[personal profile] mjg59
There's a bunch of ways you can store cryptographic keys. The most obvious is to just stick them on disk, but that has the downside that anyone with access to the system could just steal them and do whatever they wanted with them. At the far end of the scale you have Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), hardware devices that are specially designed to self destruct if you try to take them apart and extract the keys, and which will generate an audit trail of every key operation. In between you have things like smartcards, TPMs, Yubikeys, and other platform secure enclaves - devices that don't allow arbitrary access to keys, but which don't offer the same level of assurance as an actual HSM (and are, as a result, orders of magnitude cheaper).

The problem with all of these hardware approaches is that they have entirely different communication mechanisms. The industry realised this wasn't ideal, and in 1994 RSA released version 1 of the PKCS#11 specification. This defines a C interface with a single entry point - C_GetFunctionList. Applications call this and are given a structure containing function pointers, with each entry corresponding to a PKCS#11 function. The application can then simply call the appropriate function pointer to trigger the desired functionality, such as "Tell me how many keys you have" and "Sign this, please". This is both an example of C not just being a programming language and also of you having to shove a bunch of vendor-supplied code into your security critical tooling, but what could possibly go wrong.

(Linux distros work around this problem by using p11-kit, which is a daemon that speaks d-bus and loads PKCS#11 modules for you. You can either speak to it directly over d-bus, or for apps that only speak PKCS#11 you can load a module that just transports the PKCS#11 commands over d-bus. This moves the weird vendor C code out of process, and also means you can deal with these modules without having to speak the C ABI, so everyone wins)

One of my work tasks at the moment is helping secure SSH keys, ensuring that they're only issued to appropriate machines and can't be stolen afterwards. For Windows and Linux machines we can stick them in the TPM, but Macs don't have a TPM as such. Instead, there's the Secure Enclave - part of the T2 security chip on x86 Macs, and directly integrated into the M-series SoCs. It doesn't have anywhere near as many features as a TPM, let alone an HSM, but it can generate NIST curve elliptic curve keys and sign things with them and that's good enough. Things are made more complicated by Apple only allowing keys to be used by the app that generated them, so it's hard for applications to generate keys on behalf of each other. This can be mitigated by using CryptoTokenKit, an interface that allows apps to present tokens to the systemwide keychain. Although this is intended for allowing a generic interface for access to such tokens (kind of like PKCS#11), an app can generate its own keys in the Secure Enclave and then expose them to other apps via the keychain through CryptoTokenKit.

Of course, applications then need to know how to communicate with the keychain. Browsers mostly do so, and Apple's version of SSH can to an extent. Unfortunately, that extent is "Retrieve passwords to unlock on-disk keys", which doesn't help in our case. PKCS#11 comes to the rescue here! Apple ship a module called ssh-keychain.dylib, a PKCS#11 module that's intended to allow SSH to use keys that are present in the system keychain. Unfortunately it's not super well maintained - it got broken when Big Sur moved all the system libraries into a cache, but got fixed up a few releases later. Unfortunately every time I tested it with our CryptoTokenKit provider (and also when I retried with SecureEnclaveToken to make sure it wasn't just our code being broken), ssh would tell me "provider /usr/lib/ssh-keychain.dylib returned no slots" which is not especially helpful. Finally I realised that it was actually generating more debug output, but it was being sent to the system debug logs rather than the ssh debug output. Well, when I say "more debug output", I mean "Certificate []: algorithm is not supported, ignoring it", which still doesn't tell me all that much. So I stuck it in Ghidra and searched for that string, and the line above it was

iVar2 = __auth_stubs::_objc_msgSend(uVar7,"isEqual:",*(undefined8*)__got::_kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA);

with it immediately failing if the key isn't RSA. Which it isn't, since the Secure Enclave doesn't support RSA. Apple's PKCS#11 module appears incapable of making use of keys generated on Apple's hardware.

There's a couple of ways of dealing with this. The first, which is taken by projects like Secretive, is to implement the SSH agent protocol and have SSH delegate key management to that agent, which can then speak to the keychain. But if you want this to work in all cases you need to implement all the functionality in the existing ssh-agent, and that seems like a bunch of work. The second is to implement a PKCS#11 module, which sounds like less work but probably more mental anguish. I'll figure that out tomorrow.

Date: 2023-01-18 06:44 am (UTC)
crazyscot: Me reading (busy)
From: [personal profile] crazyscot
Mental anguish. Yeah. When I was working in the HSM space twenty years ago [0] I managed to avoid tangling with p11, but there was always a palpable sense of anguish from the team who were. I don't imagine it has materially changed for the better?

[0] (where's my virtual stick, what are these kids doing on my virtual lawn, etc.)


Date: 2023-01-18 02:24 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
As an example of the weirdness that you can achieve with PKCS#11, is P11-capi, which is a PKCS#11 interface to the Windows Crypto API. Allows PKCS#11-aware tools like Java to access any keys/etc that are available in CAPI, even unexportable ones, which is handy! I used it in WebScarab to allow a proxy to authenticate with a restricted key.

Date: 2023-01-18 05:30 pm (UTC)
ewx: (Default)
From: [personal profile] ewx
There's a limit to how much it can change for the better, compatibility concerns being as they are.


Matthew Garrett

About Matthew

Power management, mobile and firmware developer on Linux. Security developer at Aurora. Ex-biologist. [personal profile] mjg59 on Twitter. Content here should not be interpreted as the opinion of my employer. Also on Mastodon.

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