
National Association of Japanese Canadians

180 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 2J9

Phone: 204.943.2910
Email: [email protected]

To make a donation to the NAJC Sustaining Fund, please contact the National Office. Due to the nature of our activities we are not a charitable organization and are unable to issue a tax receipt. Donor names will be acknowledged. Thank you for your support!

To learn more about our member organizations click here.

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National Executive Board 2020-2022

The National Executive Board is elected by the NAJC membership at the annual general meeting for a two-year term. The current officers were confirmed via election or acclamation at the Annual General Meeting via Zoom on October 2020. The next election will be held at the 2022 AGM. If you are interested in running or nominating a candidate, please contact the National Office at [email protected].

President Lorene Oikawa
Vice President Lynn Deutscher Kobayashi
Treasurer  Les Kojima
Secretary  Naomi Katsumi
Director, Arts, Culture and Education Committee Chair  Susanne Tabata
Director, Constitution and Resolutions Committee Chair Maryka Omatsu
Director, Membership Committee Chair Naomi Katsumi
Director, Young Leaders Committee Chair Stéphane Hamade


Executive Director Kevin Okabe
National Administrator Karina Uehara

We welcome submissions to the NAJC website, including photos, articles, reports and other interesting stories from NAJC members in both English and Japanese. In order to keep our website up-to-date and lively, we need input from member organizations and individuals.  PLEASE SEND US YOUR STORIES!

SUBMITTING WEBSITE ITEMS [ps2id_wrap id='section-1']

Website submissions are due by the third Friday of the month.  All articles should be sent to the attention of the English website editor c/o NAJC at [email protected].

The NAJC administrator will send submissions as soon as possible to the English website editor and the NAJC president for review. Articles will be reviewed by the President and English website editor, in consultation with the NAJC Administrator and when necessary the Japanese website editor. The English editor may consult with the NEB members if questions arise. The English editor will send materials to the web master for posting to the site.

The web master has agreed that the posting of materials will be during the first two weeks of the month.

1. Any report by the NAJC, NEB, NAJC committees, and NAJC member organizations must be submitted to the editor by their chair persons.

2. Only members of the NAJC member organizations can submit personal reports to the website. Such personal reports will be placed on NAJC Website at the discretion of the editor (and where pertinent, NEB.)

3. Any decision on request for a web link must be approved by the NEB, with researched recommendation from the editor.


All articles should be sent in a format that can be quickly and easily converted to a web post – text in a Word document that can be pasted directly into a post. If possible, please do not send articles in PDF format. Visit the NAJC website at to see how articles are presented.

Photos submitted should have permission to use the photo from the photographer or source of the photo (such as Archives or newspaper).

Identify the source of the photo, video clip, document or article and ensure you have permission to post it to our website.

Photos of participants, should have permission from the participants to use the photo, video clip or other image.

Photos submitted should be sent as separate attachments and not embedded in Word documents.

Each story should be sent separately in its own email along with a photo as a separate attachment.

President’s and committee reports and other materials relevant to member activities will be posted on the website and will be only accessible to members via a password.  AGM minutes will be open to the public.