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misspamela's Journal
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Created on 2009-04-14 21:51:59 (#61388), last updated 2024-10-11 (20 weeks ago)
775 comments received, 601 comments posted
2,003 Journal Entries, 86 Tags, 0 Memories, 104 Icons Uploaded
Name: | misspamela |
Birthdate: | Jan 6 |
Location: | United States |
My tagged fic.
This journal contains ADULT material. If you are under 18, go away.
If you are over 18, welcome!
This is where I go on about my various obsessions. And when I say "various," I mean "too many to list." I'm not so much of a fannish butterfly as I am a fannish magpie, collecting all of the shiny things I find here and there. I'm easily sold and easygoing, so you'll find more squee than wank here and very little meta.
My friending policy varies day-to-day. I'm very complimented if you friend me, but please don't get offended if I don't friend you back -- I usually limit it to people I know IRL, have know for a long time online, or people with whom I have multiple fandoms in common. I get easily overwhelmed by my flist, so I adjust it all the time.

aceaceaceace, aerye, airin, apogee_syzygy, arduinna, aurora, averytree, basingstoke, bayleaf, beck_liz, beledibabe, bethac, bethbethbeth, bironic, bone, brevityofwiit, brooklinegirl, calathea, carleton97, celli, cereta, corbae, corilannam, croc_crocuta, denise, desfinado, dira, dogeared, doll_revolution, dorothy1901, drunktuesdays, ellievolia, elynross, etben, ex_brooklineg136, fadetomorrow, fairestcat, fingerguns, ghostrunner, giddygeek, greenet, harriet_vane, helleboredoll, hoxy, hwitaeks, inkjunket, intermezzo, j00j, jai, janet_carter, jilldwill, julad, justbreathe80, kageygirl, kalpurna, kass, koochieagenda, kristiinthedark, lamardeuse, leupagus, lightgetsin, linaerys, litalex, littlerhymes, lydiabell, manderkitty, marks, mchand, melina, melodiousb, merryish, middlemarcher, missi, missmollyetc, mmeg, mollyamory, montanaharper, movies_michelle, mrsronweasley, mtl, nafs, noonwitch, norah, o_contrary, octavia_b, panisdead, popliar, poppyseedheart, quizzical, recrudescence, reginagiraffe, resonant, rhythmsextion, robanybody, schmerica, serialkarma, sharpa, shayheyred, shihadchick, shoemaster, silveronthetree, sinden, skripka, sleepypapercrowns, slinkling, slodwick, sofiaviolet, somebodyowens, starfish, stasha2g, strangecobwebs, suaine, sylleptic, tao, terrio, the_shoshanna, thefourthvine, therienne, trobadora, tullycat, umbo, vickita, wildestranger
abbylee, abka, aceaceaceace, airin, akite, allheadybooks, alonewithsheep, amazonziti, anitac588, antumbra, apogee_syzygy, arallara, arduinna, askmehow, athenejen, aurora, averytree, bamboozled, basingstoke, bayleaf, beck_liz, beledibabe, bethac, bethbethbeth, bkdelong, bone, bonspiel, brevityofwiit, brooklinegirl, calathea, carleton97, cathexys, celli, cereta, chaiminda,, chloes_mom, copernica3, corbae, corilannam, croc_crocuta, daraq, daughtershade, digitalmeowmix, dira, dogeared,, doll_revolution, dorothy1901, drunktuesdays, dubhartach, duskpeterson, eleanor_lavish, ellievolia, elynross, etben, fadetomorrow, fairestcat, faith_girl222, fanofall, farwing, femmequixotic, fingerguns, fitofpique, ghostrunner, giddygeek, go_gentle, greenet, greyeyes, greywash, hafital, harriet_vane, helleboredoll, hildy, hoxy, hwitaeks, hypertwink, ignaz, indeliblesasha, inkjunket, intermezzo, jai, jain, janet_carter, jilldwill, jmtorres, julad, justbreathe80, kageygirl, kalpurna, kass,, koochieagenda, kristiinthedark, kudra,, ladysorka, lamardeuse, lately, lemongirl, leupagus, lightgetsin, linaerys, litalex, littlerhymes, llaras, lovelokest, lydiabell, lynnmonster, manderkitty, marcolette, margrave, marks, mazily, mchand, melina, melodiousb, mercurybard, mergatrude, merryish, middlemarcher, missi, missmollyetc, mistresscurvy, mmeg, mollyamory, montanaharper, mooshglomp, moriann, movies_michelle, mrsronweasley, mtl, nafs, ngaio, noeon, noonwitch, norah, o_contrary, octavia_b, par_avion, parkhyein, popliar, purelyironic, quizzical, recrudescence, reginagiraffe, remula, resonant, rhiannonhero, rhythmsextion, ringspells, riverlight, robanybody, schmerica, serialkarma, sffan, shaina, sharpa, shayheyred, sheafrotherdon, sheylindria, shihadchick, shoemaster, silveronthetree, sinden, skripka, sleepypapercrowns, slinkling, slodwick, sofiaviolet, somebodyowens, starfish, stasha2g, stellarluna, stlkrchck, strangecobwebs, suaine, sylleptic, tao, templemarker, terrio, the_shoshanna, thebunnyknows, thefourthvine, therienne, trcunning, treewishes, trille, trixie, trobadora, tullycat, umbo, very_improbable, vickita, violentviolethp, walkingshadow, wildestranger, wolfshark, wolkendunst, words_unravel, yoonootgi, zeegoeshere, zeplum
