A Lovesong (for Cubs)+, Part 2

~ Recording by Stars of the Lid

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.9A Lovesong (for Cubs)+, Part 28:05Stars of the LidThe Tired Sounds of Stars of the LidStars of the LidAlbum
  • US2001-10-29
krankyKRANK 050
3.6A Lovesong (For Cubs)+, Part 28:05Stars of the LidThe Tired Sounds of Stars of the LidStars of the LidAlbum
  • US2001-10-29
3.6A Lovesong (for Cubs)+, Part 28:05Stars of the LidThe Tired Sounds of Stars of the LidStars of the LidAlbum
  • US2015-08-14
1.18A Lovesong (For Cubs)+, Part 28:05Stars of the LidThe Tired Sounds of Stars of the LidStars of the LidAlbum
  • XW2016-09-28


stream for free:https://open.spotify.com/track/6OdzErt4pl8CWZOVcpDtj7 [info]