[May 2024] The OISF Board of Directors is actively reviewing our Consortium Membership levels and benefits to better serve the Suricata community and support OISF’s mission. We are diligently working on this and expect to provide an update to the community and our members by November 2024. Please contact [email protected] with questions.
Donations and support by consortium members directly fund OISF’s international operations and Suricata’s ongoing development. Becoming part of the OISF consortium establishes your support for a steady vision as our world heads into a complex and uncertain technological future. As a member, you will reap US tax benefits from our 501(c)3 non-profit status, help to sustain a global organization and give back to the open source community.
Benefits include a non-GPL license during the membership and perpetual license in the unlikely event that OISF ceases operations • Priority invitation and 2 tickets to the annual Suricata 5-day developer training • 2 tickets and 50% off 2 additional tickets to Suricata 2-day user training • Priority invitation to SuriCon including 2 free attendees and free booth space • Featured as Platinum level supporter in all marketing materials and prominent exposure of your company logo on OISF and Suricata websites • Featured press release for new product launches using Suricata
Non-GPL license to Suricata during the membership year • Priority invitation and 1 ticket to the annual 5-day Suricata developer training • 1 ticket and 50% off additional tickets to Suricata 2-day user training • Priority invitation to SuriCon including 1 free attendee and 50% off booth space • Featured as Gold level supporter in all marketing materials and prominent exposure of your company logo on OISF and Suricata websites • Featured press release for new product launches using Suricata