A very common reason is a wrong site baseUrl configuration.\n

Current configured baseUrl = /nitro/ \n

We suggest trying baseUrl = \n\n',document.body.prepend(n);var e=document.getElementById("__docusaurus-base-url-issue-banner-suggestion-container"),s=window.location.pathname,o="/"===s.substr(-1)?s:s+"/";e.innerHTML=o}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){void 0===window.docusaurus&&insertBanner()}))

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Nitro Modules

A framework to build mindblowingly fast native modules with type-safe statically compiled JS bindings.

Mindblowingly Fast

Nitro Modules are built ontop of a highly optimized JSI foundation that handles caching and property lookup really well. Nitro's communication layer is incredibly efficient and lightweight in memory!

Statically Typed

Nitro's code-generator ("Nitrogen") statically generates type-safe C++/Swift/Kotlin types from your TypeScript interfaces. This way you'll never pass wrong types, nulls or undefined again!

Powerful and Flexible

Similar to pure JavaScript objects, a "HybridObject" in Nitro can work with almost all JavaScript types such as primitives, typed- or untyped- objects, arrays and even variants or other native objects.