = function () { if (window.location.hash == 'issues') { issues_history_stats_plot_call(); } else if (window.location.hash == 'authors') { commits_authors_call(); } else if (window.location.hash == 'commits') { commits_history_call(); } } $('.stats_btn[name="authors"]').trigger("click"); });