Porch Time | One Minute with Marlin Guest Post, September 25, 2023October 23, 2023 Share this: By Marlin Miller, Publisher of Plain Values On a recent trip, we spent a few evenings with a wonderful family who lost a young child only a few years ago. We quickly became fast friends as we connected on a deep level, sharing the good and the hard as our kids ran and played. As we traveled home, I told Lisa there is a part of me wanting to skip all pleasantries in conversation from now on. She gently reminded me that not all folks are comfortable with jumping right into sharing deep, authentic thoughts, emotions, or parts of their lives. But this is what I long for- the kind of friendship built on solid foundations of hope only found in Jesus. My point is this… this life is so short, why do I want to spend time talking about weather that will change in ten minutes! A friend recently told me when he meets new folks and the conversation turns to work and occupation, he follows it up with this line… “Ok, you’re an engineer, but what do you really do?” I love that because it digs underneath the surface and asks a deeper question to which most folks give a very different answer. I am tweaking his question a little in certain circumstances… “Ok, but how are you really doing?” Everything we do here at Plain Values is centered around building and living in community. On that note, I feel I owe you an apology, for the last ten years, I have talked about living in community and loving our neighbors. But I haven’t lived it out to its full capacity. So, beginning in June of this year, we are opening our office every third Friday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. I do not want to simply talk about living in community, I want to do it. I am sorry for the many conversations I should have shared with people I didn’t make time for or did not catch the pause or pain in a short answer. The same friend who buried his daughter a few years ago intentionally lives out his days at a slower pace, he makes time for his friends. I want to live in that pace as often as I can. A wise man told me regarding changes in life, often small is big. A small change lived out is bigger than a huge change that lasts for a week and is forgotten. Every third Friday afternoon of each month, from 1:00—4:00pm EST, we’re hosting Porch Time at Plain Values. During this time window, you’re invited to stop by, have a cup of coffee or tea, sit on the porch, and visit for a while. You might meet a few of our team and might even discover their role in building Plain Values each month. As always, may you find joy in the simple things. This article was published in the June 2022 issue of Plain Values Magazine. If you want the latest stories every month, subscribe to the magazine HERE. As a special thanks, get 10% off your subscription with the code “GAB23”! Marlin Miller, publisher of Plain Values Magazine. Always looking for more friends. Christian Living Marlin MillerPlain Values
Christian Living The Healing Land — God’s Will August 28, 2023October 23, 2023 Share this:By Shawn & Beth Dougherty, Plain Values Sometimes keeping milk cows isn’t about the cows; sometimes, it’s about weddings, cancer, and love. For example: One morning almost exactly four years ago, a girl arrived on our farm. She came with her brother, who wanted some farming experience and had been… Read More
Christian Living The War Against Chaos January 13, 2023January 23, 2023 Share this:by J.Pilgrim I’m typing this out while I’m racked out in the back of my SUV in a Walmart parking lot in a college town, sipping a beer. I was attempting to spend New Year’s Day camping at the homestead, but my fan belt frayed out on the drive and… Read More
Christian Living Biblically Based Fatherhood October 19, 2023 Share this:by Jacob Brown Why does our Lord tell us to pray to God as Father? When asked by his disciples to teach them to pray, the Lord Jesus Christ taught them to pray by addressing the Almighty God of all creation as Father. He just as easily could have taught… Read More