Faculty and staff play an integral part of the career development process. CPD strives to create innovative and collaborate programming to enhance the development of the students, alumni, and the CGU community. Collaboration is key to developing an inclusive and creative environment. Let’s connect and collaborate!
Career Development Services
The Career and Professional Development office is a full-service comprehensive career center focused on the individual student and alumni. Our goal is to prepare and help individuals navigate their career journey. This presentation will focus on the services available while engaging and empowering individuals to pursue an authentic career.
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is essential to oneâs academic and career journey. It opens the door for real time applied learning in real time. This presentation will focus on the importance of internships, research, and experiential learning opportunities.
Interview Strategies and Techniques
Learn about the different types of interviews and strategies to navigate interview questions. This presentation will review straight-forward, open-ended, behavioral, and situational interview questions as well as strategies to respond to any question.
Career | Job Search
Begin your career search with an innovative and seamless process of defining your values, industry research, networking, and generating interviews. This presentation will focus on easy-to-use tools and methods to navigate your search.
Networking | Branding | LinkedIn
Uncertain about how to use LinkedIn for research and expanding your network? Discover how to get the most out of your networking and LinkedIn. This presentation will focus on the purpose of networking, building your brand and connecting with professionals.
30-Second Pitch | Elevator Pitch
Demystify the networking process by understanding the science of creating contacts and how to make them count. This hands-on workshop will focus on the development of oneâs 30-Second Pitch or Elevator Pitch.
Developing a Resume, CV, and Cover Letter
Employers spend approximately 6 to 10 seconds viewing a resume or CV. Learn how to design your documents to stand out and gain attention by writing an accomplished based resume, CV, and cover letter.
Collaboration is key! Please contact the Career and Professional Development office at [email protected] for a customized presentation! We are open to innovative programming!!!
Faculty and Staff Who Have Handshake (PDF)
Faculty and Staff Who Are New to Handshake (PDF)