Tag: diy robotics

3 Super Simple Robots for Weekend Projects

3 Super Simple Robots for Weekend Projects 3 simple yet coool robotic week-end project

Robotics is of great fun. But, making robots can take very long time… Or maybe not. Checkout the selection of videos below we have gathered for you. Those DIY robots belong to the so called BEAM Robotics. Robots made along this philosophy are based on simple analog circuits with inexpensive and more often scavenged parts. […]

How to Customize Your Turtlebot

How to Customize Your Turtlebot

This is a continuation of our series on interesting stuff we saw at innorobo 2014. This time, the focus is on the turtlebot, the robotic friend of so many ROS fans. At innorobo there were some cool demos featuring hacked versions of the turtle. Some students stacked the structure of many turtlebots on a single […]