Two Right Wing Talking Points from Shooter von Brunn

Straight from the horses ass, Rush Limbaugh (and Mark Levin) and straight into the obligatory Shooter’s Manifesto. This makes three that failed in their attempts to suicide themselves to Right-Wing-Glory, worshipped by the American Taliban as fallen martyrs… but in the case of Adkinsson, Church Shooter who was aiming to shoot the children on stage when the gun was finally wrestled away from him, and von Brunn, and not a coincidence The Same Shit KVOR talk radio puts out, President Obamas birth certificate and George Bitch’s non-existent service record. First up, Contestant George B.

Seems the Right Wing Cult have been instructed by their High Priests to mock any attempts to prove that George coWard Bush didn’t finish out his Service Obligation. it was in both shooters manifestos.

Trouble is, the disputed discharge papers, “proven” false by none other than George Bush Sr’s Counterfeit Experts, who got their expertise by forging documents for anti-Nazi and anti-Communist groups…

Were the ONLY papers that actually demonstrate George Bush Jr actually serving. At All.

A convenient fire at the National Archives is to blame for that. Or so the Right Wing say.

President Obamas Birth Certificate, an issue pushed by Neo-Nazi group StormFront and their willing mouthpieces Levin, Limbaugh and Jerome Corsi, centers on a document thoroughly investigated by the FBI, DHS, DoJ,I.C.E., CIA and DoD, (Pentagon) amongst other Groovie Initials.

All of whom were under the direct command of “the decider” George Bitch.

None of them found any fault with the documentation.

So that leaves a couple of explanations, three in fact, all of them unpalatable to the Right Wing Para-Religious Cult.
The government investigative teams the Right Wing Cult keeps saying are “keeping us safe” at the expense of a few rights and freedoms that nobody important was using anyway are suddenly incompetent to detect a forged birth document, thus the billions upon billions of dollars spent on them were wasted.


These same government teams were part of a vast Commie Liberal plot to put a Sleeper Agent in power, in which case the same scenario about their usefulness at the expense of Public Funds and those rights which nobody important was using anyway.


More likely

The Birth Certificate is in fact valid and the only possible use the Right Wing Cult has for keeping the shit stirred is to wire up lunatics to attack other Americans

They’ve done a spectacular job of Domestic Terrorism so far.

Tea Party Tax Revolt ignorance-mongers rally their usual Republican supporters

COLORADO SPRINGS- The corporate media led by Fox News, local talk radio led by KVOR, and the Gazette editorial page itself, herded their red sheep into Acacia Park today for lunch-time speeches full of hate, ignorance, and good old-fashioned unapologetic self-interest. They didn’t understand my sign, but knew enough to scowl.
Bunch of Republican dim wits who blame their troubles on the poor

Gazette representative Maria St. Louis-Sanchez was live-blogging the event, sitting on the ground beside the stage, which gave her an appropriate lack of perspective for the coverage she intended. For example, this online exchange:

12:33 [Comment From Guest] Is it basically an all white gathering?

12:34 Tough to tell. There seems to be a good mix of people here.

Oh my goodness. The crowd was ALL WHITE! With the lonely exception of deposed-councilman Ed Jones, who delighted the crowd when he proclaimed he was not an African American, he was an American, and derided those critics who would call him an “Uncle Tom.” The crowd cheered Jones, there were even chants exhorting him to run for governor. But if this had been nightfall, and one depression earlier, this is the mob that would have lynched him.

And I’m inclined to imagine that had Jones been Hispanic American, judging from the anti-immigrant rhetoric, they would have jumped him in broad daylight today.

tax day tea party white male

Richard Randall

These were ugly Americans, led by their representative uglies, hate-radio DJ Richard Randall, representative Doug “Porky” Lamborn, the illiterate Quixote Douglas Bruce and business-homophobe Ed Bircham. All pure archetypes of disgruntled white males.

The demographics in my estimation were all white, mostly male, with ugly carved into everyone’s faces from years of being disagreeable and bitter. And a plentiful predominance of pasty obesity.


KVOR advertising on Bus Stops…

And billboards.

For those who don’t live in or near the Springs, that’s our Local Right Wing Talk Radio AM station.
Hosting Limbaugh, Beck, Gunny Bob, Hannity, you know the ones…

So they’re now paying out what looks like a couple of Million dollars so far to advertise on the bus stops, and billboards and taxis and the local “news” paper…


They consistently boast that they’re a Number 1 station in the local ratings.

Maybe so. Colorado Springs once advertised itself as the most “conservative” city in America.

You would think that the local outlet for such luminaries as Rush and Hannity wouldn’t need to advertise… except, they are.

And doing it expensively.

To quote Mr Dylan, “the times, they are a-changin’…”

I’ll go for that and order a second helping.

Enough of red white and proud bigots

monkey-bigotWhen Oh When can we unleash on the professional elements in our culture who’ve been driving the basest common denominator into the mud? Mud wrestling, motor-cross, monster- trucks and other mugly indulgences clearly proven now to be anything but harmless.

When are we going to take the country singer drunkards, talk radio buffoons, TV talking-lowbrows, and hirsute airheads off to work the carnies where they belong? parking-lot-bigot Mindless amusements have produced a mindless public as bigoted and idiotic as it is vacuous. Cynical, narcissistic and post-ironic are really just terms of flattery for detached deluded know-nothings.

Have you ever seen Americans Uglier than these?

Here’s someone who attended a McCain rally with a simian effigy of Obama, another idiot who closed his parking lot to Obama supporters, and a so-called independent voter who’s defying the landslide trend and swaying toward McCain. independent-voter-for-mccain Let’s also give honorable mention to the five Alaskan Republican legislators who tried to halt the investigation into Palin’s misconduct as governor. Rep. Wes Keller, Rep. Mike Kelly, Rep. Bob Lynn, Sen. Fred Dyson, and Sen. Tom Wagoner.

And how about the October [13] surprise of a resurgent Wall Street, rallying on cue to McCain’s “soaring” speech, marking his “comeback” on the rising tide of nothing but his same old bullshit verbiage, and most of all, diverting news desks from the Palin Troopergate guilty verdict. I’m afraid the GOP is never going to go broke underestimating the American public.