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Convergence EP

by AwakeFM & Mizeyesis

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Omni Music welcomes newcomers AwakeFM and Mizeyesis with a beautifully constructed voyage to the stars, back to the homeworld of an extraterrestrial protagonist as his memories of his far off land see him floating in a universe of frequencies. A soarng debut that is an ode to exquisite realms of otherworldly beats, atmospheric ripples, fractals with edits, pads, and so much more. This is an awesome debut from a dup who look set to go far and who are no stranger to the world of drum and bass.
AwakeFm, a regular on Bassdrive, thinks of sound as a vast universe of possibility and wonder. The tools and techniques used to forge his sonic creations, the makings of his starship. So many late nights spent at the helm of this tremendous machine, loving every minute of this wonderful journey called music.
Mizeyesis has crafted her life around the exploration of riddims to evoke positive emotions and feelings. Production was the next step in a long journey of a career in sound and the arts, spending many hours and many nights perfecting her craft. Whether its on her biweekly show on jungletrain.net, or traveling near and far for shows, releasing a new mix, or releasing tracks, her goal is to make sure your mind, body and soul are nourished with the sonic vibrations she channels.


released November 13, 2016

Written and produced by S.Lambert & C.Digiuseppe


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