First Black President routs U.S. Antiwar Movement donkeys

donkey democratWhere is the US Antiwar Movement? What Antiwar Movement? Do you see an Antiwar Movement? Hell No (I won’t go into the Streets)! No! I don’t see any Antiwar Movement. See First Black President Defeats U.S. Antiwar Movement– A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford. He did what Colin Powell and Condi Rice couldn’t do alone. Oh wait! Colin endorsed Barack, didn’t he?

Or more like it, the Democratic Party liberal voters just defeated themselves. They were simply looking for a way out that wasn’t out. They didn’t want to oppose majority sentiment too hard and… Ouch! Some folk might have called them unpatriotic if they had? It was much easier to just limit themselves too voting DP and calling Republicans ‘chickenhawks’ and ‘fascists’ on the internet instead.

Way too much trouble to actually go to any demonstrations! Why here in Colorado Springs the leaders of the local peace group on paid staff didn’t even show up to the majority of their own public activities! They might have been seen and gotten an impolite finger or two thrown their way! … lol… Safer to stay indoors and talk to Pentagon reps about ‘greening’ Fort Carson like they did. And they prayed some, too.

Think I’m being harsh? Then check out the US military planes over at the El Paso County Democrats’ site. I guess that they’re Air Force fans? Any truth to the rumor that the Falcons are changing their name to the Drones? It would be more appropriate if they did.

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