I know where Congressman Lamborn is – because no one is telling OR asking. Re: media blackout on junkets to Israel

Calls to Doug Lamborn’s office inquiring as to his whereabouts produces this charade: “Um, I don’t know. Let me ask. They don’t know. I’m not certain who would know. Could you hold please?” And we never get an answer. That his office won’t say, coupled with the media’s strange incuriosity, points to a self-enforced news moratorium on where a fifth of US congress is spending the August recess: as guests of Israel and the most powerful DC lobby. It’s been reported that a record 81 members are on an all-expense-paid junket to Israel, but their identities are a closely guarded secret. The US TV audience can be let to see their representatives give standing ovations to the Israeli prime minister, but visit Israel? The media blackout would have you think there’s something wrong with that.

Middle East peace groups and Palestinian rights organizations have had to painstakingly gather the information from stray news reports out of Israel, or from congressional offices reluctant to let it be know. So far 45 names are known to be on this year’s junket. Doug Lamborn is not on the list, but his office probably has a lower self-respect threshold for playing dumb.

You’d think with the recent furor about calling Obama a Tar Baby, that the media would want to be calling Lamborn to the hot seat. Apparently not. All that’s said is that he hasn’t surfaced to meet with constituents, or give interviews. Last week Lamborn issued a press release unrelated to his recent trouble, probably preplanned, in collaboration with fellow Colorado Congressman Tipton. Tipton, by the way, is among the officeholders known to be in Israel.

Lamborn vacationing in Israel would not be a far-fetched possibility. He attended the junket in 2007 and since then has acted on Israel’s behest in lobbying to drop charges against an accused Israeli spy, in removing legislation which prevented the US from relocating its Tel Aviv Embassy to Jerusalem, and this Spring Lamborn was made co-chair of the Israel Allies Caucus.

What a damn missed opportunity to press them on contacting Tar Baby Lamborn. It would appear that keeping the congressional Israeli lobbying junket on the QT outweighs making Lamborn squirm on camera to explain his non-racist remark. Never mind complicating the issue. What’s a racist WASP doing in the land of Apartheid racism? Well, of course, they’re absolutely related. Oooh, terrible timing. And Lamborn’s a Christian Zionist, so he “likes” Jews, but come the end times, he won’t touch them either.

How is it American elected officials are allowed to behave as agents of a foreign government would be one question, but the more glaring one would be why it is the media is complicit in keeping citizens in the dark?

Partial list of 81 US congressmembers on Israel junket over August recess, according to MoveOver AIPAC

Gus Bilirakis R-9 FL
Mo Brooks R-5 AL
Anne Marie Buerkle R-25 NY
Eric Cantor R-7 VA
Russ Carnahan D-3 MO
Kathy Castor D-11 FL
Steve Chabot R-1 OH (went last month)
Judy Chu D-32 CA
David Cicilline D-1 RI
Yvette Clarke D-11 NY
Mark Critz D- 12 PA
Scott DesJarlais R- 4 TN
Bob Dold R-10 IL (unconfirmed)
Jeff Duncan R-3 SC
Blake Farenthold R-27 TX
Stephen Fincher R-8 TN
Mike Fitzpatrick R-8 PA
Chuck Fleischman R-3 TN
John Garamendi D-10 CA
Kay Granger R-12 TX
Michael Grimm NY-13
Janice Hahn D-36 CA
Jaime Herrera Buetler R-3 WA
Steny Hoyer D-5 MD
Jesse Jr. Jackson D-2 IL
Hank Johnson D-4 GA
Kevin McCarthy CA-22
Gwen Moore D-4 WI
Bill Owens D-23 NY
Steven Palazzo R-4 MS
Ed Perlmutter D-7 CO
Tom Price R-6 GA
Tom Reed R-29 NY
Peter Roskam R-6 IL
Dennis Ross R-12 FL
Loretta Sanchez D-47 CA
David Schweikert R-5 AZ
Terri Sewell D-7 AL (not confirmed)
Adam Smith D-9 WA
Steve Southerland R-2 FLA
Betty Sutton D-13 OH
Scott Tipton R-3 CO
Allen West R-22 FL
Frederica Wilson D-17 FL
Kevin Yoder R-3 KS

Ward Churchill and the Knights of the Round Table…

Or “…and the Holy Grail”. This is one example of what happens, as Judge Naves so brilliantly illustrates with his own contribution to Official Glossing Over of Real History, upholding the punishment and Demonization of Dr Churchill for no crime other than daring to tell a different viewpoint than the Official one. It involves the most over-used trite banal and EVIL defense of the Lie of Divine Right Of Kings.

