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AWS: All content tagged as AWS in NoSQL databases and polyglot persistence

Using Elastic MapReduce as a generic Hadoop cluster manager

Steve McPherson for the AWS Blog:

Despite the name Elastic MapReduce, the service goes far beyond batch- oriented processing. Clusters in EMR have a flexible and rich cluster- management framework that users can customize to run any Hadoop ecosystem application such as low-latency query engines like Hbase (with Phoenix), Impala, Spark/Shark and machine learning frameworks like Mahout. These additional components can be installed using Bootstrap Actions or Steps.

Operational simplicity is a critical aspect for the early days of many companies when large hardware investments and time are so important. Amazon is building a huge data ecosystem to convince its users to stay even afterwards (the more data you put in, the more difficult it’s to move it out later).

Original title and link: Using Elastic MapReduce as a generic Hadoop cluster manager (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)
