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Editorial and diversity policies

Editorial policy

Notes from Poland aims to offer accurate, comprehensive and balanced coverage of events, which we believe can only be fully and fairly understood through a wide and diverse range of perspectives.

This informs both our news coverage – which presents voices from multiple sides of an issue – and our in-depth “insight” articles, which we commission from guest authors representing a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, experiences and identities.

The core tenets of our editorial policy are:

  • Accuracy and thoroughness: providing news content and analysis that is factual, thoroughly researched, and verified through multiple sources.
  • Balance and diversity: offering multiple perspectives to provide a fuller and better understanding of events, including by representing voices that are often little heard.
  • Independence and impartiality: we are free from external influences – political, financial or any other – allowing us to provide reporting whose aim is to fairly and accurately inform and not to promote any agenda or pursue vested interests.
  • Listening and improving: we constantly strive to improve based on our own internal assessments but also through listening to our audiences – through social media comments, regular surveys and other avenues of communication – in order to better understand and serve them.

Diversity policy

We value the differences among our team members and audiences and aspire to create a working environment and community that is open, inclusive and respectful. Above all, we believe that such values are important in themselves, but we also believe they produce better reporting, better understanding and better dialogue, which are vital to our work.

To put such ideas into practice, we aim to create and maintain an editorial team that reflects a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, to ensure an inclusive team environment, and to use our platform to give voice to a wide range of people and communities, including those who are often little heard.

We also accept that our pursuit of such goals is an ongoing process, and we constantly strive to improve – in particular, by listening to our team members and our audiences

Notes from Poland is run by a small editorial team and published by an independent, non-profit foundation that is funded through donations from our readers. We cannot do what we do without your support.

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