Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)

 The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region’s media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic and Farsi media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.
According to statistics from Denmark, 54% of the births in Denmark are illegitimate. In this case, the term "illegitimate" does not mean a girl getting pregnant by her boyfriend. It refers to a woman, who gives birth in a hospital, and when the doctor asks her under whose name to register the baby – who’s the father – she says: "I don’t know. It might be the doorman… No, no, it might be the company director… It might be the clerk, or the taxi driver… I don’t know." They end up registering the child in her own name. That’s an "illegitimate" birth. But when she says that the child is from her boyfriend, that’s fine…
The Muslim, Iranian, fighting people now possess nuclear capabilities. My brother, the Iranian representative sitting here, let me tell you that we, the Palestinian people, are in favor of Iran having a nuclear bomb, not just energy for peaceful purposes.
These are not suicide operations. This is a despicable term used by the Israelis in order to say that these are suicide operations, knowing that suicide is forbidden in Islam. This is just for the sake of clarification. These are martyrdom-seeking operations, approved by all the authorities of the Islamic nation, who consider them to be the highest level of martyrdom. It is a form of resistance, and resistance against the occupation is legitimate.

mikerosstky について

日本生まれ、日本育ちの元アメリカ人 完ぺきではない日本語を使って、保守思想をベースにブログを。
カテゴリー: ニュースと政治 パーマリンク
