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graphdb: All content tagged as graphdb in NoSQL databases and polyglot persistence

Medium uses Neo4j and Go for GoSocial service

Medium’s social graph stored in Neo4j and exposed through a Go service:

It makes a lot of sense to store social data in a graph database. Medium users, posts and collections are represented by graph nodes, and the edges between them describe relationships — users following users, users recommending posts, or users editing collections, to name a few common examples. Using a graph database also makes our queries simpler: we don’t have to do any complicated joins or other query wizardry.

It’s hard to deny that when looking at highly connected data the first answer is almost always a graph database. Once the amount of data stored grows, you start thinking how you access that data. In many cases, the predominant answer is not traversals.

Original title and link: Medium uses Neo4j and Go for GoSocial service (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)
