Tolls by Mail


Vehicle Description

Class 1
(Cars, Pick-ups, Motorcycles) 2 axles, Less than 7 foot, 6 Inches (7', 6")



Commuter Plan
(Passenger vehicles only, minimum of 17 trips each month) Plus, you get a $0.25 discount off the regular E-ZPass rate!



Class 2
2 axles, more than 7 foot, 6 Inches (7', 6")



Commercial Vehicles

2 axles



3 axles



4 axles



5 axles



6 axles




Extra axle(w/class 1)



Extra axle(w/classes 2-6)



Did You Know?

Tolls today are actually lower, in real dollars, than they were in 1933 when the Authority began operations.