Last weekend the Washington Post published an article supporting boycott of Israel written by two scholars who identified themselves as lifelong Zionists, Steven Levitsky at Harvard and Glen Weyl formerly of the University of Chicago now at Microsoft. Omar Barghouti had this response to the article, which he allowed us to publish.
A remarkable and very courageous, I must admit, article that helps to shatter some of the important myths and misrepresentations propagated by “soft” Zionists in the US and elsewhere about boycotting Israel.
The authors are self-declared Zionists. Their view, therefore, suffers from the same two ills that afflict all Zionist arguments: selective amnesia and deep-seated, irredeemable racism.
This article below, like almost all Zionist writings, conveniently forgets the Nakba and the fact that the current Zionist state of Israel was criminally built on the ruins of Palestinian society and the ethnic cleansing of more than half of the indigenous Palestinian people.
It also adopts the view that Palestinians, from a typical racist and utilitarian Zionist perspective, do not per se deserve equal human rights to the rest of humans. They should be “given” some rights only when doing so is safely expected to improve Israel’s image and entrench its regime of oppression.
Yet, these two authors take the tough love, or pressure Israel to “save” it, argument to the next level. They make a strong case for a full boycott of Israel, demolishing the typical soft Zionist argument that only a boycott of “the occupation” is allowed and going beyond that takes one — intentionally or not — into “anti-Semitic” territory.
Like all committed — yet apparently confused or questioning — Zionists, the authors of this qualitatively new line of thinking still base their endorsement of an Israel boycott on the “saving Israel from itself” motive but with an interesting and far-reaching twist.
Rational Zionists have for years been advocating for an end to the Israeli occupation of most of the 1967 occupied Palestinian territory — usually skipping East Jerusalem and other integral parts of the OPT — to avoid the ethically “corrupting” effects of the occupation on the otherwise “ethical” Israel and its “soul.” It’s funny, in a painful way, when settler-colonialists speak of a noble soul that they strive to nourish and protect from corruption.
Ethnically cleansing about 800,000 Palestinians and destroying more than 530 of our villages, often deploying massacres and unspeakable horrors, are not considered a blemish on this soul. As the Israeli historian Benny Morris once said, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” While a truism, this argument, I believe, assumes that you are breaking your own eggs, not those you stole from someone else!
Corrupting the Zionist soul aside, the other, often unarticulated but omnipresent Zionist goal, is demographic — getting rid of more than 4 million indigenous Palestinians in order to entrench the Jewish colonial majority in the entire land of historic Palestine.
Here’s how PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, views this argument:
“After failing to slow the spread of BDS, motivated by genuine fear of the demise of Zionism, and with an explicit ‘save apartheid Israel’ agenda, some so-called left-leaning Zionists have recently tried to muddy the waters by suggesting a Zionist-friendly boycott to undermine the Palestinian-led BDS movement, which is attracting an increasing number of younger Jewish activists in the West, especially on college campuses. BDS is an ethically-consistent rights-based movement that is anchored in international law and universal human rights. As such, BDS rejects and cannot coexist with racism of any type, including Zionism. A ‘Zionist BDS’ is as logical as a ‘racist equality’!
“BDS is not about saving Israel as an apartheid state, giving up some occupied lands that are densely populated by Palestinians to make Israel a more pure apartheid, and to prolong the life of this apartheid for several more years. BDS is all about achieving Palestinian rights, paramount among which is the inalienable right to self determination, by ending Israel’s three-tiered system of colonial and racial oppression: colonialism, occupation and apartheid.”
The fresh and possibly unprecedented line of argumentation offered in this Washington Post article, however, goes as far as justifying hitherto taboo, “extreme” means to achieve the same Zionist end of maintaining a purer apartheid regime. Boycotting Israel as a whole, according to this new Zionist thinking, is the terribly bitter pill that one if obliged to take in order to truly “save” Israel.
A mere boycott of settlements, the argument implies, cannot suffice, as it is at best too weak to produce the desired level of pressure that can force Israel to end — most of — its 1967 occupation, get rid of millions of undesired “Arabs” who present a demographic threat, and consequently save its settler-colonial “soul.”
This new Zionist thinking clears the waters like never before. It is the goals of BDS, far more than its tactics and strategies, that must be fought by all means. Freedom, equality and justice, which would necessarily entail ending Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, are the ultimate “evil” that Zionists of all shades — and degree of softness — must fight by all means, they argue.
A few years after BDS was launched by the absolute majority of Palestinian parties, unions and networks in 2005, there were some patently arrogant, patronizing soft Zionist attempts, mostly Israeli and American, to present an alternative leadership for BDS to the Palestinian (BNC) leadership, the broadest coalition in Palestinian society. That alternative, more “kosher” leadership was to be more “rational” and “modern” and therefore more open to dropping the second and third demands of the BDS call to limit Palestinian rights to ending the 1967 occupation. That, they argued, was the most pragmatic — and therefore ethical! — course of action to advocate.
Needless to say, that attempt failed to impress anyone except those in the soon-to-become-extinct ranks of the Zionist “left.”
So a new, smarter, more nuanced Zionist attempt must be made that appropriates some of the ungodly tools of BDS, like boycotting Israel as a whole, to undermine its goals and save Israel from imminent collapse as a system.