Although Le Morte Darthur (also known as Le Morte d’Arthur) is universally accepted as a masterpiece of imaginative literature, so much mystery surrounds the identity of the author (that is, which one of several Sir Thomas Malorys of the 15th century actually wrote it) that any one definitive biography seems imprudent. The only direct information extant concerning the author is that a Sir Thomas Malory completed the book while he was a “knight-prisoner” in the ninth year of Edward IV’s reign, from March 4, 1469, to March 3, 1470. All the rest is conjecture.

So a Knight makes a fanciful story about the wondrous nobility of his profession. Which happened to be Killing People.

And leaving out the parts about how it’s more akin to being a Mafia Hit-man than anything else.

He was in prison at the time. Can you say “sucking up to the warden”? I knew you could.

There’s a new show on TV, new to me anyway, “Merlin”. with the predictable bullshit about Arthur Pendragon being “destined to lead the Noble Kingdom”.

Anachronisms like 14th century armor and castellary, candles and “ancient” books in what allegedly was the 4th century C.E.

And that was the good part. It goes downhill from there.

Arthur: “Destined to found a great kingdom”. Oh Come On! Even in the (entirely fictionalized) “history” his kingdom died with him.

Problem with it was, at the time the “history” was written, entirely made up from within a prison cell by a Saxon who was sucking up to a Norman king, is actually taken literally. Not by everybody, but those who do take it as Real make a Real Mess out of our current chapter of History.

The people at the time were being told, rather forcefully, that they had Won the Crusades, even with plenty of evidence to the contrary, all around them.

The same way the ex-president George Bush romanticized the Current Crusades. Along with his murderous friend and colleague Erik, the Prince of Blackwater. (it’s pure conjecture that he calls himself by that title… but it fits) who romanticizes his Goon Squads as “The Modern Knights Templar”… instead of the reality which is they’re a Publicly Funded Private Army, who have been granted absolute immunity from any kind of responsibility for their Crimes (given in advance) and absolute immunity from Public oversight, even though, as mentioned, they’re paid by the Public Funds.

Bring it back to Ward Churchill, the same ones who are promoting this “Noble Crusade” like Former Governor Bill Owens, G.Bush and Prince, and apparently Judge Larry “Sellout” Naves, are pushing the notion that “(we) have to believe the Official Version of American History” or it’s literally Treason.

Some of the Local IDIOT proponents of that view have even called Dr Churchill a Traitor.

They’re also the same coward right wing pukes who say that All Capital Offenses should be punished with swift Death.

Including Treason.

Thomas Malory was charged with treason. But granted a pardon, apparently, after writing the Suck Up officially sanctioned history.

No man was ever born destined to be a King. Royal Prerogative is a Fictional Construct designed to cover the crimes of Dictatorship.

yet another Triple Standard… (quadruple, quintuple, sextuple ….)

A group of “hippies” including a retired Judge get beaten by the CSPD at a parade where the entrance fees and requirements are fulfilled, the Gag-Zette and all it’s Sieg Heil readership say “well, Free Speech, yes, but there have to recognitions of Consequences of that Speech (In other words, we’re “Free” to say whatever we want as long as the Local Gestapo isn’t offended in any way) Ward Churchill…

Sues because a Government Agency, (state college) machs mit der Sieg Heil and obeys the orders of UnterFuhrer Bill Owens and fires him on made-up charges…

The jury agrees but only awards him a dollar.

One Juror says the same thing, “Free speech, yes, but there has to be recognition of Consequences of Free Speech”

Meaning, once again, that the Local Gestapo can crack down on Free speech…

An American journalist gets arrested in Iraq and it’s a “Hostage Situation” according to the Same Right Wing Freaks who think we should be beaten, impoverished or imprisoned for “free” speech.

The Right Wing FigPuckers like our Regular ChickenHawk Trolls say WE should be docile and accept punishment for Free Speech but not their Right Wing Accomplices.

They say WE should be punished for Civil Disobedience but that THEIR War Criminal “heroes” should go unpunished for THEIR murders and Tortures and other Violent Crimes.

