- This is the website of the APLjk user group in Barcelona, Spain.
- The gatherings will be held online (YouTube) for the time being.
- Birthday:
- List of Meetings
- IRC:
in Libera.chat - YouTube channel
- Aplwiki lemma
- Email:
mlliarm AT yandex DOT com
- @[email protected]
1) Purpose: Make APL and the other array languages known.
2) Who should join: Anyone interested in the array programming languages (APL, J, K, …) and their applications.
3) Learn APL/J/K, read important papers from the great minds of the field, apply APL to modern problems (data science, databases, machine learning, analytics, general development, mathematics, teaching mathematics).
About the meetings
a) General
- They’ll take place once
every 2-3 months
b) Historical APL paper reading
- They’ll take place once
every 1-3 months
. - The purpose will be to pick one important paper from the minds of the APL world, study it individually and get together to discuss and try to understand the important ideas inside it.
More info
APL Wiki: https://apl.wiki
Community Book: Learning APL
Learning Resources: aplwiki: Learning Resources
Common APL expressions: https://aplcart.info/
APL Exercises, by Roger K.W. Hui: jsoftware.com: APL Exercises
Online APL REPL: https://tryapl.org
Podcast: https://www.arraycast.com/
APL Campfire: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/APL_Campfire
Chat (The APL Orchard): apl.chat
Discord (The APL Farm): https://discord.gg/VjdKedQd
Reddit: r/apljk
- Youtubers:
- APL: Code Report
- APL: RikedyP
- J: Bob Therriault
- J: Tangentstorm
- Array Languages:
- Dyalog APL: aplwiki: Dyalog APL
- J: aplwiki: J
- K: aplwiki: K
- KAP: aplwiki: KAP
- dzaima/APL: aplwiki: dzaima/APL
- NGN APL: aplwiki: NGN APL
- Nial: aplwiki: Nial
- GNU APL: aplwiki: GNU APL
- NARS2000: aplwiki: NARS2000
- BQN: aplwiki: BQN
- APL\iv: aplwiki: APL\iv
- APL2: aplwiki: APL2
- April: Github: April
- Pometo: Github: Pometo
- APL2000: https://apl2000.com/
- CoSy: https://cosy.com/CoSy/
- Honorary mention:
- kamilalisp: Github: kamilalisp
- A Programming Language (Iverson1962):
- Notation as a Tool of Thought (Iverson1979):
- APL since 1978 (Hui, Kromberg 2020):
- Paper: ACM: PDF
- Video: pldi21.org
A History of APL in 50 Functions, Roger K.W. Hui.
- Other readings: Creative Commons collection @ Jsoftware
- Other readings from Ken: More books from K. E. Iverson
- Other readings on APL: Various historical material on APL