The problem with this new attempt, although it is certainly more intelligent, is that it still ignores the huge elephant in the room. Ending the 1967 occupation, even if it included East Jerusalem, at best addresses most of the rights of only 38% of the Palestinian people — those living in the OPT. What of the UN-stipulated rights of the remaining 62% of the Palestinian people (12% are citizens of current Israel and 50% are in exile, who are entitled to their right of return)?
And what of the right of return of more than 40% of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza who were ethnically cleansed during the Nakba and denied their right to go home?
As I’ve argued before, soft Zionists have a compulsive addiction to advocating for a liberal racist society, to a squared circle, that is, and when they fail to do so, they try new ways rather than give up, thus losing many who see the light on the way. No wonder they are becoming extinct, and young Jewish support for BDS keeps rising.
Wonderful argument.
To all you’ve said I’d add that the Zionist-inspired “save Israel from itself emotional explanation for full-BDS” intended to save Israel as an apartheid colonial racist still-and-forever-ethnically-cleansed entity is not a necessity only for Liberal Zionists (too fuzzy to approve of the post-1967 occupation/settlement/land-grab but still so stern or confused as to approve of Israel as the fruit of 1947-49).
It is something more: it is also, importantly in the USA, a requirement (or so it seems to me) for publication of the lib-Zionist explanation in WaPo. It’s part of the program called: “only Zionist Jews are allowed to discuss Israel in the USA by American MSM”.
A tad better than nothing though to see a liberal Zionist call for full-BDS even if its motivation (and motivational explanation in WaPo) is racist colonialist etc. etc. etc. ad naus.
On the other hand, consider: if all the Liberal Zionists in the USA energetically supported full-BDS and many of them said so, in the Forward and NYT, etc., and if other Americans saw that “the Jews” or “all the Jews” (as they misguidedly supposed, for not all Zionists are Liberal Zs) now support full-BDS and if these other Americans did so as well, then what we’d have is — gasp! — full-BDS in America. Not half bad! So maybe the motivation doesn’t matter so much as the “act”.
Nevertheless, of course try to publish a Palestinian view of the importance of full BDS.
Less-hardy Zio-supremacists like jon s (and RW before him) despise and object to justice, accountability and equality. They prefer a “peace” that:
– allows Israel to remain a religion-supremacist “Jewish State” in as much as possible of Palestine; and
– absolves Israel of its obligations under international law and of its past and on-going (war) crimes.
But their proposed “peace” doesn’t guarantee that Zio-supremacists will never again commit acts of injustice and immorality against non-Jews in Israel. As “liberal Zionist” RW once pointed out quite eloquently:
I am not sure whether this argument applies to the Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation as well.
Electronic Intifada has a similarly forceful article:
On one hand, the US Campaign to End the Occupation does say that it supports the refugees’ rights to their land, and that it is against discrimination in Israeli society. Doesn’t a major part of the “liberal Zionist” movement accept these as well, proposing that the right of return, which they recognize, should be compensated financially? If these positions are the same, then does the US Campaign to End the Occupation contradict or fully accord with Solidarity and real equality (as opposed to “Separate but Equal”?
The main difference I see is that Liberal Zionism explicitly promotes the state’s system, while the US Campaign to End the Occupation does not take a position on Zionism. If the US Campaign to End the Occupation takes a clear position on it, then what is the Campaign’s stated position?
In other respects, by concentrating such a high portion of its energy on ending the occupation, rather than strongly addressing the events of 1948, the Israeli system, US lobbying, Palestinians’ right of return, the Israeli nationalist philosophy, and Israeli domestic discrimination, does it appear that the US Campaign is in accordance with the liberal proponents of the system that Omar Barghouti is discussing above?
this is probably a tad OT but one of the pacbi statements jumped out at me and reminded me of something:
i am just wondering how this squares with the recent passage of the ETO racism statement and the jvp rejection of all racism except they don’t think zionism is racism. or they make some exception for zionists, or something. i mean pacbi and the bnc has strong affiliation w/jvp (strong allies), which i am a member. but pacbi’s statement regarding coexistence wrt zionism here is different than jvp’s. so how does one fit that cornered peg into the round hole.
Just popped in and came across this article.
“The fresh and possibly unprecedented line of argumentation offered in this Washington Post article, however, goes as far as justifying hitherto taboo, ‘extreme’ means to achieve the same Zionist end of maintaining a purer apartheid regime.”
How can forcing Israel to end its occupation (the stated goal of the Washington Post article’s authors) help it achieve a “purer apartheid regime”? Apartheid is about separate and overarching legal systems (in other words, not simply personal status laws) for groups of people within a single political entity. But were Israel to withdraw from the Occupied Territories, and were these Territories to become the independent and sovereign State of Palestine (withdrawal itself is not enough, especially if Israel maintains a form of control, as it does with Gaza), there would no longer be two sets of laws in force — one for Israeli citizens, and another for stateless Palestinians — as is currently the case in the West Bank.
Does BDS seek to end the occupation or dismantle Israel? BDS has long maintained that it has no position on the one state/ two state debate. Barghouti’s latest article would seem to indicate otherwise.