Quadraphonic 7-inch single (1971 – 1976)

Quadraphonic recording was a means of providing sound from four channels, and on vinyl records was most often used on 12-inch long-play (LP) records. It was not a commercial success partly due to a number of competing systems.

Quadraphonic sound on 7-inch singles was even less common. As well as 7-inch singles playing at 45 rpm, there were also some quadraphonic EPs and Little LPs, which played at 33⅓ rpm. Many of the EPs and Little LPs seem to have been produced for use in quadraphonic jukeboxes.

Nearly all quadraphonic releases on 7-inch records used either the SQ Quadraphonic or Quadraphonic Sound (QS) systems.

Quadraphonic singles were introduced in 1971, and releases seem to have peaked around 1974. In 1976, releases appear to have ceased, a few years ahead of quadraphonic LPs.

Sources / Resources