Something familiar about this image, oddly singular, behind the massive column of smoke a vanished structure, eleven oil rig workers missing, an unfathomable denouement and cover-up, this found tweet was inevitable. Not a Katrina raging against us, but a terrorist attack on man and nature coordinated by corporate indifference.
Yeah, I’m thinking that Beck would pull something out of it to the effect that Liberals, in order to stop offshore drilling, infiltrated the crew and sabotaged the rig.
One of my wannabee poet friends in junior high wrote “ten freaky hippies” and the only thing I remember from it is “8 freaky hippies, thought they were in heaven, one took a little more and then there were seven.”
Here’s where I get a little conflicted. I sometimes fantasize that Beck WILL “take a little more”.
Maybe I could tone that down a smidge, maybe he’ll get good and toasty fried in the ol’ brains, and wake up in bed nekkid with Rush Limbaugh, and un Paparazzo standing there wearing a camera and a huge forkin’ smile.
Taking the 9/11 trip a little further, it comes out to something more believable to think that BP would actually snuff some of their Replaceable Workforce Units and a rig, blame it on the Left, in order to try to silence those of us who offer better solutions than a continuous Rape of Momma Planet.
The part that would be absurd would be Leftie Loons infiltrating an oil-rig. The part that would be believable would be BP scuttling it in as spectacular a manner as possible.
To heck with Glenn Beck, Brother Jonah! I’m worried about BP, Ken Salazar, and Obomber, not Sarah Palin, Rush, and/or Pat Robertson. You have gotten to be one of Obomber’s drones with this stuff…. but I’m worried about Hillary and Biden and the other donkeys you seem totally enamored with now, starting an attack on Iran and Syria, in Africa or on North Korea? I’m worried about their state terrorism, and not just the late Republican Administration’s previous works in the same line?
You shouldn’t be ‘defending us’ all the time from Beck’s verbal drivel, but from Obomber and crew’s ACTIONS!
So Obama bombed the oil rig? To what, kill any hope of his ever being a political force?
I’d say BP would be the major suspect if it WAS deliberate sabotage. The one thing missing from that equation is BP screaming terror attacks, and, of course, our wonderful Friends at Fox. Including Sarah Failin’. It’s not like they’re overly concerned with environmental damage or dead Americans, any more than they are with Dead Anybody.
That would go for BP, the entire Oil Industry and their mouthpieces at Fox and the TeaBags. Who are eagerly trying to lay the blame for it all at the feet of Obama.
My further thought on it is that it was mostly Yet Another Case of Tidewater (the contractors who have their nasty hands on EVERY aspect of the oil industry anywhere near Louisiana) cutting corners. As to “Would that make BP a victim of Halliburton” no… Because BP knows damned well what sort of vipers they hang around with.
Is the placing of blame on “eco-terrorists” the next logical step in their desperate attempts to get out of responsibility for their own stupidity? Maybe not, but they do have some red-hot red-herring manufacturers who probably do have it already thought out.
Including but not limited to Professional Liars like the scriptwriters at Fox and their Meatpuppets like Beck and O’Reilly and Palin.
Their Lies ARE very efficiently planted and very damaging, witness the TeaBag stalling Health Care and gutting the final bill. Last year at this time the Fox talking heads were screaming that they would organize just such actions and why? Because President Obama and the Democratic Senators had put through an Energy Bill that would eat into Oil Company profits.
The very first “Tyranny!” Whines coming from TeaBag lips were about Oil Corporations being dealt a slap on the wrist.
Did I say that Obama had bombed any oil rig, Jonah? Is that what you heard me saying? Honest to God, you Democratic Party voters are an obtuse lot! It’s like you hear voices in your head, or something?
Obama didn’t have to bomb anything…. George W. Bush didn’t have to personally blow Katrina onshore either. Neither did Dick Cheney have to personally waterboard anybody. Stop playing the dummy here, Jonah. You know full well just how responsible and complicit Obama and the Democrats are with these industrial accidents, war making incidents, torture routines, and health care foul ups! You’re just not that ignorant.
Is it that you just like playing really stupid all the time? That seems to me to be the full time past time of so many ‘progessively’ DP regressives. Is that it? See no evil, hear no evil, voice no smarts? Vote Democratic Party once again?
And speaking of lunatic conspiracy types, Rush has nothing on you, Jonah…. Oh Brother what an idiotic accusation you hereby make!
Your conspiracy plot versus Rush’s? Personally I think you both need some Medical Marijuana in addition to any Oxycontin you might already be taking. Medical Marijuana can be used for Paranoid Schizophrenia, can’t it perhaps be? I’ll have to check with Dr. John Weiss on that first? Or look in The Indy for the info…
Oh WOW! It’s the dueling paranoid schizos here! Rush versus Jonah! Who will win the battle of the Loons? DP Loon versus Republican Loon? Stay tuned for more moronic wrestling news ahead! Meanwhile Obomber walks free to drone us to death with his talks about CHANGE.