Like the Blackwater Goon Squads.

I’m not for the death penalty, but the four Blackwater Goons who got hacked up and hanged on the Fallujah bridge, while nobody deserves death, they DID get exactly what they and their Comrades in and out of the Official Military dish out routinely.

But again, we should be punished for objecting.

Some of the Right Wing Freaks have suggested that I should be beaten up or even murdered for pointing out these things.

Since they have no MORAL objections to those suggested actions, and their Leaders say that there’s no LEGAL objections, and the Local Gestapo like the EPCSD and the CSPD would look the other way or perhaps even participate in such actions, I guess the only REAL reason they haven’t comes down to Simple Cowardice.

CU lawyer thinks it was Ward Churchill who may have violated 1st Amendment

Colorado State Court Room 6
DENVER- CHURCHILL TRIAL, DAY TWO. University of Colorado defense attorney Patrick O’Rourke wanted the jury to understand that Freedom of Speech was a complicated matter. He asked Dean of CU’s law school, David Getches, to confirm “Is First Amendment Law hard?” “Yes it is.” “Are you an expert on First Amendment law?” “No, I am not.” O’Rourke also got former Governor Bill Owens to admit the First Amendment concept was “tricky.” But no one could have conveyed it better than O’Rourke himself. He described how CU scoured Professor Ward Churchill’s work “to look for First Amendment violations.” Pretending to detail the school’s concern for protecting Churchill’s academic freedom, O’Rourke explained that when it was concluded that Churchill’s 9/11 Little Eichmann essay was protected speech, CU set about to find other instances where “what he said might violate the First Amendment.”

Another local political rally shot down in flames

Cripple Creek memorial ride 2006According to the Omygodzette, The City Fathers of Cripple Creek starting putting so many restrictions on the Annual Veterans Memorial Bike Rally, the usual organizers for the event said freak it, and are moving the Rally to Winter Park.

Everybody who they interviewed said they (the people of Cripple Creek and Victor) loved the bikes, the bikers, and noted that these guys spent buttloads of money there, and there wasn’t any of the crap you usually see associated with say, Sturgis. So what was the problem? The city manager said there was no prejudice on their part against the bikers (yeah, right!) but the outgoing Decider for who gets a permit had messed up the deal, because the rally was “too biker, not enough veterans” like that really makes one huge difference. There isn’t a law that says how much a Veterans Memorial ANYTHING should reflect the Government Ideal for a Veterans Memorial.

Here I have to insert, the Omygodzette reporter was obviously digging for somebody who would speak against the bike rally. It’s just how they “fair and balanced” report the news. And I would also like to add, I wouldn’t buy their paper by the ton lot to be used as a firewood alternative. Although I might steal it from their recycling dumpsters for that purpose….

But you know the Wall, right? Yeah, that Wall. In Washing Tundy Sea. There was a controversy about the design. Seems our favorite Bill Owens Crony, H Ross Perot, had sponsored a contest judged by veterans for the design. The Wall was overwhelmingly approved, by 3 to one over the runner up, that statue of the soldiers at the monument. Then it was discovered, at the award ceremony photo-op set up by Ross and McCain and other heavy hitting right wing Veterans Affairs Deciders, that the young lady who designed it was ethnically Asian, third generation Chinese American. How to defuse this bomb how do we proceed …

Messieurs McCain and Perot et alia tried to push off the idea that there were some irregularities, tried to replace the Wall with the statue, but they couldn’t come up with enough courage to state their Very Obvious objection, that the Wall was designed by somebody who they consider a “gook”. One reason they couldn’t was Perot was running for President, like he had a chance in Hell of making it.

So they made the command decision to keep their promise, and break it at the same time, by putting in the statue of the GIs.

It’s really tragic that the Government spends OUR money for their Thank a Vet campaign, but we can only show our support or at least lack of animosity in a way that Reflects the Official Policy.

In case anybody has forgotten, the Commander in Chimp has repeatedly tried to cut the VA budget. For such basics as Health Care. Cut it further, I might add, his Poppy and Poppy’s ex-boss Ronnie Ray-gun had already gutted veteran’s benefits. To help finance His War. Which is going to produce even more disabled Vets and disabled Civilians on the Other Side.

Now there’s a Thank A Vet memorial worthy of note.

And ladies and gentlemen, I for sure am going to note it repeatedly.