GLAM/Newsletter/August 2018/Contents/Sweden report
FindingGLAMs; National Library of Sweden; Crowdsourcing Structured Data on Commons for GLAMs
Wikimedia Sverige, in partnership with UNESCO and Wikimedia Foundation, has launched the project FindingGLAMs. The project will first of all aim to collect data about the GLAM institutions themselves, so that they can be found easily, and secondly work on making digitized material available on the Wikimedia platforms. The project will focus on collections that for different reasons are tricky to include or that include new types of material and will aim to include GLAM professionals to support the work. The work will be described in a series of case studies to make it easier for other Wikimedia affiliates to organize similar GLAM partnerships. This is especially interesting to do know as Structured Data on Commons is being implemented, which will create new opportunities.
National Library of Sweden
The Library Data project, which we started working on last month, is starting to bear fruit. Our first focus is on importing authority data from the database maintained by the National Library of Sweden, and we just concluded the first stage of the process: connecting Wikidata items to entries in the Libris library catalog, using a recently created property. We have successfully added the new identifier to over 60,000 items, which wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of the volunteers who had previously matched these items to their entries in the old edition of the Libris catalog. Amazing! Thanks to them, we now have a strong foundation to build on and can continue working on importing additional information from Libris, such as names, descriptions and nationalities. We have set up a page in English on our wiki where you can read more about the project and our progress.
Crowdsourcing Structured Data on Commons for GLAMs
The Swedish National Heritage Board will together with the Nordic museum, the Swedish Performing Arts Agency and others facilitate a project with the purpose to research, design and prototype technical solutions that would make it much easier and less work intensive for GLAM collections managers to review, copy, and reuse additions to the metadata of the media files they have shared on Wikimedia Commons.
Institutions that would like to contribute and participate in this project can contact and We are also interested in hearing from individuals and organizations with related experience or use cases.
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