Rekindling Hiroshima: Shock and Awe

Rekindling Hiroshima: Shock and Awe

The 65th anniversary of dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima marks the first time the US will send an emissary to Japan for the commemoration. Will it be to reconsider remorse for committing history’s most time-compressed crime against humanity, or as part of the fear-nukes campaign being waged against Iran? While anti-nuclear activists forever protest against arms buildups and proliferation, the US government is pleased enough to rekindle the specter of the bomb. Witness the Zionist crockumentary COUNTDOWN TO ZERO, this year’s anti-Islamic OBSESSION, focused not on who has too many WMDs, but on the axis of evil smoking gun mushroom cloud.

Ahmadinejad’s Triangle of Wickedness

Ahmadinejad’s Triangle of Wickedness

When Iranian particle physicist Masoud Ali Mohammadi was assassinated last week Minotaur Advanced Development Programs Division black ops patch with a remote control bomb, Iran accused the west and its clandestine operatives, a consortium Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the “Triangle of Wickedness.” There would be more discussion about what he meant, if western pundits weren’t embarrassed by the expression’s apt rebuke to Bush’s “Axis of Evil.” It defines Iran’s own War on Terror.

The GWOT is a war on Islam, pure and simple, because you can’t have a war on an emotion. Although, terror certainly describes the military strategy of the offensive we’ve launched against Muslims. In truth, GWOT stand for Global War OF Terror.

What are drones and covert hit squads but state sanctioned terrorism? If 9/11 was evil, we should agree that terrorizing millions as a result is pure wickedness. Even if another skyscraper attack loomed, I doubt that terrifies even most Americans.

US Black OpsI wonder if a similar preponderance of the populations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen or Somalia feel confident they will not be collateral to some drone attack or nighttime raid. Likewise, is anyone at all living in Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt or Sudan safe from kidnap by the intelligence services of Israel?

What was Axis of Evil but a retread of the label we assigned to our WWII enemies? Axis was a perfectly appropriate geographic definition for the belligerent (say we) nations around which the rest of the world waged war. And since moral relativism, evil can rise nevermore above banal. Who didn’t laugh when Bush sought to strike terror with the term? No doubt Axis of Evil came from the same Madison Avenue as War on Terror and Nine Eleven, tested on focus groups not meant to think to hard on them.

Perhaps we’ve grown too sheepish to look for meaning in political slogans. “The Audacity of Hope” springs to mind. Pundits are certainly drawing a blank on Triangle of Wickedness. Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams took a crack at it, comparing axis and triangle as meaningless pith, proving that a cynical office humorist brings nothing to the table if it’s not a conference table. He joked about losing something in the translation, but dismissed the “triangle” as the US, Israel and Miscellaneous.

It’s interesting that we’re looking for that third angle to be a nation, even though the asymmetry of our war on terror allows that foes are not necessarily sovereign states. Ahmadinejad defined the third component of our wicked triumvirate as the clandestine extra-judicial branch; the not insignificant power wielded by the CIA, Mossad, military intelligence, and the unseemly work it sub-contracts.

patchIt may be that the translation of triangle failed Ahmadinejad. To me he’s describing a trinity: the father, son and holy ghost. They serve each other, one of them invisibly, except for the evidence of its deeds.

And don’t you just love “wickedness?” It ascribes a motive much more human than evil, entirely unholy.

On whose border will Israel attack Iran

On whose border will Israel attack Iran

With all of Israel’s gesticulation about Iran, you might think the axis of evil bordered on Israel. Especially given reports that Israel plans to launch ground assaults on Iran after December. Oddly it does not.
US encirclement of Iran
At minimum, Israeli forces would have to cross Jordan or Syria, then Iraq or Turkey, to reach Iran. French newspaper Le Canard Enchainé reports that the IDF has ordered combat rations and is assembling elite commando units. On whose sovereign land will Israel mobilize?

Miss North Dakota in grips of axis of evil

Miss North Dakota in grips of axis of evil

Roxana SaberiEvery day there’s a scare story coming out of Iran. A couple days ago, it was announced that a western news correspondent, Roxana Saberi, has been detained in Iran. Can they do that? Apparently Iran isn’t a free country like the USA.


Except that in the USA, too, reporters for foreign news services are required to have press credentials. Saberi has been reporting in Iran for six years, although a year ago her press credentials were not renewed. Maybe because she was doing work for NPR and Fox. Could those be considered propaganda branches of the US State Department? Not only as mouthpieces for the US military, but agents of a belligerent power at that. If the US has called Iran part of the Axis of Evil, where does that leave our identity in Tehran’s eyes?

Even if the well-spoken former Miss America contender was relaying heartwarming stories, in the hands of Fox News or NPR, no doubt it doesn’t come out that way.

When the US finds foreigners reporting to Cuba, for example, without press credentials, they incarcerate them. For years.

So let’s be fair, Saberi is not even being labeled by Iran as a foreign agent. And though she did overstay her permit, she wasn’t being deported.

What got Saberi arrested was buying a bottle of wine, which is illegal in iran. Try to buy an illegal controlled substance in America and then cry about how authorities seem to be picking on you.

4/18 UPDATE!
Ms. Saberi has been sentenced to eight years for spying. American Media take heed. Some people are prepared to call you on your so-called Fifth-Estate objectivity. If it talks like a propagandist, even if it walks like an innocuous beauty pageant contestant, it’s an agent of the state. In this case, a world bully with Barack Obama’s smile painted across its grill.

Bible Code, Redux

So, it was on again today.

And this time, thanx to all the Mossad, Knesset and IDF name dropping that’s been going on, courtesy of our Trolls…

Some of the names were eerily familiar.

