It was rumored that Franz and Helmut Vonlichten were really pseudonyms for Ron and Jeff Pfeifer, but this was denied by the manager for E.S. Posthumus, and has since proven untrue.<\/p>\n
On July 22, 2010, Helmut Vonlichten announced that that his brother Franz had died about two months before, in May of 2010. He stated that there were still one or two unreleased songs, but that the group was ceasing to be active. One of those unreleased songs (\"Christmas Eve\") was later released in November of 2010.<\/p>\n","changelog":null,"id":506695,"editor":{"avatar":"","deleted":true,"entityType":"editor","id":95678,"name":"Deleted Editor #95678","privileges":0},"creation_date":"2012-08-03T01:54:52Z","text":"It was rumored that Franz and Helmut Vonlichten were really pseudonyms for Ron and Jeff Pfeifer, but this was denied by the manager for E.S. Posthumus, and has since proven untrue.\r\n\r\nOn July 22, 2010, Helmut Vonlichten announced that that his brother Franz had died about two months before, in May of 2010. He stated that there were still one or two unreleased songs, but that the group was ceasing to be active. One of those unreleased songs (\"Christmas Eve\") was later released in November of 2010.","parent":null,"editsPending":false},"collapse":true,"entity":{"entityType":"artist","gid":"391c9402-6688-4c3d-8f3d-d320d31b4de9","latest_annotation":{"html":"
It was rumored that Franz and Helmut Vonlichten were really pseudonyms for Ron and Jeff Pfeifer, but this was denied by the manager for E.S. Posthumus, and has since proven untrue.<\/p>\n
On July 22, 2010, Helmut Vonlichten announced that that his brother Franz had died about two months before, in May of 2010. He stated that there were still one or two unreleased songs, but that the group was ceasing to be active. One of those unreleased songs (\"Christmas Eve\") was later released in November of 2010.<\/p>\n","changelog":null,"id":506695,"editor":{"avatar":"","deleted":true,"entityType":"editor","id":95678,"name":"Deleted Editor #95678","privileges":0},"creation_date":"2012-08-03T01:54:52Z","text":"It was rumored that Franz and Helmut Vonlichten were really pseudonyms for Ron and Jeff Pfeifer, but this was denied by the manager for E.S. Posthumus, and has since proven untrue.\r\n\r\nOn July 22, 2010, Helmut Vonlichten announced that that his brother Franz had died about two months before, in May of 2010. He stated that there were still one or two unreleased songs, but that the group was ceasing to be active. One of those unreleased songs (\"Christmas Eve\") was later released in November of 2010.","parent":null,"editsPending":false}},"numberOfRevisions":6}
It was rumored that Franz and Helmut Vonlichten were really pseudonyms for Ron and Jeff Pfeifer, but this was denied by the manager for E.S. Posthumus, and has since proven untrue.
On July 22, 2010, Helmut Vonlichten announced that that his brother Franz had died about two months before, in May of 2010. He stated that there were still one or two unreleased songs, but that the group was ceasing to be active. One of those unreleased songs ("Christmas Eve") was later released in November of 2010.
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