For over one year, Germany has been actively participating in the killing and dehumanization of Palestinians by providing political, financial, military, and legal support to Israel. Germany’s complicity in Israel’s atrocities must stop.
The persecution of Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian and her research are deeply intertwined with the ongoing genocidal assault on Gaza and the attacks on Palestinian educational institutions, scholars, and students across Palestine.
It is unconscionable for Israel to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Israel should be suspended from international sports organizations and events until it ends its grave violations of international law.
Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is an insult to the Holocaust’s memory.
San Francisco State University cancelled Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi’s Palestine course. It is now available online as part of the Popular University for Gaza.
We strongly denounce Sciences Po’s ambiguous stance on the ongoing genocide in Gaza and condemn the university’s repression of students calling on the administration to take a principled stance against apartheid and genocide.
Palestinian journalists from Gaza are calling on fellow journalists to stand with their colleagues in Gaza and refuse to whitewash the Biden administration’s complicity in genocide by publicly boycotting the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
A broad coalition of Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and other organizations working for justice and equity call on the API Council to reject the Jewish Community Relations Council’s “Outstanding Community Partner Award.”
The UC Berkeley chapters of Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine, and Faculty and Staff for Justice In Palestine respond to the university’s condemnation of a protest of an event featuring Israeli genocide apologist Ran Bar-Yoshafat.