People in Netanyahu’s Koalition of the Killing government with his 22% “majority mandate”.

Nut Job after Nut Job saying how wonderful the Bible Code works, citing events they ‘discovered” in the code … after they happened of course…

And even a couple of Pentagoons and yeah, Troll, I know you think you have a handle on accuracy but I call the PentaGoons that deliberately.

Our Army is at least in their leadership every bit as thuggish and murderous as IDF.

It makes it difficult to tell which is the Master and which the Disciple in their Sick Sadistic relationship.

But the theme comes out, they want to take the so-called Proven Accuracy of their decoding of the Talmudic Matrix, and use it as Legitimate Foreign Policy.

And apparently, these demented Freaks actually have backing from some shadowy types from OUR government.

Let’s boil that down, shall we?

Why thank you, of course we shall.

There’s a politically backed movement to base Life and Death decisions, active in TWO Nuclear Armed governments,

On a Glorified Seance.

An Ouija Board.

Reading Tea Leaves.

The show was taped in 2004.

The people interviewed saying how much they would love to actually influence Official Policy both in Washington and Tel Aviv, are now close to the hearts of both governments.

One of the “ACCURATE” predictions involved the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

You know the ones, the 500 metric tonnes (that’s more than a MILLION pounds, folks) of WMDs that it turns out didn’t exist in the first place.


Apparently the Code didn’t predict that disastrous misstep.

Or the bit about the Syrians and Lebanese running the IDF out one more time when they invaded Lebanon again.

Just like the IDF got run out in 85.

Well well well well well…

But one thing predicted during the show, and welcomed with Loud Hosannahs from the Silly Ass proponents of the Bible Code, was the notion of WMDs in Iran…

I know the Country Song says the writer is too stupid to be able to tell the difference between Iraq and Iran.
Probably can’t tell the difference between the U.S. and Mexico or Russian and China or Germany and France either.
Bigots are like that…
But for those terminally confused types, that’s IRAN spelled with an “N” on the end of it and with nearly 4 times the prewar population of IRAQ spelled with a “Q” or alternately IRAK spelled with a “K”.

Remember always, gentle readers, and forget never, that these are the SAME “experts” that George Bush hired to give intelligent intelligence reports about Uranium, anthrax, Smallpox, Mousepox, Nerve Gas… In Iraq 6 years ago.

In other words, Lying Warmongering Sell-outs to God and the Whole Human Race.

Since both Washington and IDF still have prisoners in Torture Chambers across the globe being tortured and Murdered based on these DumbShit’s “expert testimony”…

That would cast a rather large shadow on every other aspect of their Continuing Terroristic War against everybody who doesn’t bow and worship the Washington-London-Tel Aviv REAL Axis of Evil.

How many more prisons filled up with their victims, how many graves?

How much more of the basic humanity and wealth of the world are going to be bombed out of existence based on their Lying Interpretation of “Code” which, by a bizarre coincidence, is manipulated to support their already predisposed an predetermined Plans of Conquest, Murder and Pillage?

Hugo Chavez Evil Knievel

While everyone was looking for Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to seize the headlines, our Chimp-in-Chief receives a dressing down from Venezuelan upstart Hugo Chavez like no one has ever dared address the Emperor before. Not just calling Bush the Devil, but fleshing it out, “it still smells of sulphur in here.”

These words come of course from one of the axis of evils. Evil here being confused for the global justice movement, which seeks equitable rights for all human beings. To an industrialist landlord such a prospect probably does sound evil.

The most successful purveyors of this evil ideology in the last century were Mahatma Gandhi, Fidel Castro, and Nelson Mandela, among others, and most recently Subcommandante Marcos, Hugo Chavez and Eva Morales. There have been more who have been unfortunately crushed like flies.

Hugo Chavez fashions himself after the great populist liberator of the Americas, Simon Bolivar.
That’s about as boastful as, say, George W. Bush telling us the W stands for Washington. But Venezuela’s got the oil, and Hugo Chavez has the love of his people. A liberator for the Americas he may be. Let’s hope he means to save our America as well.

The Axis of Evil

The alliance of Chavez, Morales and Castro is not surprising. It is the South American revolution which Castro and Guevarra hoped to ignite 45 years ago. Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba are united by purpose and philosophy, reclaiming power for the common people, emerging from colonial oppression under which they have suffered since the arrival of the Spanish 500 years ago.

Though they fight their Spanish-blooded overlords, their greatest foe has become the United States. American businesses, banks and investors want to preserve their spheres of influence. In addition, the super-rich families which lost their lands in Cuba, or who struggle to retain their power in Venezuela, have taken refuge in the U.S. and have engaged our government to help them regain their fiefdoms.

While Cuba never posed so much of a threat on its own, Venezuela’s oil power threatens to unite the rest of the Americas. Castro has even been emboldened to ask Britain to return the Falkland Islands to Argentina, their rightful owners.

Fidel Castro’s recent overtures to Iran’s outspoken president have alarmed many and ignited renewed talk of the “Axis of Evil.” But the secular socialist state of Cuba has little in common with the theistic nation of Iran. Their governments are diametrically opposed in this regard. However they have a common enemy. Us.

With this possible alliance, it should become clear who is the axis around which these contrarian states are attempting to unite. It is us.

Can we be the axis of evil? The notion that America’s enemies were “evildoers” was pure silliness from the lips of our president. But evil may indeed be an apt description for the axis we provide. I leave you with the American Heritage definition of evil:

evil: n.
1. The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.
2. That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction.
3. An evil force, power, or personification.
4. Something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction.