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Why partner with Netlify?

Integrate with Netlify

Give your customers added confidence in the compatibility of your solution. Our Tech Partner Program includes an endorsement of your integration, certifying it meets the criteria set by Netlify.

Gain access

Capture new customers and web development market share. Our partner program offers you an opportunity to showcase your offerings to 3M+ developers and decision makers.

Accelerate adoption

Grow your business with co-branded material and deal support. Netlify also offers collaborative go to market strategy planning and targeted campaign support.

Tech Partner Program Tiers & Benefits

Tech Partner Program Benefits
Registered Platform Strategic
Program Resources
Partner badge
Program newsletter
Marketing toolkits
Sales toolkits
Dedicated Slack channelInvitation only
Achievement level announcement
Integration development support
OEM / integrated solutionEligible
GTM & Demand
Integrations Hub listing
Social for integration launch
Co-selling for enterprise
Co-branded marketing assets
Pre-sales demo environmentTemplate providedTemplate providedEligible for custom
Referrals from Netlify sales teamEligible
Joint account mappingInvitation only
Inclusion of partner’s reference architectureInvitation only
Collaborative GTM planningInvitation only
Business Enablement
Netlify partner managerProgram email
Business reviewsQuarterlyMonthly
Netlify sales enablementEligible Prioritized
Netlify partner marketing
Netlify executive sponsor
Referral / revenue shareEligible
Piyush Patel

Over the past few years, Algolia worked with Netlify to deliver the most powerful and easy-to-deploy capabilities for Search and Discovery. With more than 300 joint customers and almost 10,000 prospects lining up to use Algolia and Netlify together, we are delighted with this partnership and will continue to invest in its future.

Piyush Patel, SVP Business Development, Algolia

Contact our Partner Team to learn more

Learn more about our Technology Partner Program, and how together we can:

  • Integrate with Netlify
  • Gain access to 3M+ developers
  • Accelerate adoption