aceaceaceace, aerye, airin, apogee_syzygy, arallara, arduinna, aurora, averytree, basingstoke, bayleaf, beck_liz, beledibabe, bethac, bethbethbeth, bironic, bone, brooklinegirl, calathea, carleton97, cathexys, celli, cereta,, corbae, corilannam, croc_crocuta, cthonical, desfinado, dira, dogeared,, doll_revolution, dorothy1901, drunktuesdays, elynross, etben, ex_brooklineg136, fadetomorrow, fairestcat, femmequixotic, fingerguns, giddygeek, greenet, hafital, harriet_vane, helleboredoll, hoxy, hwitaeks, ignaz, inkjunket, intermezzo, j00j, jai, janet_carter, jilldwill, julad, justbreathe80, kageygirl, kalpurna, kass,, koochieagenda, kristiinthedark,, ladysorka, lamardeuse, lemongirl, leupagus, lightgetsin, linaerys, littlerhymes,, lydiabell, manderkitty, marks, mazily, mchand, melina, melodiousb, merryish, middlemarcher, missi, missmollyetc, misspamela, mmeg, mollyamory, montanaharper, movies_michelle, mrsronweasley, mtl, nafs, noonwitch, norah, o_contrary, octavia_b, panisdead, popliar, poppyseedheart, purelyironic, quizzical, recrudescence, reginagiraffe, resonant, rhythmsextion, robanybody, schmerica, serialkarma, sharpa, shayheyred, shihadchick, shoemaster, silveronthetree, sinden, skripka, sleepypapercrowns, slinkling, slodwick, sofiaviolet, somebodyowens, starfish, stasha2g, strangecobwebs, suaine, tao, terrio, the_shoshanna, thefourthvine, therienne, trobadora, tullycat, umbo, vickita, wildestranger
abbylee, abka, aceaceaceace, airin, akite, alamerysl, allburningup, allheadybooks, alonewithsheep, alwaysaddled, amazonziti, ammonite22, anitac588, antumbra, apogee_syzygy, arallara, arduinna, askmehow, athenejen, aurora, averytree, bamboozled, basingstoke, bayleaf, beck_liz, beledibabe, bethac, bethbethbeth, bironic, bone, bonspiel, brevityofwiit, brooklinegirl, busarewski, calathea, carleton97, cathexys, celli, cereta, chaiminda,, chloes_mom, colleenish, conser, copernica3, corbae, corilannam, croc_crocuta, daraq, daughtershade, dawnaday, digitalmeowmix, dira, diva0789, dogeared,, doll_revolution, dorothy1901, drabsalom,, drunktuesdays, dubhartach, duskpeterson, eleanor_lavish, ellievolia, elynross, etben, everbright, fadetomorrow, fairestcat, faith_girl222, fanofall, farwing, femmequixotic, fingerguns, fitofpique, foursweatervests, ghostrunner, giddygeek, go_gentle, greenet, greyeyes, greywash, hafital, harriet_vane, helleboredoll, hildy, hobiis, hoxy, hwitaeks, hypertwink, ignaz, imagina, indeliblesasha, inkjunket, intermezzo, invaderjim, j00j, jai, jain, janet_carter, jilldwill, jmtorres, julad, justbreathe80, kageygirl, kalpurna, kass, katkun,, koochieagenda, kristiinthedark, kudra,, ladysorka, lamardeuse, lately, latespring, lemongirl, leupagus, lightgetsin, linaerys, litalex, littlerhymes, liztaya, llaras, lovelokest,, lydiabell, lynnmonster, majphule, manderkitty, marcolette, margrave, marks, mazily, mchand, melina, melodiousb, mercurybard, mergatrude, merryish, middlemarcher, missi, missmollyetc, misspamela, mistresscurvy, mmeg, mollyamory, montanaharper, mooshglomp, moriann, movies_michelle, mrsronweasley, mtl, nafs, neverhaveaclue, ngaio, nicolasechs, noeon, noonwitch, norah, northern, o_contrary, octavia_b, opusculasedfera, orithyian,, par_avion, parkhyein, popliar, princessofgeeks, purelyironic, quizzical, readwritegirl, recrudescence, regicidaldwarf, reginagiraffe, remula, resonant, rhiannonhero, rhythmsextion, ringspells, riverlight, robanybody, samskeyti, schmerica, serialkarma, sffan, shaina, sharpa, shayheyred, sheafrotherdon, shihadchick, shoemaster, silentfire, silveronthetree, sinden, sinensis, skripka, sleepypapercrowns, slinkling, slodwick, sofiaviolet, somebodyowens, starfish, stasha2g, stellarluna, stepps, stlkrchck, strangecobwebs, suaine, suffire,, sylleptic, tao, templemarker, terrio, the_shoshanna, thebunnyknows, thefourthvine, theotherwillow, therienne, trcunning, treewishes, trille, trixie, trobadora, tullycat, umbo, vampirefan, very_improbable, vickita, violentviolethp, walkingshadow, wildestranger, wolfshark, wolkendunst, words_unravel, xenakis, xtradry, yoonootgi, zeegoeshere, zeplum

batchlunch, dw_maintenance, dw_news, ff_mm_bookrecs, kpop_fic, paradisediner, sherlock_flashfic, yuletide_admin

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